Never His Girl: Dark High School Bully Romance (Kings of Cypress Pointe Book 2)

Never His Girl: Chapter 25


As far as public spaces go, I don’t think this is quite what Joss had in mind. Ricky said to meet him at the pier near the shipping dock around seven-thirty, so I’m here. Waiting, glancing over my shoulder every so often because this place is sketchy as hell.

He’s late, and with it already dark, I’m starting to think this wasn’t such a great idea coming alone. Then, I hear an engine off in the distance. It’s not a motorcycle, like I expect, but I’m pretty sure it’s him.

Either that, or this was a trap and my ass is about to get smoked.

The windows are blacked out, but I keep my eyes trained on the dark-blue, vintage mustang that has me salivating. The rims alone had to have set someone back several thousand, but it was worth it. Even I’ll attest to that.

The engine dies and the driver’s side door opens. Ricky steps out and if he were anyone else, I’d give him his props on the car, but nope. I hate this piece of shit too much for that. It’s not lost on me, though, that in addition to having Southside in common, we both clearly have a thing for old-school muscle cars.

He trudges closer with both hands in his pockets, taking unhurried steps in my direction as he glares.

“You wanted to talk, so talk. I’ve got things to do.”

He glances off in the distance instead of looking me in the eyes. The hatred between us is mutual, stemming from the fact that we both have it bad for the same girl. In all fairness, there’s something about Southside that makes a guy crazy, so I don’t entirely blame him for wanting me dead. Like I said, the feeling’s mutual.

“I just need clarity,” I speak up. “You said something the other week. Something about the Rileys not needing another Golden with his hands around their throat. What’d you mean by that?”

Shaking his head, Ricky scoffs, still not looking directly at me.

“You called me here for this shit? I’m out,” he threatens, moving from where he leaned against the hood of his car.

“I need to know if she’s in danger,” I call out, knowing his love for Southside is the one thing that’ll stop him dead in his tracks.

That shit works like a charm.

He takes slow steps back in my direction and, this time, looks me straight in my eyes.

“If you stay away from her, I’m sure she’ll be just fine.”

Tension spreads through me, and I’m positive he’d love it if I did that. He glares at me a few seconds longer, then glances out toward the water like he’d done before.

“You think it’s a game,” he continues, “but keep letting Pandora expose your shit all over social media, and things could end badly.”

Guess I know he’s been keeping up with all the updates.

“Could end badly for who?” I ask. “Blue?”

Suddenly, I have his attention again, and the rims of his nostrils flare. “I’d burn this whole fucking city down before I let that happen.”

When it comes to her, there’s a viciousness that breaks through the I-don’t-give-a-shit thing he has going otherwise. He makes it seem like he’s one-hundred percent down for her, but something’s never quite added up for me. It’s the fact that, if that were completely true, they’d be together, and it’s this thought that keeps me from letting him get too deep under my skin.

“You want her safe and so do I,” I reason with him. “That’s why I’m here. I need info, and you seem to have that.”

He eyes me again, but only for a second.

“All I know is I don’t see anybody going in and out of my Uncle Paul’s office as much as I see your shady-ass daddy.”

I’m confused. Mostly because I have no clue who he’s talking about. The name Paul hasn’t come up before now.

“What’s that got to do with Blue? Her family?”

Ricky shoots me an incredulous look, like I’m naïve as shit for not knowing what’s going on.

“Used to be that Hunter sat in on a lot of those meetings. Then, when he’d come out, he was always real tight-lipped about shit. Next thing I know, Hunter’s locked up.”

“You think my dad had something to do with that?”

His brow quirks. “Just sayin’, anything that man touches turns to shit. Hunter’s life included. He’d never snitch, and he holds whatever he knows close to the cuff, but I know there’s a whole lot more to that fucking story.”

“Your uncle doesn’t talk about shit like that?” I ask.

“Nope, and I learned a long time ago not to ask that man too many questions. Some things you just don’t want answers to. And at this point, I wouldn’t even risk bringing it up,” he says. “He’d question why I’m asking, and with shit heating up out here, I’m just trying to keep my ass out the flames.”

Ricky’s distant for a moment, and I practically hear the wheels in his head turning.

“I promised Hunter I’d look after his sisters while he’s away. Can’t do that from inside a jail cell,” he reasons, and then glances around, like he’s watching his back. “Speaking of, I shouldn’t even be out here talking to you. We done here or what?”

My gut’s telling me to leave the conversation right where it is, but I know I won’t have another chance like this anytime soon. It’s a miracle he even met me here today. A second time would be out of the question.

“Fuck,” I grumble to myself, hoping I don’t regret this. “I need to ask you something.”

“Make it quick.” He checks the time on an expensive-ass-watch after that.

“Blue asked you about that pic the other night because I found it on my dad’s phone. She seems adamant that you had nothing to do with it getting out, so I need to know how that happened.”

There’s a furious scowl set on his face now.

“I knew she was hiding something,” is all he says before going quiet.

“Do you know anything about it?” I repeat.

“Nah, but I’ll figure that shit out.”

“If she’s in danger, I need to know about it,” I remind him.

Judging by his expression, I can tell he doesn’t like this any more than I do, but the bottom line is we’re both in Southside’s life and we might need to work together on this.

“I’ll hit you up if I think you need to know something,” is all he says, and likely the best answer I’ll get out of him.

“Yeah. Same.”

He heads back to his car after that, but all this conversation has cleared up for me is that my father’s not at all who I think he is. And seeing as how I didn’t think all that highly of him before, I sure as shit don’t trust his ass now.

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