Obey Your Captain

Chapter 25

The babe let out a little wail, a survivalist cry of a human child as if on instinct.

Baron watched as Kaliyah crumbled. He’d half expected it if he were being honest. She was strong, she was capable. She was powerful. Everyone had a breaking point, however. Her knees buckled and he was quick to grasp her hips, keeping her standing. If he were on the boat, he would sweep her into his arms, alas, appearances were key. “I have you,” he murmured, looking around for the best place to go within the mansion. As soon as she took her own weight fully again, he escorted her to the west wing, entering a library adorned with dark oak shelving. He knew from being a boy, there was a hidden alcove within the shelves which was exactly where he took her.

“You’re safe, you can let go,” he murmured, sliding to sit on the plush rug with her settling on his lap. “You can let go now.” He knew she was merely holding it together for appearances, the trembles wracking through her body, her unfocused eyes told him all he needed to know.

He ran his hand over her thigh, her back. It was in fascination he watched the pigment in her hair fade, her body shrank against him while her limbs elongated. “You’re safe, my darling, gorgeous Pouco. I won’t let anything happen to you.” His cheek rested against her head as a quiet sob emanated from her.

Wrapping his arms tighter around her, he hoped he was doing the right thing for her, but at least in this moment he could be her rock. Her island while surrounding them was the roughest seas.

He’d shield her from any tsunami.

Gradually, she stilled against him, her ragged breathing slowing to a steady, natural rhythm. He had no idea if she were sleeping or just spent. He held her all the same, uncaring which it was. “The mage can’t read my memories,” she whispered.

“What scares you?”

“He’ll find out… this.” She gestured to herself.

“Have you thought his reaction may be of a similar one to myself?”

She shook her head against him, “He can’t know… it… they’ll kill me.”

“There is distrust of changelings. The fear they could be anyone, but the High Mage has known you since you were a girl. He is fae, a race also not trusted by many. I understand your fear but feel it is not warranted with the High Mage.”

“I can’t risk it.”

“I understand, Pouco, I do. If you don’t feel that you can do it, we’ll find another way. I’m not giving up on finding the truth.”

“Thank you. We could just leave though. I don’t know where I’ll take my family, but I can build them a house, send them my wage… I-I can give them a life.”

“I’m glad you are thinking of ways to fix this, but you are not alone. If that is the route you want to take, I’ll help you. However, I still think we should try to get to the bottom of what has happened. A death should not mean a family loses all its wealth.”

“It was only because of the debt. I couldn’t afford it all so more tax was-”

“I still disagree with it. The debt was not your debt, it was your father’s.”

“It falls on the family, just like wealth. I didn’t realise my father had got into so much trouble with gold.” A small shiver rocked through her body so he tightened his hold over her again.

“I don’t want you to worry over this. You’ve had a great deal on your shoulders. There is nothing we can do about it until Jeremiah has made his enquiries and investigated. We have made a complaint, I trust Jeremiah.”

“He’s let many unjust and unfair things happen in his city,” Kaliyah mumbled.

“There is always unfairness. You cannot please everyone when you rule.”

“You are a fair Captain,” she argued.

“I believe captaining a boat of 25 crew is much different to lording over hundreds of cityfolk.”

“Similar concept,” she grumbled petulantly, rubbing her cheek against his shirt in comfort.

“Thank you for thinking I am a fair captain.”

“You are. It’s something I always admired of you.”

He palmed her cheek, gently raising her black gaze to his, “Thank you, that means a lot to me.” Laying a kiss to her pale forehead, he wiped the dry tears from her cheeks. “Shall we find the room we’ll be staying in? Jeremiah will then know where to come to update us.”

She nodded, looking away for what he suspected was a look of concentration on her rather featureless face.

Her skin deepened, turning from translucent, almost blue hue to pinken. Her face became fuller, her nose popped out into the cute button nose he knew. Her body shifted against him and he had to release her a little, allowing for her bones to expand but shorten. He couldn’t help his fascination, he’d never seen the process before.

Few had had the experience to meet a changeling knowing who they are, let alone watching the change happen.

It was slower than he expected, purely because when she lost control it was an instant change. He supposed going to her natural form was easier than adapting to the form she had chosen.

She blinked her dark purple eyes up to him, “I’m ready, thank you.”

“Does it take energy? To keep your form?” he asked in intrigue.

“I think it takes some energy, I don’t really know, I’ve never spent a day in my true form.”

“One day you will.”

She let out a forced laugh. “That will never happen in this world. I could never risk it.”

“If we are alone, you do not have to take on a form. You can be your natural self.”

“Baron, I cannot do that. It’s dangerous. If anyone comes in… It’s not safe enough, wherever we are.”

“Has anyone ever come into my quarters without knocking? Has anyone ever entered my bedchambers?”

“But the day I let myself go is the day that would happen.” She looked down, fiddling with her fingers a moment. “I don’t like my true form. This is me-” She gestured to herself, “I am a half elf.”

“I understand, Pouco. Come, I’m sure Jeremiah will have news soon.” He helped her to her feet before standing himself, ushering her back through the library.

“I wonder if there’s any spell books in here.”

“I’m sure you can look, do you want to stay here?”

“Would Lord Neverember mind?”

“He would not.” He spun her around, pressing a kiss to her lips, “Stay, but no healing spells, I do not want to find another cut on you.”

“So I can practice fire daggers?” she flashed a cheeky grin.

“Whilst seeing that in combat would be something spectacular, not in a room full of parchment. I’m sure you’ll find something that will not put us in peril.” He ran his thumb over her jaw before letting go. “I’ll come find you straight away if Jeremiah has news.”

“Thank you.”

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