Necromancer Supreme System

Chapter 46: Her Name is: Lady Sefiera

Ibro just smiled, as he didn't care of what this greedy brother might have profited behind his back, as he replied:

"She went to handle her own village. Did you find a suitable Information trading guild?"

Moran shook his head, but his smile never left his face as he said:

"Always straight to the point, anyway," he sighed, faking helplessness, but his smile was still there on his face. "I have found you one great guild, and I have given them your player's info. You should expect a call from them soon."

"Are they operational in every single world?" Ibro stressed on this point, as he didn't want to miss any place where he couldn't find Sefiera.

"Oh, don't worry about this," Moran said in a comforting tone, "there is no world here without a branch of their guild," he added, before pausing for a moment, "Can I know what you are looking for desperately?"

This was the first time the smile on his face had faded, as he was speaking seriously, without fooling around as his usual.contemporary romance

"I'm looking for a person," Ibro said, pausing and didn't add anything else.

"Sigh," Moran sighed, "I know you are a good player, but having harem at your age is just a bizarre idea, especially when my little sister had fallen, naively, for you."

Ibro just remained quiet, as even if he had a harem, it was his own business, and no one, even this brother of one of his, had no right to question him.

"Damn, you are dead quiet about this matter," Moran said in a helpless tone, "I thought I might know what you are looking for, as I might be able to help," he added.

"I won't tell you for your own protection, that's all," Ibro finally opened his mouth, as he only warned Moran from things he might face if he knew what he was looking for.

Ibro was sure of what happened here, as nothing bad would ever happen without the presence of fiends here. no matter where she was, or what happened to her, fiends would always be in the picture. If he told Moran, or let him interfere more than this, he might put him in danger.

Ibro didn't like Mora, and he didn't hate him, but this decision didn't come from his impression on him. Ibro just didn't want to increase the list of people he needed to defend, just simply like this.

So, the less Moran knew, the better, Ibro had a full list of people he needed to protect, and his hands were already full, and he couldn't yet protect everyone.

Moran got the message, and his serious face turned gloomy. He guessed Ibro was going to face some badass enemy, the kind which would make anyone he knew at risk.

He suddenly felt bad for his sister, she was already related to Ibro. It was too late for him to separate the two, as he knew his sister well, she was already in love with this man.

So, knowing and helping him wasn't an option, and moving away wasn't applicable, and that made him in a great dilemma, not knowing what to do.

"Don't worry," Ibro finally spoke, as it was easy for him to ascertain what Moran was thinking of. "I won't let Noda be in danger," he added.

"Does she know?" Moran asked.

"No, she doesn't need to know anything," Ibro said, "I will make sure nothing will ever happen to her," he reassured Moran as he declared his intentions. Ibro planned to send part of his armies to help in securing her and her village, and that was the least and the most he could do from now on.

He was going into a long time of preparations, and after that he would leave to find and rescue Sefiera. He just hoped this measure would be enough, until he finished saving his girl, and his other girls.

"I hope you keep your promise," Moran said, before closing up the interface by saying, "When you want to sell a rune, just send it to me, and I will send you back the tokens you need."

Ibro knew Moran was about to run his own preparations to try and help his sister, so he just nodded and didn't say anything. Ibro knew Moran's feelings, and he sympathized with them to some extent, but he had a mission and he wouldn't even delay it for the sake of somebody else.

He didn't wait there for long, as in nearly an hour, another request of contact appeared, it was from a player named Regin, and Ibro figured out he was the messenger of that information guild.

So, he accepted the request, and once did, a middle aged man, with a head full of white long hair appeared in front of him. From the first look, he thought this man was so old, but when he focused on his face, he was astonished to see a young man's face, not an old one full of wrinkles.

"Hi, I'm Regin, a messenger from Fate guild for information trade. I assume you are Mr. Ibro, right?"

The man said, once he saw Ibro, who replied with the same respect:

"Hi Mr. Regin, I'm Ibro, I'm honored to meet you."

"Nice lad," Regin said, commending on his manners, "Mr. Moran told us about the desire for you to acquire our services, has he explained about our ways in making deals?"

Ibro shook his head, as he had a very good impression of that man. "No he didn't tell me anything about your guild," he honestly said.

The man just smiled, as he explained:

"Our guild extends in every single world it's there, even from the source world, world zero. We are reliable, with a huge network of agents and means to get many info anyplace at any time. We offer you many services, including information trade, information selling, specific requests.

The policy of any trade done here is simple, once you, sir, and I reach an agreement regarding what we will be doing here, I will send a memo to one of my superiors, a guild elder, who will judge the agreement and set the price for it.

Our pricing policy depends upon many factors, and we take enough care to determine the price of each trade, so I'm obliged to tell you that our pricing isn't negotiable, and can't be changed once judged by our guild elder."

Ibro nodded his head in satisfaction, as this was something he appreciated about this guild. Expressing all the terms from the beginning was something he admired, and thus his trust in this guild rose up by some thresholds.

"I have no objection to that," Ibro said.

"Fine, now I want to talk about the different ways of dealing between each other here. you can sell information you know to us for some price, you can ask for information from us for some price, you can exchange info accordingly, and our judge can determine if there is any difference for you or us in the process, and you can ask for specific information regarding anything you want. May I know what interests you, Mr. Ibro?"

Ibro said, in a calm tone:

"I want to ask about information regarding a specific person."

Regin nodded his head, and his long, silk like, white hair shook with him while saying:

"Good, do you want to have past information, or recent, or the future information?"

Ibro was astonished, as he never thought he would be asked such a question. It seemed to those who practiced a special job would have better grasp at it. Ibro had no option here but to ask for all.

"I want everything related to that person," he said.

"Great," Regin said, as Ibro noticed he was writing something, as he was filling blank spaces in a document of their agreement.

"May I know the name of that person? His name, family name, and his world? any extra data will be helpful," Regil said.

"See," Ibro said, in a low tone, "here is the problem," he said, while trying to find suitable words to express what he had in mind.

"What problem?" Regil asked.

"I only know the name of that person, she provided me with this name, and frankly I don't know if this name is correct or not," Ibro said.

Regil once heard that, he stopped writing as he looked into Ibro's eyes directly while saying:

"So, it's a love issue, fantastic."

Ibro didn't hurry to correct him, as he wanted to know what this man could do for him regarding this issue. "I think we can add a search mission first, with the request to information you are seeking, is this ok?" Regil asked.

Ibro didn't have any objection to that, as he replied:

"It would be great."

"Good," Regil wrote some extra things before he looked to Ibro and asked, "What is the name of that person?"

"Her name is Sefiera," Ibro casually replied, but when he said the name, the eyes of Regil widened, as he stood up from his seat, with a shocked expression on his face.

"What did you say the name was again?"

Ibro knew something was wrong, and he suddenly recalled an incident, when his first few villagers saw her, and they expressed the same shocking expression on their faces. He remembered the title these villagers gave to Sefiera, so he said it, clear and loud this time:

"Her name is Lady Sefiera."

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