Nightmares and Daydreams (The Blood Falls Book 4)

Nightmares and Daydreams: Chapter 36


I jerked back in shock as we walked into the main house. Instead of the Wrens busy in the kitchen preparing one last big family dinner, the house was filled with many more people all dressed up and decorations all around.

“Happy graduation, Rhysa!” Gigi came flying in with a flute of champagne. Cass pulled out a black graduation gown and Bridge held up the hat.

I was speechless and let it all happen until Leena demanded I speak. “I—I didn’t expect this.”

“We love you, Rhysa!” Bo yelled from the back.

I blushed. “Thank you. I love you all too.”

Dray put an arm around me. “Since we didn’t get to celebrate your achievements back in spring, we decided to make up for it now. We’re very proud of you.”

“But…you don’t care about human degrees.”

Gigi rolled her eyes. “But we care about you, silly. And you care about this, so we care about it too.”

“Here, here!” Kris held up his glass. “For reaching for your goals and mastering them! Cheers!”

The whole crowd echoed him and took a sip of their drinks. They played traditional graduation music and began to mingle after that. There was enough food for everyone two times over, plus a giant—and I do mean giant—cake on display as well. My Nala family were there plus some of my Axl family, as well as everyone I grew close to since my Awakening. Whether they were still hurt physically or mentally, everyone was smiling, relaxed, and having a good time.

It was nice to see.

“Congrats, Rhysa. Maybe you can figure out what’s wrong with Ender.” Aethel grinned like the cat that ate the canary. Ender gritted his teeth but didn’t say anything.

Aethel leaned closer, a flute of champagne between her fingers. “He’s finally learned that speaking only gives me more ammunition.” Her eyes danced. This was a lady having a lot of fun reeling a reluctant mate in.  Ender would eventually admit he was head over heels. But it would take time. And I was absolutely sure Aethel was going to enjoy every step along the way.

I moved through the living room where a fire burned low, accepting the compliments everyone wanted to give me, even if it made me want to blush and slink away. This was a really nice thing my family did for me and even though it was a lot of attention—a lot—it might be the last of it for a long time.

Everyone had plans. Some were going on vacation, others to spend quality time with family, and a few just wanted to get away from it all. Like Rever. As soon as the fighting was over and our reality had been restored, he vanished. Not into thin air or anything. He made sure Ivy was safe and that we were all on our feet. Then he packed a bag and left.

Ivy was devastated. She sat with Bridge sharing a piece of cake.

“That’s from the third tier?” Each part of the cake was a different flavor combination. My favorite was the first tier. Chocolate with a chocolate bourbon frosting.

Bridge held up a forkful of red velvet cake. “Sure is! It’s extra good today.”

“That’s because you’re so happy to be alive. It tastes exactly the same as usual,” Ivy said with a grin.

At least she was smiling again.

“And before you ask, no, there’s still no word from Rever. Everybody keeps asking so I figure I should just make random announcements.” The light in her eyes dimmed.

“I’m sorry. This all took such a toll on him. He probably just needs time to heal and find himself again.”

“I don’t think so,” she said quietly. “I don’t think he’s ever coming back from this.”

Bridge put her hand on Ivy’s and squeezed. “In the meantime, we’re going to focus on us.” She smiled up at me. “We’ve teamed up. We’re going to go on adventures and have parties and make sure we heal up ourselves so when we find someone we want to build a relationship with we are happy and healthy individuals.”

“Well, as someone with a bachelor’s degree in human psychology, I think that sounds like a very healthy and emotionally mature position to take. It’s good to have a partner in crime, too.”

My mother whisked me away next. “Oh it’s so good to put my arms around you!” She squeezed. Again.

But I liked it. “I’m still getting used to all the affection, but don’t stop.”

“I won’t.”

“How’s Ryddyck?”

She sighed and let me go. “He’s well. Learning quickly. It will never be easy for him.”

“It can’t be easy for you, either. You spent a long time on the Plane. It must be weird to be back.”

She glanced around the room. “It’s overwhelming, but I love it. It’s good to be home.”

Saoirse came up behind her. “There you are. Will you be staying the night?” she asked Marhysa.

“I will.” I noticed the way she stiffened, just ever so slightly.

“Excellent. I’ll set a breakfast for the morning.” Then Saoirse moved onto someone else.

I studied my mother. “She’s driving you up a wall.”

Marhysa groaned like a teenager. “She wants to know where I am every minute of the day and she keeps trying to control my schedule.”

“She’s afraid of losing you again. It’s hard to lose a child.”

Marhysa’s gaze locked on me and she squinted. “I know that. It’s just…a lot after having no one tell me what to do for a couple of decades.”

“Now that I understand. I’m still getting used to this.” I waved my hand at the room full of friends and family celebrating my graduation. One day this would feel normal. Natural. But for now it was still hard to comprehend.

“Can we get you all together?” Bo’s voice boomed through the house. “Dray, Rhysa? Over here.” He pointed in front of the fireplace. “Atsila and Leena are here, Gigi and Ryddyck right here, and Kris and Rain there.”

My embarrassment quadrupled. He was going to make us stand in front of everyone, the rat bastard! “I think I’ve had enough for one day.”

Rain nodded furiously. “I agree. I’m super overwhelmed and should really get back to the cottage before it’s too late for me.”

Bo had none of it. “As the Head of House, I insist. Marhysa? You too.” He manhandled her into position with the rest of us. “I know we’ve all said it, but since we’re all here, I thought it was a good opportunity to say it one last time. We’re so grateful for what you did. Destiny forced you into position, but you rose to the occasion and saved our collective asses. You’re still putting in the work to recover and we wish you all the best.”

Everyone clapped and cheered. Dray let me hide in his arms. Through some sort of unspoken brother agreement, he and Kris shifted us to the library and away from all the prying eyes.

“Thank you.” I sagged in his arms.

“I don’t think Bo realized he was about to set off another psychic cataclysm.”

“No shit,” Kris huffed. Rain was also buried in his arms. “I think we’re out of here.”

“You’ve got your stay-cation all prepared?” Dray asked.

Kris and Rain had plans to spend the entire month alone in the safety of the cottage. No family. No friends. Just the two of them. The quiet would do Rain a lot of good.

And I’m sure Kris didn’t mind the prospect either.

“Food and supplies for six weeks,” he said with a nod.

“I thought it was just the month.”

“It is, but I like to be over prepared.” He grinned and squeezed Rain tighter as she blushed full crimson.

“Enjoy your time.” I was a little jealous, but Dray and I were essentially doing the same thing, just a lot closer to the main house and all the siblings, which would make it hard to have complete privacy.

But we were also going to plan a real vacation. Somewhere far away and where we could be pampered. I was excited to hear his ideas and tell him mine. Naked.

“Gigi and Ryddyck are moving into one of the riverside cottages at the House of Nala so they can be closer to Marhysa, but have somewhere they can be alone, too.” The solution surprised me at first, but then it made all the sense in the world.

“And Leena and Atsila are going to hibernate at his cabin in the North.”

Kris rubbed Rain’s back as he grinned at us. “That just leaves you two lovebirds. And if I’m not mistaken, you’re not Head of House anymore, Dray.”

There was a lot of silence so I looked up to find Dray glaring at his brother. “What? What did I miss?”

He spoke through gritted teeth. “Little brother here is trying to spoil my surprise.”


“I think we’ll just head on down to the cottage now.” Kris winked at me and then they disappeared.

“What is he talking about, Draygus Wren?”

He sighed and let me go. “I had it all planned out. Get you into your favorite place,” he waved at the library, “and tell you we’ve been invited to Midnight Manor.”

He said it like the name should mean something. “I’m not from around here. Is that a nice place?”

“Nice place?” he scoffed. “The nicest. It’s the most exclusive pleasure estate in the entire samhain world.” His face lit up with an enormous grin. “Come on.” Dray took my hand. “We’re going on vacation.”

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