Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 337: First Upload (VIII): Silver Rank III

Rezar sat back looking at the werewolf as he stared at the cavern covered sky with a despondent look on his face. He looked desolate and bleak, and frankly speaking he couldn't help but feel sorry for what he was seeing. If he would say that he understood what he was going through Rezar would be lying. He has been in so many dark places before this, but this was a darkness on a whole other level, Rezar did not have a single word of comfort to give that would be able to bring him out of the shell he had just wrapped himself into. There was absolutely no sign of the fierce werewolf that almost did the impossible, the one thing no one has been able to do for so long…. he almost put an end to Rezar Deathwind.

There wasn't much Rezar could do or the werewolf but to wait patiently, hoping he would be able to pull himself out of the mire of depression he has just thrown himself in, and so he decided to look at all of the system notifications he has so far been able to ignore. His gains were not small, and even though at the moment the changes from his growth has not been implemented, Rezar got the feeling that there was more power beneath his skin, waiting to bubble up and be released out into the world at his behest and command.

[Magic Skill: Magic Mastery Has leveled up to 7! Magic+20, Mental+10.]

[Magic Skill: Mana Blade Has Leveled up to 5! Auxiliary Effects Unlocked! Pick 1!]

[Magic Skill: Mana Blade Level 5! Magic+15, Mental+15 Auxiliary Effects: (Elemental Blade: Conjure elemental attribute on blade to cause elemental damage.) (Congealed Blade: the blade of mana is conjured without using another weapon as a medium)]

[Vampire Skill: Supernatural Body has leveled up to 7! Magic+10. Mental+10, Speed+10, Constitution +35, Strength+ 35]

[Vampire Skill: Teleportation is now Level 1! Mana+10, Mental+10, Constitution+13]

[Vampire Skill: Bullet Time has Leveled up to 5! Speed+30, Constitution +30, Mental+15, Auxiliary Effect Unlocked!]

[Vampire Skill: Bullet Time auxiliary Effect is not available, skill has evolved to Time Mage Skill Tree and the Bullet Time Skill has been removed from Vampire skill tree. Due to extenuating circumstances, you now have 6 skill trees. Advancement to higher ranks are now twice as hard]

[Time Mage Skill Tree: Bullet Time is now Level 5]

[Necromancy Skill: Soul Manipulation is now level 1! Magic+10, Mental+10]

[Arms Skill: Dual Swords is Now Level 5! Speed+25, Constitution+25, Strength+15, Auxiliary Skill Unlocked]

[Arms Skill: Dual Swords Auxiliary Skill (Blade Dancer) is unlocked: Speed, Dexterity and Charisma when using dual bladed weapons of any kind is increased by 300%]

[Arms Skill: Unarmed is Now Level 2! Strength+5, Speed+5, Constitution+5]

There was quite a lot of information to look through, though Rezar did notice that there was no growth for any of the Dragon's arte skills he had used during the fight with the werewolf; which if he had to be honest was understandable. Those series of skills have always been the pones hardest to level up for him, and yet now, even with part of his bloodline still unlocked he had gained a sixth skill tree. Though if he had to be honest he didn't know if it was worth it or not. The inclusion of a sixth skill tree meant that his advancement rate was now twice as hard, requiring twice as much work and twice as much stats to get to his destination.

There was a balance, vampires with all of their skills and abilities advanced a lot slower than other people. They required twice as much stats to advance in ranks, and funny enough that grueling journey always usually ends up making them even more skilled depending on the skills they grinded to get the stats necessary for advancements. It was an unfair situation, and those at higher ranks always have a suppressive effect on those with lower ranks, but even then it's not enough to stop a vampire from beating the shit out of you. Rezar took a deep breath, it was annoying, but having a time mage skill tree means that he was still growing stronger and achieving more than most people. He shifted his attention to his stat sheet.

[You have gotten three stats to tier 4! You have advanced to Silver Rank III Earth General! All Stats +30]contemporary romance

[Rezar Death Wind] = [Age: 17] = [Class: King] = [Rank: Silver III {Earth General}]

[Race: Vampire] = [Bloodline: Storm Dragon// Death God//(HIDDEN)]

[Mental (IV): 62] = [Magic (IV): 95] = [Constitution (IV): 07] = [Strength (IV): 50] = [Speed (IV): 70]

[Traits: War Edge//Black Magician]

{Skill Trees}

[Vampire: Supernatural Body {Power King} (6)// Blood Mastery (2)// Teleportation (1) +]

[Necromancy: Summon Skeleton (4)// Spectral Skull {Satellite} (6)// Raise Undead (4)// Soul Element Mastery (1) +]

[Magic: Magic Mastery (5)// Mana Charge (4)// E.M.P (2)// Mana Blade {Elemental Blade} (5) +]

[Arms: Dual Swords {Blade Dancer} (5)//Staffs (4)//Chains (4)//Unarmed (2) +]

[Dragon's Arte: 13 Pulses (3): Water Element Mastery (2)// Wind Element Mastery (2)//Dragon Soul (0)// Dragon Roar (0) +]

[Time Mage: Bullet Time (5)]

[Skill Points: 354]

Rezar was happy, it was safe to say that he could probably match the werewolf fully in terms of physicality and speed without having to resort to the dragon soul transformation. He felt extremely good, and even though said werewolf was polluting the atmosphere with his depression Rezar could not really be bothered to feel down with the gains he has gotten so fa, and the day or rather this adventure was far from over. Not to mention this was the most skill points he has ever gotten, and he was probably going to be adding a few new skills into his arsenal soon enough, especially now that there was a free slot in his vampire skill tree, and a lot more in his new time mage skill tree.

"I am sorry or your loss Mr. werewolf, but if you could give us a moment to answer our questions, we really need to know what we're dealing with?" Screet asked as he moved closer, but made sure to keep a respectable distance from the distraught werewolf.

Rezar shook his head in annoyance at Screet's complete lack of tact. He was more than willing to give the werewolf a few more hours of wallowing in his despair, but his first undead didn't have as much patience as his master. Rezar kept himself at the ready, grief could make people do really stupid and dangerous things, and this guy has been through a crucible that he thought had been a very well detailed time skip. So even though he knew thousands of years have passed, he probably experienced it in an instant and took his roleplaying a bit too far in his fight with Rezar.

He was still stuck in a past that didn't exist, a past that fostered the belief that this was a game. But now he was learning that this was reality, a very broken one that everyone else but him, apart from him have lived for generations. Either as an upload or a player using a virtual reality console to dive into the world of Elysium. He had to come to terms with his reality, and to do so he needed time, but it didn't look like Screet was willing to give that time.

The werewolf made his way back up to his feet, the clothes on him was obviously missing. He had quite a few scars on his body, but the intricate golden tattoos on his Caucasian body gave an exoticness that Rezar has never seen or experienced before. The dude was handsome, very much so that with all of his charisma and poise and grace, standing next to this werewolf for Rezar was like making a comparison between night and day and almost literally if you wanted to take skin color in consideration.

"this place used to be Kichona Ishi; the grand jewel of the south and the most affluent vampire kingdom and city in all of Elysium. But apart from being so damn rich they built their houses out of diamonds and rubies, they also housed the most dangerous and more ominous structure in all of Elysium…. The Black tower of Babel. A place where the vampires in their overly pompous self-righteous egotistical and narcissistic fervor; experimented on thousands of creatures. And the world looked the other way because the Black Tower of Babel….is a prison.

And I was placed on the first floor with a few others I guess. Every time you enter and exit you would be brought before a new prisoner. A single floor holds a million prisoners, each more dangerous than the last and the bloody tower has a hundred floors. You're lucky you found me first, because unlike me, everyone else in this prison are not…. or rather were not players like I was who got screwed over by Olympus Industries. They're NPCs with fully functional and capable AIs and super powerful and angry enough at their imprisonment to bring all of Elysium and every other surviving vampire in it to the ground. Mr. Rezar Deathwind…. you're probably looking at a structure that would and can be your death sentence if you don't get the fuck away from it. So what would you do?" The Werewolf asked Rezar as he brushed off a stray speck of emerald dust from his exposed bum.

"Well what would I do? I'm going to fucking let them loose!"



"Every Last One of Them!"

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