My Vampire Queen

Chapter Chapter Thirty

Tank’s brows go up, a smirk forming on his lips. I smile at him, I liked this reaction. “There’s a Queen nearby, she’s been doing some bad things.”

“And you know this from sleepwalking or whatever the fuck it is?” He asks and I nod. He seems to get an excited look on his face. “I’ve never got to beat the shit out of a vampire before.”

“Who are we beating the shit out of?” Bjorn asks in a grumbling tone that I think was supposed to be threatening.

Moving I straddle Tank and sit up on the chair. Tank’s hands are on my hips to hold me still and a much more threatening growl comes from him. I can feel his cock through his pants poking the inside of my thigh. I try to ignore the want to take advantage of him and look to Bjorn. “Rue told me that a Queen is holding her and other less powerful Queens. Elizabeth the one holding them has caught on that I’m around and she’s going into the city to try to track me.”

Bjorn stops near the chair he was on earlier, I can see the decisions running around in his head. “We should leave for the nest, set it up and hide in it.”

“That would be a smart thing.” I agreed and he frowns.

“You wouldn’t leave that girl with someone abusing her,” Bjorn said.

Tank shifts in the chair, I have to put my hands on the arms of the chair to lift and push myself to straddle his thighs. I couldn’t be distracted by cock right now. “There’s a girl being abused?” That’s right, I don’t think we went over that with Tank.

“She’s a shifter girl, one who’s being held by a vampire Queen,” I said trying to give him the quick version of it. Still looking at Bjorn I can see he’s thinking over ways to get out of this or make this as safe as he can for me. I had to shut down any idea of running from this. “Bjorn, this isn’t something we are going to hide from. I’m not going to let something like this happen if I can do something about it. Plus if we just go and stick our heads in the sand what does that say about us? What message would that send to other more powerful Queens?”

“We need to stand for something,” Bjorn said mostly to himself, seemingly to settle on the fact I wasn’t going to back down. “There are things we need to prepare for, a plan to make.”

“Oh fuck yeah, count me in.” Tank almost moans it out, his golden eyes seem to take on a fire. He was getting more turned on thinking about fighting, and for some reason I found that hot.

What does someone wear to a fight where they intend on killing the other person? I don’t want to just beat her in a fight, I want her to die for the shit she’s pulled. And no I don’t know her, I have never met her, all I have to think about is how Rue looked tonight to know she has to die. I couldn’t forgive myself if I let someone like that to walk away if I could stop it. Instead of letting Nathan dress me, I did it this time. Black body suit that’s like a one-piece swimsuit with a large V down the front. Black fishnets, knee-high leather boots that have a small heel. I didn’t bother with any accessory’s Nathan just helped me do a quick style on my hair pulling most of it out of my face, and Vinny gives me the small pocket knife to tuck in the inside of my boot.

Bjorn was walking a line in the carpet, he keeps going over different situations that might happen. It all comes to the same thing, I end up in Elizabeth’s nest alone with them stuck outside of it. We could hunt her down, but that seems impossible since I couldn’t sense her anywhere. I know she’s out there but neither Bjorn nor I can feel her, she has to be hiding herself some way. So she would have to come to me, but then she might not outright attack us because I have three Blood and a werewolf trailing. She would jump me when I was alone, at least that would be the smart thing. And she had to be smart, at least enough to keep herself safe from other Queens because Bjorn and them have never heard of her before.

When we get into the car I hold onto Bjorn’s arm, as much as I want this to go in our way, it can go very bad. I just refuse to voice that, voicing it would give it validation and even though all of us are probably thinking about it. It can’t happen, even if I get taken to her nest alone I still have Caine. I’m banking on being able to hold my own and Caine to be able to help.

The only sure thing I knew was I wasn’t going to be taken by any Queen. I won’t be a lackey for anyone. I’m the last Tyet Queen and the daughter of a God.Of course, the night I don’t watch her, I get a call that a car is leaving the house. Okay, I hadn’t watched the house EVERY night just most of the nights since I found her. I’ll admit I was diving into stalker territory, I should figure out a way to meet her soon. I just haven’t figured out a way to do that, especially with all the guys already around her. I had seen them all kiss her, so were they all just with her? Are they all with each other as well? Was it something they would add to because I didn’t seem to give a shit about the other men. I just wanted a chance to be with her.

The person I have tailing them follows while I catch up, all the way to a club. This was super odd, but I guess the fact that she went out to the Damnation main bar earlier in the day was also odd. Well, it might not be odd for her, I’ve only been following her for a short time so I don’t know how she tends to spend her days.

Parking right after they do, I follow behind, seeing the long-haired one talk the bouncer into letting them into the club. There’s not a huge line of people like you see in the movies, just a few milling about outside, some smoking. I make my way up to the bouncer after they are gone inside. Pulling my ID out I show him and he frowns. “Not a cop.”

“Private investigator,” I said. The big man’s face doesn’t change from the frown and I frown back at him. “Listen, a guy I’m following went in. His wife hired me to see if he’s cheating, she just had his baby.”

The bouncer stares at me for a second, irritating me. He grunts and then jerks his head to the door. As I start walking in he said. “No unrelated pictures or you’ll be banned for life.”

I didn’t need to worry about that, I wouldn’t be taking any pictures tonight. Walking into the club I don’t give the bouncer another thought, I’m behind on following the group. I had to catch up with them so I can keep my distance unless I see an opening.

Slinking past the crowd I stick to it as my eyes scan for either the super tall Viking man or the short white-haired beauty. It only takes me a few seconds to realize exactly where they are, because the crowd around was aware of them. People close to them seem to keep looking over toward them, whispering to their friends. Sure it was a girl with a group of guys but I didn’t understand why a bunch of people keep giving them second glances and staring. As I watched the group walk to the bar all I could think is maybe they thought Luna was some celebrity. The two bigger men could be confused for security, the pretty boy and the tattooed bad boy could be her partners.

I watch them around the bar for a few minutes, slinking to the other end to order myself a drink. Their little group is gaining the most attention, which is good for me. Everyone keeps doing double takes so my looking shouldn’t be out of the ordinary. I just.. don’t know why tonight is different. Something about her tonight just seems to pull your attention to her. And drunk people are brazen people, some go up to her even with her four men around her and I smile into my cup when the tattooed one pushes men away from them. It’s an interesting dynamic and I wonder, could I be a part of it? Did I want to be? And what about Marcus?

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