Never His Girl: Dark High School Bully Romance (Kings of Cypress Pointe Book 2)

Never His Girl: Chapter 24


Heart racing, I walk through the doors of Cypress Prep knowing all eyes will be on me, thanks to Pandora pointing out me and West’s little sleepover during the short holiday break.

Kids here will either think I’m stupid for giving West the time of day, or they’ll think the whole sex tape thing was a hoax. Either way, I’m here. Come what may.

The door swings open and I was right. There are stares and whispers at every turn. As I pass Dr. Pryor’s office, I consider stopping in. This weekend gave me plenty of time to think, and my prevailing thought was that I need to speak to my brother. His words, his warning, have been consuming my thoughts, and I need to know what it all means.

My hand lingers on the knob to Dr. Pryor’s door, but for some reason, I don’t turn it. Maybe for fear of her denying me the opportunity to miss a couple classes to make the trip, or perhaps it’s fear of facing Hunter knowing so much now. Whatever the case, I never open that door, instead choosing to head to my locker.

There’s more staring, more whispers, but I’d like to think of West as an ally with this round of ridicule I’ll likely face. Then again, maybe that’s farfetched. Seeing as how I never called over the weekend. I stared at his phone number, even put it in my phone and unblocked him, but never got up the nerve to call.

My mind, heart, and my emotions are still warring with one another. On one hand, I want to believe he’s different, and everything that happened was just a series of misunderstandings. However, I’m not quite that gullible. I need time to process. Need to see a difference and not just be told there’s a difference. Sure, he’s been working at that, but anyone can be on their best behavior for a few weeks.

What about beyond that?

I pop my coat into the locker and take out what I’ll need for my first couple classes. Then, when I slam the door shut, my hand flies to my chest, clutching it.

“Shit, West!”

A wicked smile touches his lips, amused with having startled the hell out of me. I fight a smile of my own as I hike my bag up my shoulder.

“Morning,” he greets me. That deep timbre speeds up my heart just a little.

“Morning,” I say back, feeling just a tad bit awkward because I’ve completely avoided him since our talk the other night. But he doesn’t seem bothered. Maybe he understands that forgiveness takes time. Having him not push too hard has definitely earned him a few points.

Our steps are unhurried despite me knowing he has to get to his own class after he walks me, but he’s never in a rush. Those stares I noticed when I walked the halls solo have multiplied now, meaning Pandora is sure to have all sorts of ammo to use when she fires off her next post.

“Things okay without your dad around?” he asks.

I steal a glance up toward him when I nod.

Better than okay,” is my honest answer. “He’s never much help, but always a burden, making it harder to take care of the house, take care of Scar.”

I can’t believe I’m talking to him about this stuff, but I suppose there’s no hiding the reality of my life from him after what he witnessed with Uncle Dusty. It is what it is. This is me and he doesn’t seem to be scared off by that.

“You two always been so close?” he asks, leaving me to assume he’s talking about my sister.

“Always. With our mom being kind of the flighty-type, I took Scar under my wing when we were little. Partially so she wouldn’t feel lonely. Partially so wouldn’t feel lonely,” I admit. “Hunter was never really much of a homebody. He’d eat and sleep there, then spent most of his time with Ricky and their other friends.”

West nods and I’m still amazed we’re able to have normal conversations. Ones where we’re not trying to cut each other with our words.

“What about you and your brothers? You three seem pretty tight.”

“Kind of don’t have a choice,” he says with a quiet laugh. “It’s a triplet thing. Even on the rare occasion that one of us is pissed at one of the others, we get over it pretty quickly.”

“Must be nice. Scar and I have been known to go at it pretty hard sometimes. She’s a good kid, but she definitely gets into her share of trouble.”

Trouble for her, lately, goes by the name Shane.

West goes quiet when we turn the corner and my class comes into view.

“Those kids from the other week still giving her shit?” he asks. “I mean, I know you don’t like me checking in on her, but—”

“It’s fine,” I cut in. “My best friend, Jules, has been checking in with her throughout the day. The kids still talk shit, but none have put their hands on her again. Guess that’s good enough for now.”

The subject of my sister still feels a bit weird being discussed between West and me, but he seems genuinely concerned. Actually, I’m a little embarrassed for the many, many times I’ve cut him deep over asking about her.

“I’m sorry what Parker did affected her. Even though I didn’t post the video, I know some of the blame is still on me. If she weren’t out to make my life a shitshow right now, this never would’ve happened.”

As soon as he mentions her name, she rounds the corner and spots us. Like we’ve summoned a demon to appear. I guess that isn’t too far from the truth.

Whatever conversation she was having with her minions comes to a screeching halt, and she scans West and I with a look. One filled with pure hatred. I’m sure she notices that the ice between West and me has clearly started to thaw. For instance, I’m not walking four steps ahead of him like before, and we’re clearly speaking cordially to one another. Also, there’s no doubt in my mind she saw Pandora’s post about him spending the night. Not that we did anything other than talk, but with West’s rep, I’m sure people have assumed things.

I’m reminded of what he said, about her begging for another chance. Which is why I’m positive seeing us together this morning is killing her.

“You okay?”

I peer up when West asks. “I’m fine.”

His brow quirks and he laughs a little. “Anyone ever tell you you’re a terrible liar.”

My expression had gone cold at the sight of Parker, but West manages to draw a smile out of me. I flash a look back toward her, and West follows my gaze.

“Don’t even worry about her,” he reassures me. “She’ll get hers as soon as I figure things out.”

I have his full attention again when he faces me, and I’m fixated on his eyes. Their deep green has always left me feeling kind of mesmerized. My eyes shift to his lips next and I’m tempted to kiss him right here, in front of everyone. In front of Parker. But I know what a bad idea that would be. Even if it is the only way I can take a stab at her for what she’s done to me. I hate that she’s gotten away with it this long. Hate that I promised West I’d keep his secret.

“I should get to class,” he says quietly, barely loud enough for me to hear over the ambient chatter as others move through the halls.

He’s lingering in my space and I kind of still want to kiss him. Only… not because of who’s watching, not because of who it’ll hurt.

I want to kiss him for me.

“See you in an hour,” he says with a sexy grin, reminding me he’s not stopping this routine.

Just as he takes a step away, I have a complete mental breakdown. Or at least that’s how I rationalize it when I call out to him.


He turns, casts a curious look my way, and I swear my heart’s getting ready to burst right out of my chest.

“Fuck it,” I say quietly, making a move before I can talk myself out of it.

West’s face is warm against my palms when I grab him, lowering him to my height, bringing his mouth to mine. At first, the kiss is just a peck, the sweet, innocent kind. But then, as the rest of his body catches up with his lips, it deepens, becoming something much more. Something much hotter than I think either of us bargained for.

The hooting and howling starts as passersby take notice. Soon, it’s deafening, but I don’t even care if they see. All I know is West tastes and smells so damn good. Like a dream. Like always.

The small of my back warms when his hands settle there, and I know I’m not mistaking the possessiveness in his touch. The sensation is, admittedly, addictive—being held against his solid body, feeling safe, wanted.

We separate, but continue to linger in one another’s space. I, for one, am finding it pretty damn hard to back away from him, and I get the sense he’s feeling the same pull toward me.

“Damn, Southside,” he groans.

My face warms even more, and I chew the side of my lip when I smile, holding it back a little.

Damn’ is right.

He backs away, not taking his eyes off me, and I swear that kiss just changed everything.

“I’ll be here after the bell,” he promises, drawing me in with only his eyes this time.

I nod, but don’t have words as he leaves. Once I finally get my thoughts together, I make my way toward the classroom door, but not without catching Parker’s hateful stare. It’s still deadlocked on me, just like before.

While, no, I didn’t kiss West to piss her off, I still hope seeing it killed her inside. Seeing me with the one guy she wants. The one guy she knows she can never have.

The words of one of her minions fit quite well in this situation and I smile as I think them to myself.

Payback, bitch.


“Seriously? Just go sit with her,” Joss groans, meaning I’m not being nearly as discreet watching Southside as I thought.

“I’m supposed to be giving her space, right? Isn’t that the plan?”

Was the plan,” Joss corrects, stealing a fry off Dane’s tray. “After that kiss we all saw this morning—which, by the way, was so hot I swear paint started peeling off the walls—I’m pretty sure the girl wouldn’t mind if you sit with her at lunch.”

I hear Joss’s reasoning, but I don’t want to push too hard. Southside and I are making progress and I could kill it all if I come on too strong. So, my mind is made up. I’ll sit here and try not to glance over at her every ten seconds.


“You’re making progress, dude,” Dane chimes in, still chewing. “Things are gonna work out.”

“Here’s hoping,” is all I say back.

I appreciate his vote of confidence, but as someone who’s been ignored by this girl, punched by this girl, and had my car wrecked by this girl, I’m not taking any chances of pissing her off. When provoked, she’s got one hell of a mean streak, and I know better than to underestimate it.

Not that I hate that about her.

Guess crazy is kind of my thing.

“Well, anyway,” Joss cuts in again, “you three should come by my place after practice. There’s gonna be food,” she adds, sing-songing that last part because she knows a good meal is one of the best ways to lure us anywhere.

I glance toward Joss after she offers. “Why? There a celebration we don’t know about?”

She shrugs casually. “No, but this is a once in a lifetime chance. My dad’s out of town on business—which hardly ever happens—so my mom suggested I invite you guys over while he’s away.”

Translation: She should have us over while her father’s away, because he’d never allow Dane to set foot inside their home otherwise.

It’s like the guy knows my brother would deflower his sweet, innocent daughter in a heartbeat if given the chance.

I hold in a smile, thinking about it. “You guys go ahead. I have something to take care of.”

Sterling assumes wrong. I know as much when his brow quirks suggestively. “Oh, yeah? Making another trip to South Cypress tonight?”

“Actually, you’re not wrong,” I answer, wondering how much I should say.

“You gonna leave us hanging or what?” Joss asks with a grin. Her nosey ass is dying on the other side of the table, waiting for me to say more.

My gaze flashes toward Southside for only a second, before shifting back to Joss and the guys.

“I reached out to Ricky,” I admit.

Dane shoots me a stern look. “Alone? You fucking crazy?”

“I can handle myself,” I remind him. “Besides, it’s not gonna be a rematch or anything. He and I just need to have a talk.”

“About…?” Joss pops a brow when asking.

“Just some shit we need to clear up,” is all I say.

Sterling’s shaking his head profusely before I even finish speaking. “You’re not going alone.”

“It’s already happening. Relax,” I say back.

They’re all quiet after that and I get why they’re concerned, seeing as how the last encounter I had with the guy ended with us both bleeding, but I’m focused now. Then, I was still raw with frustration over Southside, but with things leveling off, my head is much clearer.

Still don’t like the guy, but I’ll be cool.

“How’d you get his number?” Dane chimes in. “Last time you mentioned it, you weren’t sure how to find him.”

I bite into my burger, pretending not to hear his question.

“Gonna answer me, asshole?” he presses.

I’d probably just come out with it if Joss wasn’t sitting here, but she’ll definitely have an opinion, and won’t hesitate to share it.

Peering up, all three are staring and I know they won’t let it go.

Rolling my eyes, I mumble a response. “Got it from Southside’s phone.”

“You went through her phone?” Joss screeches way too loudly.

“Would you shut the fuck up?” I glance around to make sure no one heard that. “And, no, I didn’t go through her phone. He called the morning after I slept over, when Southside stepped out of her room to deal with some family shit. I noticed it was him and copied his number down.”

Joss is staring, expressionless. “You honestly think that’s better?”

“What the hell was I supposed to do? The guy’s like a fucking ghost! I saw a chance and took it.”

Eventually, she averts the death stare and goes back to eating her lunch.

“What’re you hoping to accomplish?” Dane asks.

I resist the urge to shrug, which would let them know I don’t really have a clear-cut plan.

“It’s just a conversation,” I answer.

Honestly, I just want to talk to the guy, find out what he knows, and see if my dad’s as grimy as I’m beginning to believe.

“Well, I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t tell you what a shit idea I think this is,” Sterling adds. “But I know you’re stubborn as hell and won’t change your mind.”

“Nope,” I say back, sipping my soda.

“At least meet him someplace public,” Joss adds. “Lots and lots of witnesses.”

I laugh a little. “Yes, mother.”

The remark earns me an expected snarl from her.

“I’ll be fine,” I assure them.

And, for the most part, I believe that.

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