Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 336: First Upload (VII): Stalemate

It was a conundrum unlike any other for the toxic blood of a werewolf to be the cure to it's very own toxic bite. But then again the Anti-venom to snake bites are made from the very same venom carried by said snakes, so it wasn't much of a conundrum when you thought about it. The pain stopped for Rezar just as suddenly as it had begun when he was slashed by the werewolf. In his pain filled haze he had heard the deal that Screet had made with the werewolf, and for a second, as he picked himself from the rubble of the building their fight had taken them into, he contemplated just letting the bloody mutt die.

After all he had tired to help him in the first place, freeing him for a captivity that has lasted for God knows how long, and the way the bloody werewolf had chosen to repay Rezar was to attack him with the intent to kill. So forgive him for being a little vindictive, and he didn't have to feel sorry about anything or look at the werewolf saving his life with his own blood as goodwill because they would not be here in the first place if it wasn't for the blasted creature. So yes! He could die and Rezar would not lose a wink of sleep about it, in fact that's what he wanted to do. Screet's deal with the shifter meant nothing to Rezar and the undead knew it.

Honor was good and all, but Rezar was ruthless to his enemies without remorse. He knew that well. But Rezar had no choice, this was the first werewolf he has ever come across and frankly speaking he needs information. He still didn't know anything about this place, or the monsters in it. He still has to look for the Thinga majig responsible for making all these red vines that were crafting ores/minerals. And he ultimately had to know what was up with this freakishly large building, so it was with extreme reluctance that he pulled Vita Gratia back into his palm. The edge of her blades now having a grey tinge to it as he connected them both back into it's staff form.

The werewolf shudder as the blades found their way out, and then he released a sigh of relief as his body began to heal. It was fast, really fast, but just a tad bit slower than what Rezar was capable of. His transformation began to recede, fur giving way to skin and claws to fingers until a man that looked in his late twenties to early thirties was standing in front of Rezar, Naked as the day he was born. Rezar eyes him warily, his skin was smooth and clear, without blemish or scars. And he was Asian, which made Rezar narrow his eyes even more…..he was freakishly handsome… K-pop idol handsome. And in realizing that Rezar wanted to smash his face into the ground again, this time against a diamond building or the black building behind him.contemporary romance

"You can let down your guard vampire, I'm not going to attack you anymore. You're safe from me."

The way he called the name vampire with such disdain pissed Rezar off, he canceled his transformation as the skeletons he had summoned trooper out of the building, their weapons at the ready. Rezar walked towards the werewolf his eyes blazing in anger and his voice dripping with malice as he said to him, making sure his intent was made as clear as possible.

"You're fucking alive due to my bloody grace you stupid mutt! I free you and you try to kill me and you tell me that I am safe from you? The years you've spent in that amber must have knocked a few screws loose in your head. So let me introduce you to the world you and everyone else now lives in, so that you may know that it is not I that is safe from you, but you who lives due to my mercy and the very annoying fact that I need information. As for what happens after…..that would be completely up to the way you choose to act, so mutt! Feast your eyes on the visage of King Rezar Deathwind! Of Morte Bianca! First vampire of his line and King of the Bone Horde! You would be wise to tread carefully Werewolf! Due to your actions I have now developed a hatred for your kind that wasn't there before, I wouldn't want to completely erase you all in case you are the last."

"Right back at you vampire!" and then the werewolf spat on the ground as he moved closer, claws and fangs poking out.

"It doesn't matter which era you fucking bloodsuckers are as arrogant as they come. You think you're all hit stuff and you shit rainbows and gold dust. I am not scared of you, and I-" Rezar didn't wait for him to complete whatever he had to say as a head-butt to the nose shut him up. And before he could react, Vita Gratia already found her way into his chest as Rezar pinned him to a wall that was relatively still standing, his blood slowly dripping down in an extremely macabre fashion.

"You owe me a fucking apology, and instead of giving that you want to raise shoulders at me. Arrogant? Yes I'm arrogant, but not because I'm a vampire, I didn't even know Elysium had vampires until I became the first. My arrogance is born from the mountain of corpses and enemies I've had to climb to get to this place, to the advancement my kingdom has made and my empire that is soon to be born. You don't know me, but you have slighted me, and I don't care if you live or die, damn the information I need, I will end you and wait another 20 thousand years to find another Werewolf. Just because you're the first I've seen doesn't make you anything special so stop pushing me."

There was a lull in the conversation and they both glared at each other, neither willing to back down from the other. Rezar made sure to keep his distance, it wouldn't do to get cut by that bloody werewolf again as that wouldn't be nice. But he was also secretly gathering the werewolf's blood, so his attack wasn't exactly because he was pissed off or angry but a strategic move. The werewolf was stuck, he had the power to bring down a building but no matter what he did, Vita Gratia refused to budge, it was crazy as he has never seen a weapon like this. But if he wanted to live, especially now that he had been set free, it would be better to bow his head a bit to this vampire, pride meant nothing if you weren't alive.

"I apologize for my rudeness, your kind is what has kept me imprisoned here for so long, away from my home, from my family. You see I am what you locals call an adventurer, or as some would say a player. Chosen by the gods to descend onto Elysium from my own world, known to you locals as earth. I mean no harm, in fact I can even help you out with certain tasks and quests, just as my kind has always done."

Rezar raised an eyebrow, then turned to look at Screet who raised his hands and shrugged his shoulders as if to say he had no idea what was going on. Rezar turned back to look at the werewolf before saying.

"Dude, if you're saying you're a player that much is understandable. I'm an upload too, I guess you could say I'm human and I'm from Earth. But you're talking to me as if I'm an NPC which I'm most definitely not. There has not been an NPC in Elysium in like God knows forever, so the fuck are you talking about. The only NPC here is probably Screet, but Elysium is no longer a game dude. All of humanity has migrated here to escape an extinction level event, this is our home now, we're all humans here."

The werewolf looked stumped, the look in his eyes was not something Rezar had ever seen in the eyes of anybody else. He looked lost, confused and broken, like the entire world had just come crashing down on him. He shook as he raised his head up and then he asked a question.

"there-there wasn't a time skip? This isn't some instance dungeon? My-my family?"

Rezar pulled Vita Gratia out as the werewolf slid to the ground completely beset by shock. He was mumbling to himself, his eyes glazed over as his body shook. Rezar turned his attention to Screet who also looked up at his master, both were at a loss about what to do about this situation, because while Rezar had an idea what was going on, it was extremely hard to put to words and for the Werewolf to come to grips with the fact that. … .he has been stuck in a game for thousands of years.

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