My Vampire Queen

Chapter Chapter Twelve

I watch them flit around, Nathan working along the “demon” mostly cleaning up after Luna. Vinny gets up and she shows him how to cut things, the cleaning crew right behind them. I don’t bother helping, four people in the kitchen are more than enough. She asks us questions, about what we liked to do, what genre of movies we liked, and what types of food are our favorite. We answered we didn’t have many hobbies, and we never had time really to do anything. I never really watched movies, Nathan barely did, mostly romantic comedies, and Vinny loved watching movies, almost any movie he had time for. As for food, Nathan only really had an opinion, he liked higher quality foods, but we had learned to eat whatever was easiest.

When things were clean, Caine turned into a black smoke cloud and settled onto our Queen’s arm to look like a dark tattoo. Well, I’ve never heard of an Amina or witch doing that. I didn’t want to distrust this Queen, but to have a father that is a God? That was unheard of. Now, now I was questioning things I thought I knew.

Now she sits on the counter, hand behind him so she’s leaning back, Nathan getting drinks for everyone as the food cooks. I can’t help but stare at her, her features as Nathan chats her up about random things, making her smile. This is our Queen, the one we have been searching for, the one who will change everything we have ever been taught. And it was going to be hell.

I am ready for it, I am ready for the good times that will come with it and help her through the hard times.

Bjorn stands while I’m halfway through answering Nathan’s question. He takes two large steps to stand in front of me, making me open my legs to make room for him, without touching me. His hands go to either side of my hips on the counters, keeping just enough distance to not touch me. His head tilts, and I realize, he’s offering his throat to me. “I don’t want to wait to serve you as a Queen, we have been waiting so long to serve.”

I couldn’t stop or slow down my hand from going to his t-shirt-covered chest, running up to caress the crook of his neck. “I just had this side of me let out yesterday,” I tell him. “With Caine, we had found out my fangs haven’t come in, I need someone with a knife.”

Vinny is the one to step up with a clean kitchen knife, Bjorn takes it from him but looks to me without moving his head much. “Just yesterday?”

I nod, he makes a small clean cut on his neck and I have to close my eyes to try not to attack him. The smell of him, of a woodsy scent overwhelms me, I have to try to focus on myself so I don’t lose my shit. “I will experience years worth of growth in a short time, it is going to be hard and messy.”

“We can handle hard and messy.” The way his voice is laced with heat made my legs close around him in an effort to rub my thighs together. Bad, bad move. It breaks my control and I almost jump off the counter at him, latching my mouth to the cut, my legs wrapping around him fully and a hand burying into his hair. My teeth dig into his neck, the taste of his blood is much sweeter than Caines, so different, it packs a different punch something so familiar that I knew deep down was right.

Not saying feeding on Caine wasn’t great, it was different, had a different taste, a different level. Bjorn was just.. Amina, Blood, and Alpha.

My hand jerks his head farther back, he seems to not mind my man-handling at all. His hands move to my back, scooting me closer to the edge so I was more climbing him like a tree than sitting on the counter. There’s a low growl from his chest, one hand slips down, to cup my ass, lifting me from the counter and my back is pressed to something cold and hard. His body presses me, sandwiching me between the hardness of him and the hardness of the wall.

My shoes hit the floor with a clunk as I toe them off, then I dig the heels of my feet into the backs of his thighs to prop myself up higher, so I was grinding right at the bludge in his jeans. He holds me with one hand at the spot, my mouth unlatching from his neck so I can moan at the amazing friction. My pants are a thin material, his jeans being the biggest separation of where I wanted his dick. Bjorn leaned forward nuzzling my neck, I tried to will both of our clothing to disappear. My core clenched painfully, I had never wanted to be fucked so much in my life, never felt this horny in my life.

“Tell me what you want.” His voice is a low whisper just under my ear, making goosebumps break out on my skin.

“I want you to fuck me, I want you to bite me.”

Bjorn backs up, grabs my chin with his hand, and presses his lips to mine, rough and wanting. I open my mouth to him, and he completely leads the kiss, doing kind of what I wanted, he was fucking my mouth with his. The hand that isn’t in his hair I run down his chest to the hem of his shirt, the feel of his hot skin under my hands made me shiver. I explored his stomach, abs, and chest with my hand while his tongue explored my mouth. The kiss didn’t last much longer, I felt his fangs grow, and he pulled away running his lips down to my neck. I moaned as the sharp bite of pain hit my neck, then turned into a rush of pleasure that almost had me cumming.

This could be addicting, taking up far too much time. Add sex into the mix and I might never have time for anything else. I could barely focus on anything, Nathan and Vinny were just a thought in the back of my mind, I wanted Bjorn inside of me. “Oh fuck.”

“Do you want to finish with our dinner and talk with your Consort or would you rather us go upstairs?” Nathan asked, I looked up to see an amused smile on his face, even though his dress pants were tented. With Bjorn still feeding on me, grinding me into the wall I could barely grasp the question he asked.

I wanted to talk to Tabitha more, I needed time to think beforehand and cooking would do that. But fuck the idea of taking them all to my room to feed and fuck was very appealing, I’m sure Tabitha would understand having served a Queen before. But I needed to do things, get shit done before I could be fully ready to spend a few days feeding and fucking.

A jerk from Bjorn has me groaning, his tongue runs against the bite in my neck, his mouth coming off of it. He doesn’t let me down, he just holds me and I let him encourage him with my arms wrapping around his neck. He lets out a contented sigh into my neck. Something was pulling between us, the start of a bond? “I would love nothing more to fuck you my Queen, but I would like to do it when we have time so I can explore your naked body and make you cum until you see stars.” His voice is ridiculously deep and heavy, add on the words, and my body gives an involuntary shiver.

“A lot has happened in the past day, I need to try to think over some things,” I said to him, he nods slowly letting me down and presses a soft kiss to my lips. “I think I would like to play some loud music and cook.”

There’s a ghost of a smile on his face and he steps away, adjusting himself. “We will stay in the kitchen, but we will talk lightly, there are things we need to discuss.”

The ‘we’ in question was more them, the Blood. I could listen in if I wanted, they were only feet away, but I grabbed my phone and tapped on the Spotify icon, bringing up a saved playlist. The music starts playing and I turn it up all the way, sure a stereo would be better, but this new phone seems to have good speakers. I leave the app and bring up my text messages, the first one I click on is from my mom,“I’m sorry Emma I need time. I love you.”

My dad had called once, then texted me to call him, why I have no idea. My old boss had first texted asking if I was alright and if I was quitting, his second text basically said to have a good life and ‘well miss you’. I had only ever known him and one other person when I worked there, I don’t know who this ‘we’ was. The last of the messages was from Dylan. I let out a sigh, gaining the attention of Bjorn, but he was lightly talking to Nathan and Vinny. They were on the topic of security. When they mentioned Caine I added. “For now he has to be close to me, that’s how he feeds. When he’s stronger I’m sure he will be able to go farther for longer.”

Bjorn nodded to me, acknowledging that, and had a thoughtful look on his face. “That will be useful in the future.” He nodded to the black ink on my arm that was Caine. I had to agree, he would take anyone by surprise who didn’t know about him.

I went back to my phone, pulling up Dylan’s stream, I bought a fuck ton of bits, the website’s currency, and sent them to him. Even though he wasn’t live, he would still get them. If I had given money straight to his PayPal he could refund the money, this way he couldn’t without jumping through a lot of hoops. I then gifted him a hundred subs to make sure he got a notification for it. I sent him a simple text after, I was thankful for the time we had and everything he had ever done. But I was done, I found out things and I had to move on to deal with them.

My phone was put down and I hum along to the song, one from the band In This Moment, my favorite band at this point. I grab the cutting board again, along with the knife and bowl of cut carrots. Broccoli quickly joins the carrots, then brussel sprouts. Olive oil, salt pepper, and a few other things get put into the bowl and I grab it, tossing the veggies in the oil and spices. They go onto cookie sheets, spread them out, and cover them with foil.

After that I lose myself in the rhythm of cooking, thinking about the fact that I had four men now, who were interested in me. At least I think they were, I knew Bjorn and Nathan seemed to be, Caine maybe and Vinny I’m not sure. Still, even two or three out of four is a lot to think about. Too bad I had other things to think about other than how sex would work between four people. I was sad about that fact.

The big fact was though, there was a lot to consider. I needed somewhere safe to live, sure I did not doubt that this house would be as safe as can be for now, but in the back of my mind, something kept me glancing out the window. This house had human guards and now my four Blood, it wasn’t enough, and deep down I knew that. I needed a nest, and I needed more Blood. The way Bjorn talked, he and Caine would be my close security, and Vinny and Nathan would have to switch every six to eight hours from downstairs to outside perimeter checks. I knew that wasn’t a long-term solution. The more I thought about having land out in the woods of Montana, the more excited I got. I wanted privacy, just close enough to a main road or airstrip to go whenever I want, but still able to be by myself and my family in peace.

That was on the top of my list, safety for myself and my Blood and whoever ends up joining us. I can’t even think about meeting other Queens before I had a safety net. I did need to prepare for it, because one day it’s something that will happen, no matter how much I rather just live in the woods by myself. I know people, and if they think I’m a threat in any way, they will defend themselves. Even if I have no intention of doing anything to other Queens or humans unless they do something to me. So safety, and a plan on how I deal with other Queens, slowly introducing myself if possible.

Next on the list would be dealing with humans. I know through reading books and watching movies of the supernatural variety it was inevitable that the masses would find out. I had no doubt some people in high places knew, but the masses didn’t. Public opinion would be everything, news, social media personality’s, online groups, politicians, law enforcement, and religious groups, all these different groups had weight to them. If they all hate you, you were screwed but if you managed to get half of them on your side, you might have a chance.

I rather deal with human politics than Amina politics, I was at least more versed in human things. So I decide that’s where I would start, as soon as possible. Looking over to my new Blood as I tear apart lettuce for salads I mull over my options, the things I could do to push myself into the human world. Something I thought I wouldn’t be interested in but I kind of liked the idea. I could live in my secluded well secured home in the forest, but I could visit places like LA and be well-known or have a social media following from the safety of my house.

So many options.

“Earlier today Caine and I went shopping,” I interject their conversation at a lull point, gaining the men’s attention. “I got a lot of basic stuff from the mall..”

“Basic stuff?” Nathan asks tilting his head forward chin on his hand like he was thinking but waiting for my answer before coming to a conclusion.

Nodding I answer. “Yes, basics and some nonbasics. I didn’t have much more than t-shirts and sweatpants before today.” There’s a low rumble from either Bjorn or Vinny, I couldn’t tell and Nathan lifts a questioning brow. I shrug at them. “I didn’t grow up knowing who my real birth mom was, I lived with my adopted mom, who I thought was my real mom, and we didn’t have a lot of money. So yes I got a bunch of stuff today, a start.” I didn’t let their looks or rumbly sounds stop me from speaking. “Tomorrow I had planned on going shopping but at designer stores.”

Nathan’s face lit up like I had told a six year old we were going to Disney land. “How much shopping?”

“As many stores as we can so I can fill up a wardrobe.” I had to laugh at the large smile on his face and the way he jumped up and down on his stool. “You’re excited, good. I hope you know your way around higher-end stores because I’ve never been to one and I don’t want to do something faux pas.”

Nathan shakes his head, his silky hair falling over his shoulders and he gives me a smirk. “I’m sure you wouldn’t do anything embarrassing my Queen. But just encase I’ll be there to help you through navigating the stores.”

Vinny huffs giving a small shake of his head. “Of course, you will.”

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