Nova's Dawning

Chapter 6

This meeting was taking place in the biggest theater on Violet. It was a grand theater with hundreds of seats, but there were only about ninety of us. We were a bit early, but we still sat in the back. I didn’t want Sam to get triggered by anything or be near any of the electronics.

Something kept telling me that was a really bad idea.

However, it was getting to the point where Mowgli couldn’t even sit for more than fifteen minutes without beginning to float in the air. We eventually just tied him to his chair and hoped for the best. I saw Bee come in and she sat on our row, but I wasn’t able to talk to her due to how far away she was. As everyone started to come in, we noticed some weird things. There were students who were covered in bubble wrap, one girl had weights tied to her ankles, and there was one guy who was wearing a big black trench coat. Some people looked fine like Osiris and Bee, but some people were wrapped in bandages, or their hair looked extremely unkempt. It was a sight to see that day. I imagine that the people who were the most frazzled were those who had no idea they were even going to get powers, the ones, who like Bee, had just assumed they weren’t coming.

There was only a slight chatter, due to most us being exhausted, but it immediately died when she walked in. The Dean. Her dark hair was in a bun on the top of her head today, and she stood so tall I felt small.

She was powerful looking, even more so than before. She stood in front of the podium and she smiled. “Hello everyone.” And just like that I felt fully energized. I was relaxed, awake, and alert. Looking around I could tell everyone did, except Osiris, who suddenly looked confused, but there was another thing that struck me as odd in those seconds. Not only were we rejuvenated, but Mo wasn’t floating anymore, and I could see Jack thinking again, but he looked over at me and shook his head. Sam threw off the rubber gloves, stretched out her hands and smiled. The room was suddenly filled with excited chatter.

“Settle everyone, please.” We became silent again, because there was still the issue of what had happened in the first place.

“Your abilities will return to you.” There were several groans, including one from Sam, but she put her hand up and we went quiet again. “I did not take them away; it was this room.

“This is what we call, the charging station, or The Peace Room. There are two almost identical theater rooms on this ship, and you might have noticed, but on the doors of this one are little stars that represent Nova’s Dawning, the change you have all just experienced. Whenever you’re down and out, you can come here, however you can’t use your abilities at the same time. It took a while since this was your first time, but from now on your powers will immediately disappear upon entering this room. Do not come ask me to take them away, because I didn’t even give them to you.” She began to walk up and down the stage, her words ringing in our ears and hearts.

“Your abilities are passed down from your parents and grandparents and so forth as you know. You may be thinking ‘my birthday isn’t for a few more months, or my birthday was months ago’ or whenever, and you are correct, this is a new phenomenon that has not happened since the very first class of Moonlight. There was a person back then, whose powers were so vast that it caused a catalyst, and immediately all the other students suddenly had powers, or so the stories say. This was documented as a one-time thing, since it never happened again, but here we are. It seems we have the offspring of a celebrity here, who was our catalyst this semester. The child of the Seer of the Century.”

Whispers erupted throughout the group and I tensed up. The last thing I needed was everyone to know who I was and target me for forcing their bodies to go through an early change.

“I won’t point them out, but this is not a bad thing at all. We can now escalate your education and since it is still so early in the year, we can set up your mentor training. For those of you who are still dedicated to your classes, because you didn’t think you’d get powers can talk to me during one on one meetings and we will arrange something. Just as a reminder until you lay way for the next generation you will be able to use your ability, but the second your first offspring is born, the power goes away. During those nine months powers are at their high points and are extremely powerful. It is the same with adopting a child. During your paperwork months, they reach a high point and when the child is officially yours, they transfer over. We still don’t know how, or why, but that is how the cycle works.

“I thought my powers were dormant, you might ask. They were, but this student is so powerful that they brought your powers out. That has never really happened before. It could be because of the relaxing environment, the clean atmosphere, some people may even blame the food, but there is no telling, it’s something that has not been documented for centuries, and myself and others before me have been given the sole honor of guiding you to your destiny. We will do our best to work with every one of you on finding a solution. With these next few weeks you will see that your new teachers are gifted with great power just like you. They have chosen a different path, so they can teach you great things.

“Now I know things are hard. Rough. So, for now, your powers are suspended until school restarts for you guys. I have no control over it, it has something to do with your first time coming out of this room. The science behind it still has not been understood. Also for anyone who doesn’t remember, due to our accreditation you will still receive college credits for the courses you took and, on the online class registration portal you can take more subjects if you want, but your main focus from now on will be finding control and harnessing your power for what you really want to do in life. Your powers are altered generation to generation based on who you are. I know, I know better than most, that this isn’t what you were expecting now, but I swear to you, to each and every single one of you, that I will take the time to have a personal meeting with you individually.

“Please save your complaints and grumbles for then.” She sounded so serious when she talked about aiding us, but in that last sentence I caught something. Something on the brink of annoyance.

“There is a list up here that each of you need to sign to receive times for our meetings, after that I hope you all have a most wonderful Samhain!”

In that instant I could believe her happiness, and in that same instant, she disappeared off that stage, and I sat in my seat, suddenly feeling even more scared than before.

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