My Vampire Queen

Chapter Chapter Thirty-One

“Is it working?” I ask Bjorn after taking my second shot.

“I’d say it is.” Bjorn glances out to the crowd. I had never had people pay so much attention to me, it is unnerving. “You feed from the three of us, you pushed your spirit farther multiple times on the way here. In such short notice that is all I can think of on the way here.”

The goal was to try to push loose some of those layers so my power shines through more. I wanted to be a beacon to the other Queen in the area, to draw her in and make her regret it. I could feel Bjorn’s emotions stronger than ever, he’s extremely mad about the plan and scared for me. He just watches me, like if he takes his eyes off of me I’d disappear. I get that this is nerve-wracking for him, but I have accepted that this is what is going to happen.

“Why is everyone staring at me though?” I ask him.

“Powerful Queens have an aura around them that pulls people’s attention.” Bjorn said taking one of the small glasses from the group of them that was poured out. “Plus you are the daughter of a God, I’m sure that has its own aura about it.”

I give Bjorn a tight smile, once he finishes taking his shot I grab his hand and drag him towards the dance floor. I didn’t want to talk more about my parents, it was still weird to think about. The music and heat of the people move around us, mixing with the alcohol warming through my body. If we were here I was at least going to have a fun time with it. Bjorn didn’t look all too pleased being dragged out to the dance floor, Nathan probably would have a better time with it. But Bjorn needed me and my closeness right now. The other three men stayed at the bar in eyesight of us, they just didn’t interfere.

At this point, I just try to shove everything to the back of my mind. Everything, from being a vampire Queen to being in charge of a bunch of people to the upcoming fight. Everything was shoved out of my mind, except for the tall hot man in front of me. One who didn’t dance much just runs his hands along my sides as I move my hips to the music. Bjorn leans forward, I think he’s going in to kiss me but his lips skip over mine, brush my cheek as he goes to my ear to talk to me over the music. “I have a feeling about this one.”

What he said makes no sense, a feeling could be good or bad. And about what? What does he have a feeling about?

My question is answered when Bjorn grabs one of my hands, holding it up in the air, and turns me around. It does take me a second to see WHO he was talking about though. There’s a man not far in front of us, at the edge of the dance floor with a glass in his hand. He’s of average height, disappearing when people move by, with an average body build from what I could see. His hair is a neat style that’s pretty common for men his age.

Bjorn places my hand on the back of his neck, stretching me up and against him. The guy watching sips at his drink, face moving down so the shadows hide a bunch of his features. Gripping the back of Bjorn’s neck I twist my hips away from him while keeping eye contact with the stranger in the dark. Sure there are plenty of people watching us, glancing over and some staring like him. He’s just.. different. It’s something about how he looks so average, but every move seems purposeful. Like he’s trying to not draw attention.

If it wasn’t for Bjorn I wouldn’t have noticed him on my own. Bjorn leans down again to my ear. “Now look at the other.”

His hand runs down my right side, making me look to the right. It’s that guy from the courthouse, I wouldn’t forget a hot man. I just can’t remember what his name is. He’s tall, with deep dark skin that looks amazing under the strobing colored lights. The suit he’s wearing is perfectly tailored to his body, his tie is pulled loose as he meets up with the shorter man. He does something similar to what Bjorn’s doing with me, leaning into the short man to say something into his ear. The shorter one points out with his glass to where Bjorn and I are.

“I’ve seen them before,” Bjorn said into my ear just loud enough to make out over the music. “They are humans, but what do you think?”

I take my eyes off them so I can turn to Bjorn. “It’s a lot like with Tank I’m attracted but it’s not a sure thing like with you three Blood.”

Bjorn gives me a nod, understanding exactly what I’m saying. I had told him earlier everything about how I felt about Tank, he thinks it’s my Goddess sending me options. Being able to have more than Amina as my Blood is a huge advantage. “Think they are too scared to approach with me?”

I nod, because I wouldn’t be surprised if they were worried about how Bjorn would react. Bjorn kisses my cheek before taking off to where the others are at the bar. Left alone in the sea of bodies that are moving to the music, well most of them are. I look out throughout the crowd, spinning in place before settling on the two men. I catch both of their eyes, letting them know, yes I’m looking at them, and raise my brows. The taller one, the one I’ve seen before gives his friend a smirk before taking his glass and downing the rest of his drink in one throwback of his head. The empty glass is passed off to someone else, and he starts making his way through the crowd.

I have to turn to move away from a drunk guy who tries to dance up to me. Turning back I bump into someone, looking up I see it’s him the guy I meet before. He bends down to say. “Marcus.”

That’s right, his name is Marcus. “We’ve met before.”

He smirks at me. “You remember.”

I reach up to his chest and run my hand across it to his shoulder. He takes up quickly to finding a rhythm with me and the music. I had never gone to a club to dance before, any other time I think I’d be too embarrassed to dance like this. But I just want to live for an hour or so, because tonight will be a challenge I’m not looking forward to. So right at this moment, I’ll dance with Marcus. He seems much more enthusiastic to dance than Bjorn did, he grabs my hips and helps me move them in a certain way. After the song changes I feel a body behind me, Marcus leans back down and said. “My friend Jaxon.”

Tilting my head back onto his shoulder I said. “Hi, Jaxon.”

Jaxon takes my hand much like Bjorn did, to place on the back of his neck. My back arches pushing my breasts up and my hips farther into Marcus. I flatten my hand into his hair and grip a handful, slowly pulling. I can barely see his reaction I can feel his hands on my hips and they tighten. Giving him a small smile I change things up. I lean forward into Marcus my hands on his chest, my ass and hips pressing into Jaxon. Marcus leans down once again. “We aren’t really dancing anymore.”

There’s a huskiness to his voice that’s hard to pick out with all the noise. I give him a nod and smile up at him. “We should go somewhere else and.. talk.”

There’s a smirk from Marcus when I say ‘talk’. I grab one hand from each of them and lead them from the dance floor, off to the side. I spot a dark hallway, where I think the bathrooms are, and pull along the guys to it. It’s less busy around here, only people hurrying to or from the bathrooms. Marcus pulls me a little farther into a nook area so we are more able to hear each other. Marcus turns to me and I feel a drop in my stomach just before a shadow appears behind him and something is pulled over my head blocking out my vision.It wasn’t that I heard anything or even saw anything. I felt it. I felt her panic spike through our bond, and I’m off from the bar pushing people out of my way. I know the others are close behind me, I could feel their anticipation and worry. I didn’t need a bond with Tank to know he was more excited about the prospect of a fight than anything. When we get to the area I saw the group heading too I see the tall one on the ground, the short one starting to get up and shakes his head. The tall one is conscious but disorientated.

Humans. So fragile. I jerk my head to Nathan, take care of them. Vinny and Tank follow me to the exit just past the bathrooms. Opening the door I hear my Queen scream, not a frightened scream, but one of rage. As pissed and worried as I am about her being taken, it makes me smile. There’s a car at the end of the alleyway, speeding off onto the street, tires blowing smoke.

“We need to call the cops.” It’s one of the humans. I look back to see the shorter one holding up the tall one, Nathan closes behind them.

“We don’t need the cops. Nathan.” I said he has his phone out in an instant.

“Heading north.” He said.

“You drive them, well follow.” The humans needed to come along, after this was said and done our Queen and I needed to have a long talk with them.

“Drive where?” The smaller one asks. I’d really have to learn their names soon.

Vinny gets behind them to get them to start moving, Nathan already being a few yards ahead to where our car is parked. I answer. “To get our girl back.”

I speak with confidence, and I walk with it, but the farther my Queen gets away from me I feel my worry for her rise and I can feel my control slipping. I’m her Alpha, her personal protector and I’m not there with her protecting her. It goes against everything I was taught. I just had to have faith in my Queen, have faith in Caine to help her when she needs it. My goal now is to get Tank there, maybe he’ll be able to pass through the nest boundary and help them.

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