Need Your Number: Tampa Thunder Series

Need Your Number: Chapter 7

The moment I walk through the doors, the girls are waiting.

“You look so tan, girl!  How was it?  Did you guys finally bang?” Lucy shoots off question after question.

“You do look tan!  I’m sure they didn’t bang Luc, she doesn’t date athletes and she’s not really his type.”  Celisa says that with the weirdest tone.

He’s obviously attracted to me, right?  Ugh, why do I even care, I’m not going there.

“Hello, Earth to Fi,” Lucy says.

“Well, we didn’t bang but sparks were flying.”  I’m not sure why I say it but I feel this pang of jealousy with how Celisa made her comment.

“I’m getting wine; tell us everything!”  Lucy runs and grabs a bottle of wine and three glasses.  Then I spill the details.

I tell them about opening up about Justin, and the way he opens doors, and walks on the farthest side of the road.  I tell them about the bed mix up and they both scoff.  Then we get to the shower part of the story.

“I am laying in the bed, and I can hear him jacking off in the shower.  At the end, he moaned my name clear as day, then walked out with just boxers on, like I didn’t just hear him practicing self-care.”  My cheeks flush red as I sport a sheepish smile.

Lucy starts fanning herself.  “Girl, tell me you said something to him when he came to bed!”

I smile.  “I didn’t, we just went to bed, but when we woke up, we were spooning, his hand was holding my boob, and he had some serious morning wood.  He woke me up and said, and I quote, ‘If you rub against me again, I’m going to embarrass myself by cumming in my boxers.’”

This time it is Celisa with commentary.  “Well, let’s not get too excited.  You aren’t really sure he said your name, and come on, morning wood happens to every guy, no matter what.”

What the fuck, where was this attitude coming from?

“Right, anyways, he took me surfing that morning.  We filmed content, then he actually taught me to surf!  He got some videos and photos that I will show you later.  After my first time going by myself, he picked me up and held me and whispered in my ear how proud he was of me for trusting myself and trusting him, but the way he said it, it felt like it had more meaning.”

This time I don’t give them a chance to comment, and I continue on, “I met his sister.  She’s amazing; she made a comment about how he never takes anyone but family surfing with him because it’s his special time.  Then she kept making jokes about how protective he was of me.”

Lucy looks up, obviously tipsy.  “I told him at the bar to be careful or he would fall even harder for you.” As she says it she slaps a hand over her mouth and looks away.  At the same time, Celisa and I both look at her, stunned.

“Excuse me, as my sister, you did what?” I ask.

She looks at me shyly.  “Listen, he’s been crushing on you since the day you guys skated alone.  That’s why you haven’t seen him partying or with any girls around.  He wants you!  All I did was tell him to protect his heart because I love you and I think he would be perfect for you, but I know you aren’t interested in hockey boys.  I was trying to warn him to get his feelings under control, so his heart didn’t shatter.  I’m sorry Fi, I wasn’t trying to hurt you.”

I blink back the tears forming in my eyes.  “No, it’s okay.  I understand.  I wish I could just be with him.  He has shown me he would treat me well, and he is obviously interested.  I just have to live for me right now.”

She reaches over and pulls me into a side hug.

“I’m going to bed.  Goodnight; welcome back, Fiona,” Celisa says as she heads to her room. “I think she’s had a crush on Zane and it’s never been returned, so now seeing him falling for you has hurt her,” Lucy informs me. “I don’t know what to do, Lucy.  I’m so confused.  He is amazing, but I don’t know if I’m ready.  Plus, the draft…  he wants Tampa, but that’s not a guarantee,” I say with a small smile. Lucy pulls me into a hug.  “Fi, if you want to find a problem, you will.  Maybe take some time to think about it; decide if all those fears are worth possibly finding your soulmate.” I take a long shower and lay in bed, lost in thoughts when my phone dings:

Zane: Thanks for this weekend.  I had a great time.  I hope you did too.

Zane: P.S. You better give me pic creds when you post your surfing photos.

Fiona: I had an amazing time!  Thanks for letting me tag along.  Of course, got to give credit where it’s due

Zane: Good night, sunshine.  I know we don’t have any content to film leading up to this week’s game against GU, but hopefully, I see you around.

Zane: If I don’t see you, then remember not to get in your head about him being in town.  You are stronger than letting him get to you.

Fiona: Good night, Z

Flipping to another text, I send the screenshot to Lucy, who just sends back a message that says, Swoon with a heart eye emoji.  How helpful.

Sleep continues to evade me, so I go post the picture of me surfing on a decent size wave, looking the happiest I have ever been.  The caption is a sun emoji and then I write, Pic credits to the best @zanemillerhockey.  Less than a minute later he liked it and commented, Best photographer ever.  Oh, and you weren’t too bad yourself, sunshine. He ended it with a laughing emoji.

I must have fallen asleep not long after because I wake up to my phone full of notifications.  Comments on my photo range from how happy I look, to am I dating Zane, to am I single.  I also have a winky face text from Lucy, an I’m sorry text from Celisa, and a text from Luke just saying, “Is there anything I should know?” I choose to ignore them all and get ready for the day.

I blow dry my hair straight, put on some light makeup, and then head to find something to wear.  Today is mostly editing so I don’t need to go on the ice or be in meetings.  I choose a pair of black jeans with rips in them and a vintage Penguins shirt that’s figure-forming; cute and comfy is the vibe.  I slip on my yellow Converse and head out the door.

Stopping at Roasters, I notice a few girls looking at me.  I choose to write it off as a misunderstanding.  It’s not until one of them walks up to me that I realize they were looking at me.

“Hi, you’re that surfer girl, right?  Are you dating Zane?  No one’s seen him out in a while, so we were just wondering,” the blonde says.

I give them a polite smile.  “No, we aren’t dating.  I’m not sure why he’s not partying anymore.  I wish I could be more help.  Have a nice day.”  Well, that was weird.  I guess girls are checking his tags often.  I giggle at how ridiculous that is.

When I get to my office, coffee in hand, I see a small bag.  Inside is a handful of Airheads and a new Penguins shirt with my brothers’ number on it.

Fiona: Thanks for the goody bag. I love it!

Luke: What goody bag?

Fiona: The Airheads and shirt with your number on it?

Luke: Not from me, sorry, sis

Fiona: LUCY!!!

Lucy: What?

Fiona: I just got a goody bag – Airheads and a Penguins shirt

Lucy: That’s nice of Luke, but weird flex

Fiona: Luke didn’t send it

Lucy: Oh,, Zane.  He wanted to do something nice but didn’t want to be a Justin and give you something with his number

Fiona: That was very thoughtful, thank you

Zane: They were giving us family and friends shirts today, but I didn’t want to assume you wanted my number

Fiona: Thank you! Seriously, I love it.

I get focused on my edits for the week.  After a few hours, the arena is quiet.  I start dancing in my office to my Swiftly playlist while I put together the content wall.  After about five songs of dancing and singing, I hear clapping.

I turn around so fast and find myself running smack into Zane’s broad chest.

“Oh my Lord, you scared me!” I say.

“Sorry, I was just coming to drop something off on my way back to watch tapes,” he tells me. As I start to say, “You got me enough al-”, he shows me a McDonald’s Coke. “Ok, fine, I will take one more gift today.  You didn’t have to do this, you know,” I say.

He smiles huge and says, “I know I didn’t, but I wanted to.  Well, I got to go, I just wanted to give you that.” As he walks out, a sophomore player, Marshall, almost runs right into him.

“Watch it, bro,” Marshall says.  I holler at Zane, “Glad to see you kept some of your grumpiness…thank you again!”

This week flies by with lots of content going out with our game against big time rivals GU this weekend.  I have team content, tons of senior content, and we have the mascot out interacting around campus.  We did a free t-shirt scavenger hunt based on videos we posted this week.  It went viral and this game is sold out already.  The concession stands have doubled their Airhead inventory.  We are all set to have a successful rivalry game!

It’s now Saturday morning, game day.  I wake up and take my time drinking my coffee.  I start to drift into thoughts of running into Justin and what I’m going to wear today to help keep the peace.  Lucy comes out and I talk to her about my stress and the negative thoughts going on.  Before she can talk me down, my phone pings.

Zane: Stop with the negative thoughts, sunshine.  I know you are in your head about him right now.  Don’t let him affect your life any more than he already has.  Wear your brother’s jersey because YOU want to or wear a Penguins shirt with no number because YOU want to.  DON’T choose based on keeping the peace with him.

My eyes start watering and I smile.

“Okay, well, now you have to show me,” Lucy says, grabbing my phone.

“I need to give this man a chance,” I decide out loud.

Lucy jumps up.  “Fuck, yeah, about damn time.  This was seriously the sweetest thing he could have done.  He knows you.  He knew you would be in your head today.”

I grab my phone, rushing to my room to get ready.

Fiona: Thank you.  Let’s talk after the game.  There’s something I want to give you.  Good luck!  Crush them today, for me!

Zane: You got it, sunshine, see you!

I spend the next hour doing my makeup and hair, a heavier makeup, but nothing crazy, then my hair in big curls down my back with small braids around the crown to keep it out of my face.  I decide on black leggings that fit perfectly and a Penguins shirt that’s fitted.  Of course I complete the outfit with yellow Vans and Airheads.  I wanted to tell Luke about me and Zane, but it’s too late now.

I rush over to the stadium to prepare for entrance photos.  Everyone comes in looking nice in their suits, but one suit catches my eye.  Blue suit with yellow tie and the man wearing it – he’s hot.  Zane walks up, giving us a wink and tossing me an Airhead.  I don’t have time to talk to him now, but I can feel the air between us charged with sparks.

I head to the front row seats where Celisa and Lucy are.  The boys skate out, and every Tampa U fan, including us, is holding up Airheads for Zane.  My eyes are glued to #27 as he stops at the boards and tosses me another Airhead and winks.  Luke skates by and we all give him the I love you sign.

“Here comes GU, are you ready?” Celisa questions, concerned.

“I’m ready,” I state, completely not ready.  I lock eyes with Zane right as Justin skates up and pulls on the shoulder of his jersey in front of us, almost to taunt me for daring to wear another jersey that’s not his.  Which wasn’t why I didn’t wear a jersey; it was out of respect of not talking to Luke yet about Zane.

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