Need Your Number: Tampa Thunder Series

Need Your Number: Chapter 6

My God, my heart stops as all the blood flows straight to my dick when she steps out of the bathroom.  She’s wearing short shorts that showcase her toned legs and tight ass perfectly.  It’s like a wet dream come to life as my eyes slowly travel up to see she has a tank top on that shows just a little stomach and is low cut.  I know she didn’t pack knowing we would be together, but damn, this is my own personal hell, to have her like that lying in bed with me when I won’t be able to touch her.

I step into the bathroom, being careful not to let her see the raging boner I have.  “I’m going to take a quick shower.”

I climb into the steamy hot water and start stroking my cock.  Images of Fiona flash through my mind: her sexy shorts, her perfect ass, her tits that would fit perfectly in my hands, images of her laughing and smiling.  It doesn’t take long to get myself to climax.  Before I can stop myself I cum all over my hand with her name on my lips.  Fuck.  FUCK!  I really hope these walls are thick and she didn’t hear me.  Or maybe it’s good she hears me so she can know what she does to me.  I decide not to put on my shorts, I walk out in just my black boxers.

By the look on her face, I can tell she heard me in the shower.  Her eyes take their time looking at me from top to bottom, lingering on my cock.  Her cheeks are flushed and she looks guilty as she looks up.

“Good night, Zane.  See you in the morning,” she says.

I climb into bed next to her, being careful to honor the space currently between us.  Thoughts of her and I flash through my mind while sleep evades me.  I focus on her breathing and sleep finally comes and takes me.

I slowly wake up with something soft in my hand.  I squeeze.  It’s Fiona’s perfect tit.  At some point in the night she moved over to me and we are now spooning.  Her tit is out of her tank top and in my hand, nipple erect.  She starts to wake and slowly presses that tight ass against my painfully hard erection.  As she moans quietly and wiggles back even more, I’m about to cum just from her touch, like a fucking high schooler.  The alarm goes off as I start to figure out how to untangle us so she won’t have to wake up uncomfortable.

With a gasp she startles fully awake, pressing back further as I reach and hit the alarm with the hand not on her tit.

“Oh my God, oh my God!  I’m so sorry, Zane!  I don’t know how I ended up over here.”

I grimace.  “Fiona, hun, it’s fine, but please, for the love of God, please don’t grind back anymore.  I’m about to embarrass us both by creaming in my pants from your touch.”

I begin to untangle us as she says, “Oh, I’m so sorry!  This is embarrassing!  If it helps, you are… um… bigger than anyone I have ever been with.”

She turns bright red, stammering, “Wow, why did I just say that?  It’s not a lie but also, I just – well I don’t know, I’m flustered.”

I get up from the bed as she locks eyes on my boxers and the tent inside of it.

“I’m just going to go get dressed,” is all I say as I grab my wetsuit and head to the bathroom.

I think of everything I can to ease this massive hard on: grandma’s feet, taxes, sweaty hockey gear stench.  It seems to work.  I rinse my face and get dressed.  It’s about to be a very long day.  At least she complimented my dick during her awkward apology.

When I come out of the room, she’s in her bathing suit with linen shorts and a crop tank top.

“I’m going to bring my boards to the water if you want to meet me down there when you are ready.”

She gives me a small smile.  “Yeah, let me get my things together, then I will be down.”

As I go to walk out the door I turn around.  “Fi, don’t overthink any of this.  We were asleep, we had been drinking… use whatever reasoning you need, but don’t let it eat you up inside.  Let’s have a great day!”

With that I step into the hall, leaving her to calm her thoughts.

About twenty minutes later she joins me on the beach looking flushed but a lot more relaxed.  I would be willing to bet she got herself off before she came down.  Which is incredibly hot, but now is not the time to be turned on.

I ditch the wetsuit since the water’s not that cold yet, opting to surf in my board shorts.  I head to the water and start to get in the surf zone.  I figure if she needs anything specific, she will let me know.

After about an hour of tearing up wave after wave, I am watching Fi focus on everything she films. The way she studies the waves, the sunlight, the angle she is shooting me… it’s entrancing seeing her like this.  She splashes through the waves for the perfect shots.  The look of her tits in that swimsuit as she’s bouncing around should be illegal.

I sit on my board as she snaps a bunch of shots.  “Did you get anything good?  Or do you need more footage?”

She looks at me, confused.  “I got tons of good stuff; you are great out there.  But I’m surprised you are done already.”

My smile grows wider.  “Oh I’m not done, but you are going to put your phone and camera down and come try surfing.”

She looks at me like I have five heads.  “I don’t know how to surf!  This is your thing!  It’s okay, I will just start editing while you surf.”

“Nope!  You are going to come and give it a try.  I think you will love it!” I don’t give her time to argue.  I start to head back to shore.

I switch to the other board I brought for this moment.  It’s longer and easier for beginners.  This should be fun.  I think learning something new will be fun and give her a chance to relax a bit after last night and this morning.  I know she’s feeling the sparks between us, I just can’t pressure her.  I need to let her relax around me and hopefully, she will find herself in a position like I’m in.  Where the idea of never giving us a chance is scarier than the idea of our friendship we worked hard for go up in flames.  All I want is to treat her like the princess she is.  I want to drink McDonald’s Coke and eat pierogis – whatever those are – while we watch TV.

I feel like Fiona and I could have what my parents have if she would drop the no-athlete rule.  I focus back on Fiona and see some guy talking to her.  I see fucking red.  I want him away from my girl.  My girl, oh I’m so screwed.

“Fi, babe, you ready to get out there?”

She looks over, smiles, says something to him, and starts heading to me.

“Babe?  Really, caveman?  Afraid someone’s going to try to whisk me away on their surfboard?”

I roll my eyes and laugh.  “I’m just trying to keep you away from assholes with only one thing on their mind.”

We head to the water after practicing how to pop up on the board a few times.  I push her board out into the water.  I can tell she’s terrified, so I decided to help.

“Close your eyes, close them.  Feel the water moving beneath you, feel how the board goes with the waves.  Let your mind clear of all the negative things you have rolling in there.”

I can see her body relaxing. “I’m going to push you into the wave and you’re going to stand up when you hear me tell you.”

She lets the quietest, “Okay, I trust you.”  It makes me feel something, hearing she trusts me.

I push her into the next wave.

“Up! Up! Up!” I see her struggle, but she gets up. “Yes, Fi, go girl!”

I swim into shore.  She rides the wave all the way to the shallows where the waves break.  Before I can fully steady myself, she throws herself into my arms.

“I did it!  It was exhilarating and relaxing at the same time!  I want to surf all the time.  That feeling was amazing!”

With her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist, I lean back so I can see her face.  I gently push the brown locks of hair that fell out of her braid.

“I saw you Fi, you killed it! I’m so proud.  I told you to get out of your head and just relax.”

I continue to hold her, neither of us rushing to break apart.  She looks at me and her voice, almost coming out as a whisper, says, “Thank you for everything – for showing me how to trust myself, how to trust someone else, how to relax.  Thank you for this experience.”

I stare at her kissable lips as I whisper back, “Of course.  It was my honor to be a part of this moment with you.”

Not wanting to break apart but knowing we need, so I add, “Do you want to go again?  We have another thirty minutes before we need to get ready for the beach cleanup.”

We spend those last thirty minutes caught up in pure bliss.  We talk, laugh, and in some parts, just surf in silence.  Fiona really let go and freed her mind today.  She learned to trust herself, trust her decisions, trust me.  Surfing is all about trusting the ocean to give you the proper sign when to go, then trusting yourself to know how hard to paddle and when to pop up.  I’m so grateful to get to be here with her as she hits this moment in her life. The joy she’s radiating brings me so much unexplained happiness.

Back in the hotel room, I let her shower first, so she has time to get ready.  She left me her laptop so I can flip through the images and videos.  They are amazing!  It’s like she captured the focus, peace, and happiness I have when I’m on my board.  She sees me in a different light than anyone else ever has.  I think I’m falling for someone who won’t date athletes.

I finish doing a quick scan of the content she got and look at the few photos and videos I got of her and smile because she looks like a pure ray of sunshine.

We gather our stuff and get dressed for the clean-up.  I’m wearing navy board shorts, a white tank top, and white slip-on sneakers.  Fiona is in a different bikini with jean shorts and a cropped Penguins hockey tank top, and sandals.  I shoot a text to Penny to let her know we are on the way as we load up the Jeep.  I open Fiona’s car door for her and we head out.  I remind Fiona my sister is coming and to just ignore any off-the-wall comments she makes.  We ride in comfortable silence.

At the beach cleanup, I come around and open the door for her and help her get her backpack of gear.  My sister pulls in next to us.  I lock my Jeep and open Penny’s door, then pull her into a hug.

“Always the gentleman, brother.  Good to see you!” she says with a smile.

I lean forward, whispering, so only she can hear.  “Don’t say anything crazy, Pen.  She works for the team.”

She skips over to Fiona, completely ignoring me.  “Hi, I’m Penny, this weird thing’s sister.  It’s nice to meet you.  I hope he’s not giving you too much trouble.”

Fiona grins back.  “Nice to meet you, too.  No, he’s not too bad. He taught me to surf today, which was amazing!”

My sister looks behind Fiona, giving me the “hmm, interesting look”.  Penny knows I have never taken anyone out to surf with me that’s not family.

Once we check in we get started with the cleanup.  Fiona films the first half of the day, interviewing me, interviewing Penny, and getting sibling footage.  The event organizer lets her interview him about my years volunteering here, the work the organization does, and more.  Once she has enough footage she puts her stuff in the Jeep and begins to help with clean up.  I watch as she shuffles through the sand looking sun-kissed and gorgeous.  I stare daggers any time a guy comes up to talk to her but try to be sure she doesn’t catch me.

“So you love her?”

I almost choke on my water as my sister comes up from behind me.

“What?  Are you crazy?  We aren’t even dating,” I inform her – again.

“I see you watching her.  You are protective, you care about her.  Dude, you took her surfing!  That’s your sacred just-you thing.  So when are you going to grow some balls and ask her out?”

I grimace, then tell her about Fiona’s shitty ex and her no-athlete dating clause.

She listens and says, “Figure it out, brother.  The way you look at her – it’s how dad looks at mom.  But don’t wait for her too long if she’s not going to change her mind.”

After that, the three of us spend the rest of the afternoon joking around and sharing fun stories until it’s time to leave.  I walk Penny to the car, opening the door for her.

I open the door for Fiona, then get ready to head back to Tampa.  A quick stop at McDonald’s for a Coke and we are on the road home.  Fiona edits while I drive with music blasting.  The silence feels comfortable.  The drive goes by too fast and soon I’m in front of Fiona’s apartment, opening the door and hugging her goodbye.  I get lost in thoughts of her while I drive home.

I am so screwed.

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