Nova's Dawning

Chapter 7

Samhain, also known as Halloween; for some it’s just a day where children dress up and go door to door getting candies, however in my heart, it’s always symbolized the beginning of new things, new journeys. It’s the start of the Celtic new year and growing up it was celebrated bigger than Yule, which is Christmas.

Due to certain circumstances, that first Samhain away from my family, was unlike any other.

It was a Sunday and everyone was getting their new schedules at school. For some reason, when we all had to sign up for those meetings, no one wanted to go first, and by the time I got up there to sign the paper, it was the only spot left. So not only did I have to pick up my schedule, but I also was there to have my meeting with the Dean.

Everyone was giving me words of encouragement, but I was so nervous about my meeting with her. I couldn’t decide if it was because of her tone during the speech, or that moment in my vision, where she spoke to me.

I walked to her office slowly and cautiously, my feelings of dread increasing with every step. As I approached the door, I felt like I was starting to sweat with all of the stress, and when I put my hand on the door knob, it ceased.

I took my hand off and my stress came back in a burst that almost knocked me over. I quickly grabbed the knob again, not wanting to experience that again. I took a collected deep breath, and then I entered.

That sensation felt similar to when our powers were suspended in the theater. When everyone had cleared out after The Dean’s speech in the theater, I realized there was a girl sitting in the very back. Her face was pale, but she looked like she was taking a nap. I took a seat next to her, to maybe give her positive vibes, but instead, what I got was dark and dangerous rays coming from her.

“I’m sorry. I can tell my energy scares you.”

“Oh, my apologies, I thought you were asleep.”

“No. I’m just...” she sat up and opened her eyes, “enjoying the silence.”

“Can you read, minds? Is that what it is?” I asked, trying not to be too pushy.

“I wish all I could do was read minds.” She looked at me and I saw the circles under eyes, but I also remembered her from orientation. She had been a bright and bubbly brunette before that moment, but who I was looking at, was not that same girl. “I can communicate with the dead.” she had said.

It kind of took me off guard, but at the same time, I knew anything was possible at that point.

As I snapped back to being in the Dean’s office, I realized I had just been stuck in my memories, remembering that instant. I wondered if my powers had come back quickly even though they were still supposed to be suspended, I wasn’t sure why, but I wished more than anything I would be able to keep them at bay.

“It’s all right, Star. You can come in all the way. I know you’ve been standing there for a couple minutes.”

“Oh, sorry.” I walked in all the way and took a seat in the single chair across from her.

The office was just how I remembered it. Plain. There were a couple plants in the corners, but the room seemed so boring it looked fake.

“Over analyzing my office? Trust me, I wish I could personalize it.”

She paused as the stared at the blank walls and then turned back to me, a small and tired smile on her face.

“Starlite Estelle Adams, you were the catalyst in this. Your first few premonitions were within your first weeks, and that makes me very interested in you. No one has ever shown that much power before, not since the school opened. The very first class started in a similar fashion, but that was before powers were really a thing, before the media and internet. I do believe that we have enough privacy to keep this from reaching every corner of the globe. I know you heard me on the phone. I have a unique ability to read minds, which allows me to sense psychic attacks, or spies.” She laughed, and I chuckled nervously.

“I know you’re not a spy, but that’s how I saw you. Now let’s talk about your schedule. You’ve still got Screenwriting on Tuesday at two, then from seven to eleven it says MT, which is Mentor Training. Here is the paperwork on where to go, and what they expect from you, don’t stress too much, the woman you’re going to be working under is very kind, just a little weird. On Thursday you have History of Abilities at two, and then at seven you have Mentor Training again.” She slid me the papers and smiled at me.

“Do you have any questions?”

“Why did I get my powers so soon, and are mine back already?” I slid the papers to the side and tried to put all my seriousness in my face.

She sighed and ran her fingers through her hair, a trait I was beginning to notice more of. “To be honest with you, I’m not sure. It’s weird, really. Perhaps you’ve just got a lot of power, which it’s not something to fear, but you should just be cautious.” I nodded, still wanting exact answers.

“Oh, and Star. I want you to help in the library on Violet. You’ve won that essay thing you turned in during Orientation. It was a great piece about the pressure one puts on themselves. I discussed you working in the library with your mentor and she believes it’ll be really good for your training and wellbeing, plus I figured it would easier for you to get access to all the books we have here.” She slid me more paperwork. “This is a special access card to get you on Violet, and not only that but the work policy, your start date, etc., etc. Try to take it easy your first week, and your mentor will be able to fill you in on more. Word for the wise, I’ve known your mentor for a few years now, and she is definitely… interesting. Besides just her powers, she can also use magic. You may be thinking now MAGIC is real? Well, yes, did you really think that the world could exist without a little magic? It’s taken her a long time to get as good as she is, but do not try to bother her about it. You have anything else you would like to ask?”

I gathered all this new paperwork as I thought about it, and finally I just shook my head, unable to really process a lot of this.

“Excellent. I hope you enjoy the wonderful Samhain. It’s a full moon, so watch out.” She winked at me and I fumbled with my paperwork as I made my way out of her office, trying not to show my face anymore.

No one knew what was going on with me, and I think that scared me more than anything else.

Looking back, when I had left her office, I was still calm. Maybe I was still under my power suspension, but it was so hard to tell in those early days, considering I was constantly wearing mittens. Everyone was waiting for me in the lobby, and they bum rushed me with questions when I appeared.

“Did she lecture you?”

“How did it go?”

“Are you okay?”

“Why were you the first one?”

“Guys, guys, chill for a second. The meeting went... all right. She talked a lot, gave me a mountain of paperwork. We are all getting mentors, that’s what MT is on our schedules. It means Mentor Training. Also, she wants me to work in the library on Violet, so I guess that’s kind of exciting. She said it’ll help me train.”

“Ooooh. That’s exciting, because you love books.” said a familiar voice.

“Bee??” she waved from behind the circle of our friends. She looked tired. I rushed over to hug her. “Where have you been, I’ve been so worried!”

“I’ve just been with Oren; he’s been helping me and just giving me a lot of emotional support. I think I’m just gonna stay with him for a while. It’ll be easier on us that way.” She genuinely smiled and I knew I wouldn’t have to worry about her just yet and a part of me internally relaxed because of it.

“I’m really glad. What’s your schedule look like?”

“Ugh I’ve got Accounting II on Monday’s, and Thursday at two I have History of Abilities.”

“Me toooo! Looks like I’ll be seeing you on Thursday’s.”

“Sweet. I’ve gotta go do my meeting with the Dean now, but it was nice to see everyone.” She gave farewell hugs and then headed in the direction I had just come from.

If only I could have relaxed about my own situation, the way I relaxed about Bee.

I had been planning a big celebration for that night, and with everyone’s powers on hold, except for possibly mine, it seemed like maybe this would be our last opportunity for any type of celebration.

Due to the nature of our small town, there really weren’t any trick or treaters, because there were very few children in our area, but I made sure to leave an apple in a cup outside our door, and a white candle, to help give passage to those we had lost in the previous years. The apple as an offering, and the candle symbolizes a light on a dark night, to guide lost souls into the land of peace and harmony.

I invited Bee to our little get together, but she had just wanted to stay in until classes, which I understood.

“Alright guys, I don’t want anyone getting too drunk because when we wake up, our abilities will be back, and I don’t want to risk our safety because of a hangover. No offense-”

“Yo Grandma quit it with the lecture and let’s get some games going.” said Jack, interrupting me.

My friends loved video games, the way I loved coffee and muffins, and I knew that with every passing minute they were getting closer and closer to not being able to play again, for God only knows how long. After a few rounds we all were getting hungry and we ate more pizza than I thought was humanly possible. Osiris was always at my side, and he wanted nothing more than to make sure I was okay. As I had thought, my powers were on hold again, and I did my best to relax and just enjoy that night.

How I wish, more than anything, that I could have had many more nights like that.

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