My Vampire Queen

Chapter Chapter Eleven

“So more forest, less city, but close to a city for shopping,” Tabitha said pondering over areas where we can look for houses. She had put aside the list of houses and businesses I already own and just pulled up Google Maps.

“I was thinking of the Smokey Mountains.” I let that sink in before shaking my head. “I love that area, but it’s right between the two Queens, I’m not sure I want to be between them.”

I heard Caine speak at the front door, not what he was saying, just that he was talking to someone. The new Blood. Steven had walked in here and told us a motorcycle and a truck had driven down the street, and that they were at the gate. Caine had wanted to show them in, more like size them up. I’ve started with the rest of dinner, chopping up through five pounds of potatoes as Tabitha suggests living options. I could tell she was having fun with this, so I wasn’t going to tell her to stop even though I just wanted a few moments alone to think.

“Colorado.” She suggests.

I stop cutting as something inside my head pings, I point my knife at her and tilt my head. “Closer, what’s near Colorado?”

“Wyoming, Nebraska, Utah.” Nope, nope, and nope. I keep shaking my head as she hums, zooming out on the map. “Idaho, Montana.”

“That one,” I said, something about it rung soundly in my head, like it was the right choice.

“We don’t have any properties there, but I can look into it,” Tabitha said happily, I think she had a shopping addiction.

“Look for something more private,” I tell her as Caine walks into the kitchen. “I would like more privacy in our new place and area to grow.”

The first man to walk through took all of my attention. Even from Caine who walked behind me, pressing himself to my back and wrapping his hands around my sides and stomach where my skin was bare. This man who walked through the archway to the kitchen is massive. A head of blonde hair shaved on the sides but long and thick and styled in a way that would take me forever to figure out. His shoulders are like a linebacker, so wide and strong, his arms, thighs, everything is just thick and muscular.

If you wanted a picture of a perfect Viking warrior, it would be this blonde giant you would take a picture of. One with stubble on his face and piercing blue eyes that seemed to undress me as he checked me out just as much as I was him. My nerves had taken a back seat, my hormones came roaring through my body at the sight of him, at just thinking about what being in bed with him would be like. Add in Caine, Jesus.

He steps up to the counter across from me, then does a sort of half bow. “I am Bjorn Ragnor, and I am here to answer your call, along with my friends, the other Blood you called.”

Bjorn motions over to his left, where a man who has a similar shoulder width as Bjorn stands, he’s considerably shorter than him but wider in the chest, torso, and hip area. His skin tone is closer to Caines, being a deep tan with short-cropped black hair and chocolaty brown eyes. He’s a big burly Italian man. “Vincenzo Anastagi, or just Vinny.” Bjorn introduces him, he gives a similar bow to Bjorn’s, then I follow Bjorn’s hand to the third guy. This one was completely out of place here, just slightly taller than Vinny, but much thinner than each man. Not scrawny, lean like a swimmer rather than a football player. His hair is long and straight, a milk chocolate color with flecks of gold when the light hit it, split down the middle all the way to probably the middle of his shoulder blades. His bright green eyes were lit up, with amusement or lust I couldn’t be sure, maybe both?

“This is Nathaniel Rok, Nathan,” Bjorn said as I look over all three of them, I couldn’t help myself but to wander on them. All three of them were very attractive in their own ways.

“I am going to go to give you time with your new Blood,” Tabitha says drawing my attention, she had closed her laptop and put it in a carrying case, I smile over at her.

“You are welcome to dinner, it’ll be done in about two hours.”

“I will stay in case you need me, and I gratefully accept your dinner offer.” Tabitha gives me a half bow, the large smile on her face lets me know she joking around.

“A Queen cooking? For her Blood and consort?” Bjorn asks almost like he couldn’t believe what he was saying. I bring down the knife onto a potato with a loudthwack, bringing his attention to me.

“Cooking is something I love to do, Queen or not, I’m never going to stop myself from cooking when I want to.” I bring the knife back down, cutting the half potato into fourths, I pick it up and put it in the large pot.

Nathan gives me a bow of his head, a small smile that looks like he’s trying to bite back on his face. “A Queen should always have hobbies she enjoys.”

Bjorn looked at him almost irritated but didn’t say anything else about it. I pointed my knife at the empty stools next to them, they followed sitting semi-uneasily. “I’m not sure how this is supposed to go, with Caine it was very sudden.”

“You can start by telling them your name,” Caine suggested taking my knife from my hand and began cutting up the potatoes with his arms still around me. “Then explain why you don’t know how this works.”

“My name is Luna Morningstar Tyet.” I decide Caines right and begin. I don’t get too far before jaws drop at my last name, interesting. “My birth mother gave me to a friend and suppressed what I am. I just found out about Queens and Amina, Caine and Tabitha have been the ones helping me try to figure things out.”

“You’re still missing a nest.” Bjorn didn’t sound angry, just concerned. “You are the last Tyet Queen, you need to be protected until you have enough Blood and power.”

“We have told her a nest is high on the to-do list.” Caine said dumping a handful of potatoes into the pot. “They are looking at possible nest spots, I doubt our Queen would want to rush into a nest when she is not happy with the location or building.”

“Caines right,” I said to the three men, I moved out of Caine’s arms so I could take the carrots to the deep sink. This kitchen had two sinks, one for washing veggies, and one for dishes, I mean, it’s nice but who needs two sinks? That was beside the point and I tried to hold back the sigh at myself, I had three men looking at me expecting something. “I know what state the nest will be in, I’m sure Tabitha is looking at possible houses. The fact we aren’t in a nest isn’t going to change tonight or probably even tomorrow, so I’m going to make everyone dinner and then we can do the Blood thing.”

“The Blood thing.” I had to look over to see it was Nathan talking, a smile fighting to be on his face and he raised his brows at me. “The Blood bonding, and fucking if you’ll have us that way.”

My cheeks heat up and I know I was blushing, I keep my face as neutral as I can manage as I dump the bag of carrots out into the sink. Bjorn slaps the back of Nathan’s head, the grin not going anywhere. “If she wants to fuck us, great. If she doesn’t then she doesn’t.”

Shaking my head I didn’t know what to say, so I just start cleaning the carrots and grab the veggie peeler. “If you weren’t raised by Queens then you don’t know much about how things work.”

That voice was the deepest, roughest voice - almost like it was never used. Vinny, I would guess. There’s a grunt and then Bjorn speaks. “Most Queens fuck their Blood when they share blood, but then they only fuck their Alphas just for sex. The other Blood are for protection, for a bond between Blood and Queen, but when you share blood it can be a very sexual experience.”

“In other words,” Caine said lifting the pot of potatoes and water to the stove. “You choose what you want, if you just want to share blood, that’s all they will do. Blood don’t push their Queens into anything so we go at your pace. How do you turn this on?”

I grab a hand towel and dry my hands as I walk over thinking over that. They wouldn’t push me for something I wasn’t ready for, but then sharing Blood is a sexual thing, I knew that from feeding on Caine. Will it be like that when I’m feed on?

“What are you?” Bjorn asks, probably to Caine.

“I am her Blood.”

“But you aren’t Amina.” Bjorn points out. “If you were Amina Blood, you would have taken over her Alpha position as her only Blood.”

“You said Morningstar Tyet when most Queens would just say their Queen mother’s name.” Nathan pointed out, he’s model pretty and catches onto things?

“Because her father wasn’t just her Alpha Blood,” Caine tells them. “Her father is Anubis.”

There was silence, besides the sound of the peeler on the carrots, it’s Nathan to speak up first. “You mean the descendant of Anubis?”

“No, Anubis, just Anubis.” I say gathering up some of the carrots to put them on the counter with the cutting board. “Or I have learned his new name given to him is Lucifer, Morningstar being a play on that. Also, Caine is a demon.”

“That is hard to believe,” Vinny says calmly from his chair.

Caine shrugs going to his piles of candy, putting them back into the bags. “You don’t have to believe her now, you will find out soon.”

“Instead of talking about if my father is a god or not,” I say cutting into a carrot, Caine starts the cleaning process, and Nathan hops up and starts helping him. “I’m going to continue to cook, and we are going to get to know each other. After dinner, we can go over the Blood bonding stuff.”

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