Nightmares and Daydreams (The Blood Falls Book 4)

Nightmares and Daydreams: Chapter 37

“What is this place?” After a somewhat complicated journey, we stepped into an oasis. A gorgeous stone mansion sat on a hill with multiple smaller buildings dotting the countryside. There was a large lake nestled into the mountain landscape. Everything was green and lush and beautiful.

“Midnight Manor. It is invitation only and, as one of the operators, Ronan got us in.”

So it was one of the Argo properties. “Why is it invitation only?”

Dray wrapped an arm around me before dropping a few tender kisses on my lips. He was horny. Very horny. “It is their most exclusive property. Designed specifically to pamper the samhain body and mind. They have specially themed events throughout the year, but most of the time it’s a pleasure spa and retreat.”

“Pleasure?” That sounded…indulgent.

“Oh yes.” He nodded, very pleased with himself. “Any kind of pleasure you can imagine. And some you haven’t begun to. Food. Drink. Blood. Massage. Sex. More sex. And even more sex. I think the humans have a saying very similar to the motto here. What happens at Midnight Manor stays at Midnight Manor.”

My eyebrows shot up before I could stop them. Dray didn’t surprise me much these days, but he got me this time. “Draygus Wren.” My mind spun as I tried to figure out what he meant by that. We already did a lot of pretty wild stuff. Plus Dray had some pretty hard boundaries and a jealous streak a mile wide.

He chuckled. “We’re going to relax and have fun and feel good, Rhysa. We deserve this.” Then he took my hand and walked us into the main house. It was very much a mansion. Soaring ceilings, pillars, impressive stairways, portraits, marble floors, the works.

“Draygus of the House of Wren. Rhysa of the House of Axl.” A man bowed in front of us. “Welcome to Midnight Manor. I’m your personal butler, Jaymes. Your room is ready, but might I suggest our world-famous bathhouse first?”

Dray grinned at me. “Sounds great. Rhysa?”

I shrugged. “Sure? I think I’m up for just about anything.”

“Excellent. Anything you need, just ask. I am yours for the duration of your stay. I can book anything, our chefs are the best in the world, and there’s nothing off limits.”

Oh my. It boggled my mind that Dray brought us someplace like this. I always assumed we were going off alone in the woods or to an abandoned beach where we could devour each other day and night without interruption. It never once occurred to me a place like this existed, let alone that Dray would want to take our very first vacation there.

“I know. It’s off character for me, but when the offer came up, I couldn’t refuse.” He squeezed my hand. “I want to be alone with you, but I also want to be pampered. A week of being waited on hand and foot seems pretty sweet to me.”

It did sound sweet. And exciting. “You said something about massages, Jaymes?”

“Oh yes. Our masseuses offer thirty different kinds, including some at the bathhouse, if you’re wanting one now.” He led us out of the main house and across the hill to another, smaller, single story stone building nestled into the trees.

“I’ll let you know, but I think for now I’ll take things one step at a time.”

“Wise,” Dray growled. “I’m here for an adventure but I don’t want to start it by watching someone else put their hands all over you.”

Which implied he did want to watch at some point…who was this Dray and did I like it? Maybe after I had a little time to explore and see what this place was really like I’d have some answers.

“This is the main bathhouse. We also have one located closer to the lake. Each one provides different services. This one is designed to help you acclimate to the property and let your worries go.” Jaymes opened the door, letting out a wave of hot, moist air that smelled spicy and sweet. “You can leave your clothes here. We’ll have them cleaned and sent to your room, along with the luggage you sent ahead.”

We stripped down naked. Dray sported a partially hard cock while I had to admit that I was feeling a bit tingly and wet all over. “Now what?”

“Right this way.” Jaymes opened another door and let us into a dim room with four long pools, a waterfall, and benches along the walls. There were flowers and ferns everywhere. At first glance I saw at least two people in each pool. Beyond the waterfall a man lay face down on a massage table while two women massaged his body in the most erotic way I’d ever seen. On the opposite side was a shallow pool where two men and two women were having sex. Past that was what looked like a shower room where two women and a man were also having sex.

“You’ll start here.” Jaymes indicated the first pool. “When you’re satisfied you’ll move on to the second, then the third, and finally the fourth. Relax and enjoy as much or as little as you’d like. When you’re done I’ll escort you to your room.

I slipped into the hot water first. It made all my skin tingle, almost like electricity. It was different and amazing. Dray sat down beside me and let his head fall back, eyes closed. “Just remember, this is an Argo property. Everything is designed for pleasure.”

“What does that mean?”

He smiled. “That means this is an erotic bath. You feel good, right? Tingly and aroused?”

My nipples sparked with pleasure, as did my clits. “Yes.”

“They put those special oils in here.”

Oh…the magical bath oils. In here. Right now. “You mean we’re going to orgasm in here? Where all these people can watch?”

“Yes. Yes we are.”

“Draygus Wren!”

He chuckled but didn’t open his eyes. “You’re going to say that a lot this week unless you get it through your head that this whole experience is going to be like this.”

The massage ended with a spectacular orgasm, as did the group in the shower. After a few minutes a woman took her place on the massage table and a man and a woman came in to provide her services, which happened to include a whole lot of oral stimulation.


“It’s fun, right? You’re not upset?” He slipped his hand between my legs and massaged.

“No. I’m not upset at all. Just shocked. I’m processing.”

He moved closer, slipped a finger inside me and nibbled on my throat with his fangs. “I can’t wait to get you up on that platform and fuck you in front of everyone. I want them to see how well you take me.”

I came on his finger, moaning with need to do all the things with him, to make him happy and pleasured. I fisted his cock. “And then?”

“One step…at…a time.” He grunted as he came, too.

We moved to the next pool where a special cocktail was served. This pool was a little cooler and had a lot more jet action. All the movement was very stimulating. As was the cocktail. “What is in this?”

“We metabolize alcohol too quickly for it to be effective at loosening up, so this is made with a different, much more potent kind of alcohol. It would kill humans, but for us, it has a balanced inebriating effect with a side of pleasure hormones.”

I sighed as another orgasm washed through me. “Like that night I made us the celebration dinner?”

“Very similar.”

The enthusiastic group finally cleared the shallow pool and Dray wasted no time taking me up there. He bent me over. “They’re all watching. Curious. They want us. They’re fascinated to learn who we are and what we’re like.” He pressed the head of his thick cock against me, sinking in slowly.

I looked around. There was a group of five in the first pool, all eyes on us, a group of three in the second pool, and a couple in the third. Both masseuses watched us as they sucked and licked and massaged their client. The group in the shower was too busy fucking each other to watch us, although I did see a few hungry glances our way.

“Watch them touching themselves, wishing they were up here with us.”

One of the masseuses slipped her fingers into her pussy as she sucked on the woman’s nipple, her eyes glued to mine. It made them tingle, almost as if I could feel her mouth on me. The male masseuse adjusted so that he could suck the other nipple as he watched Dray move deeper inside me. As soon as his mouth closed over her skin, my other nipple began to tingle as well. Was it just my thoughts doing this or were they psychics making me feel this way from across the room.

A woman below us in the third pool gasped as she watched Dray fuck me. “Look how thick he is! I’ve never seen a cock quite like that. He’s changed so quickly.”

The male with her pulled her back onto his lap, spearing her on his cock and fisted her hair. “You watch while I fuck.”

Dray made me come twice while we were on display, to the great pleasure of everyone watching. Then he took me in the shower. Twice.

“I think we’re relaxed now,” he growled as pulled out, panting.

“I’m something. I think I’m three levels past relaxed.” And this was just the beginning.

I was so excited!

On our way back to the main house Jaymes gave us a short tour. “This is the training room.”

Inside was the largest collection of dildos I’d ever seen.

“They come in every size and shape observed in the samhain world.”

“What exactly is a training room?” Dray asked, one eyebrow cocked up as he surveyed what looked like fucking machines.

“Many guests wish to indulge in liaisons that are not their usual fare. They can come here to train their body for the occasion. Ah yes,” he followed Dray’s gaze, “there are also machines to help with the training. Especially if the guest is not as familiar with group sex or long, sustained sessions.”


Then he walked us through the pleasure gardens, the lakeside bar, the ballroom, and finally upstairs to our very luxurious room. “How can I help you next?” Jaymes asked after we’d had a chance to look around.

“Nothing for now, Jaymes,” Dray said. “I think we’re going to rest until dinner.”

“Very well. Send for me if you change your mind.” He waved his hand at a button on the wall, then left.

“Rest?” Dray didn’t look tired. He looked ravenous.

“Yes. In the gardens.” He grinned. “Unless you have another idea.”

I had a hundred ideas, but none of them were fully formed. My mind was everywhere, wanting everything. “Lead the way.”

At the entrance to the pleasure gardens the concierge greeted us. “We have two gardens available. One is private and one offers psychic companions.”

“What is a psychic companion?” I asked at the same time Dray said, “We’ll take it.”

The hostess smiled. “A psychic companion links up with you to provide the pleasure you desire. They are at your beck and call.”

Dray dipped down and whispered, “Like a drone. They’re not really there. Just bodies operating for us.”


We were led through a maze of trees, bushes, and flowers, into a “room” with several plush pieces of furniture. The kind you expect to see in a garden. The kind with smooth, polished wood and thick cushions.

Waiting inside was a man and a woman. Lynk and May. They greeted us warmly, initiated the psychic link, and then became robotic. At first. But then they began to take on traits that mimicked mine and Dray’s.

“Oh, this is going to be so much fun,” he growled. “Lay down.” He helped me down onto a lounger that was as big as a king-sized bed. May curled up beside me, fondling my breast, while Lynk stroked himself as he watched. “May knows what you’re feeling and she’ll provide any necessary stimulation to increase your pleasure.” Then Dray nodded at Lynk, who quickly came to sit on my other side, also fondling my breast.

Dray grinned and nodded with approval.

“You like watching two strangers touch me?”

“Sure do. It’s my own personal Rhysa porn. They’ll do whatever we want them to do. And I get to watch or participate as much as I want to. It’s fucking fantastic.”

This was a new side of Dray and it was strange, but slowly I was starting to understand it. He wasn’t so wound up now that the war was over. He wasn’t trying to hide half of himself from the world. For once in his life he just wanted to be free.

And freedom to him—right now—meant watching me be pleasured at his command.

“Eyes on me, baby.”

It was hard to keep my focus while May and Lynk ran their hands over my breasts and plucked at my nipples. I felt exposed but also incredibly desired. To be the object of three people’s attention was intense.

Lynk moved down the bed and began kissing the side of my breast while May caressed my bare belly and then my clit. Her fingers worked into my folds and massaged exactly where I wanted to be touched and I finally realized just how connected we were. She was legit touching me exactly as I would touch myself. She was me without me having to be me.

And Lynk…well as best I could judge, he was mostly Dray acting out what he wanted to see, because he could only ever see himself doing this when I split him.

“Oh yeah, a lot of fun.” His eyes got darker and more intense as my pleasure began to build.

Lynk sucked away from my nipple with a pop that sent it bouncing. “You want that big cock, don’t you? That’s why we’re getting you ready, but it takes lots of work, doesn’t it?” He plumped up my breast and stuck out his tongue, making a point before flicking it hard across the tip of my nipple.

I liked it, so May did the same, alternating between sucking and flicking as she massaged my clit harder and faster.

I never looked away. I took in every hungry glance as Dray watched his personal porn, knowing this was just the beginning. Not just of the session, but of the week.

“Show me,” he growled.

Hands moved between my legs and opened me to Dray.

“Wet and hot,” Lynk said, holding up a soaked hand.

Dray stepped closer, kneed up onto the lounger, and rested his throbbing cock on my belly. “You got me going real good, Rhysa.”

“I can see that.” His dick dwarfed me, but I’d taken him like this before. Hell, I’d taken him as a dragon. I was made for him.

“Let me help,” May said, surrounding his cock with her hands, then cupped it with one while she worked her fingers inside me with the other, slowly coating him in my arousal. She pumped him in and out of me at exactly the speed and depth I wanted because, well, she was doing everything I thought.

Lynk moved behind me, his legs on either side of me, and cupped my breasts in his hands. May would occasionally dip down to suck or flick, but mostly she focused on helping me.

“So good,” she murmured, “amazing how you stretch for him, taking all that cock.”

Dray grunted and thrust, my belly bulging from the enormity of his invasion. May’s hands immediately moved to massaging the bulge, which felt good to me, too, because it forced all my pleasure centers against his hardness.

“Wh-what about them? Do they have sex, too?” I kind of wanted to watch them do it beside us.

“If that’s what you want.” May moved onto all fours beside me, her mouth back on my nipple. Lynk moved behind her and took her hips in his hands.

I gasped when he entered her because I could feel just as if it were happening to me.

“Psychic link,” Dray grunted, thrusting hard and fast as he chased his pleasure.

“So…I’m actually feeling what she feels?”

May flicked my nipple with her tongue and met my gaze. “If you stopped fucking right now you’d still feel every thrust inside me.”

“Now that’s a fun idea.” Dray slammed deep inside me and stopped, filling me up.

But the sensation of being railed kept on going. I moaned and gulped as Lynk slammed inside May. “And if I touch her?”

Dray’s eyes darkened. “Do it.”

My hand shook as I reached up and fondled her breast, feeling it both in my hand and on my own breast at the same time. “Oh fuck! Is that why they were so eager to get started? All that felt good to them this whole time?”

“Oh yes. That, and they’re eager to please us.”

I plucked at her nipple, tugging just how I wanted to be tugged. My inner muscles clenched around Dray and May moaned in reaction.

This was wild.

And I loved it.

I might even be getting addicted to it.

“Come for my Rhysa. I have more fun things to try.” Dray bent over and sucked my nipple into his mouth, all while I was plucking and May was sucking. It was a potent concoction that sent me over the edge the next time Lynk slammed into May.

We both came together and both males grunted in approval.

We moved to the single lounge chair where Lynk sat down first. Then Dray directed me to sink down on Lynk’s cock, my back to his front, taking him in my rear channel. Then Dray straddled the lounger and sank into my pussy one slow, enormous inch at a time.

May blushed red as she watched the two males fill me up, her arousal dripping as she felt what I felt. “He’s enormous and now they’re both filling you.”

I would think someone who works in a pleasure garden would have seen much more than this by now, but apparently not. Or maybe that was just what I wanted to hear.

“Now May, sit between us.” Dray tapped the space between me and him. It took a moment to get the balance right and all the body parts in position, but then the males began to pump in and out of me while May plucked and sucked at my breasts. It was a feast of the senses to be shoved full while every pleasure center was being touched, pinched, and slammed into at the same time.

At least I thought so. Then Dray began pumping his fingers in and out of May and I felt that too.

I saw stars, actually.

Two cocks, four fingers, a mouth, and a hand. And I was feeling every single bit of it.

“Oh fuck, oh fuck this feels so good!” May began crying. “Never stop. Don’t ever stop.” I cupped her breasts, then took her nipples between my fingers and rolled. May’s orgasm washed through me and forced me to come, too, my muscles pulsing so hard around cocks that had nowhere else to go, so they were both trapped inside me. It brought on another orgasm almost immediately.

Both males grunted and moaned, their hips trying to buck and move, but unable to do so. “Need. Relief.” Dray said through gritted teeth. He started thrusting his fingers in and out, harder and faster. Lynk came first, his cum hot and invigorating, multiplying my pleasure. Then Dray came, his thick, hard cock pulsing inside me, almost breaking free of my orgasm. Another few pulses and he did, so he started thrusting in and out, harder than ever.

“That’s right,” May grunted. “Take it.” She moved one hand to my belly so she could massage the head of Dray’s cock. “He’s so big and thick. Fills you up.” She pressed against me so that Dray’s bulge thrust into her entrance, too. “Fills me up too. You hear that? You’re fucking both of us now.”

Dray focused his hand in her ass now, fisting it with powerful strokes, all while pumping up and into me, and then into her. We came over and over, moving like a machine. A perfect machine that never stopped.

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