My Servant System

Chapter 189 188: Leone


It'll be a shorter one, but UncrownedKing brought up a good point that I should probably talk about...

Before I forget again lol

It's Leone's 'alternate form' thing from the Lord Pele fight; I honestly just... was focusing on other things and forgot about it, so I want to have them talk about it.

Anyways, I'm spoiling you today huh~? Chapter number 3~


Kat PoV

Staring at Jahi's palm, we all chuckled as she clenched her fist, a twisted smile on her lips as she said "No, not yet... I want to let her continue stacking up idiotic decisions so that I have an excuse to tear her Family down... all while staring her in the eyes~!"

I lounged into her chest, my heart warming at the thought that this woman was so angry on my behalf; that she was willing to face an entire political faction just for me~!

Smiling up at her, I felt my insides clench as her hand slid down to my waist, before Anput coughed.

I frowned slightly as I stared at her, only to nod as she asked "Can we review the tests please? I would like to know how I could improve, both with my magic and with my blade."

Jahi nodded as well, however her hand remained on my waist.

"Well, I think what we can do is this; Leone and Kat can create a... course, or regimen on what they consider the basics for Magic Theory, and you and I will do the same for physical combat.  As for what we did today..."

Looking over at the Vampire, Jahi said "I didn't get to catch most of your fight, but I already have an idea for you anyways; you need to strengthen your body a little more, and get your footwork under control. Besides that, your reaction speed is damn fast, so you're surprisingly lethal up close... except that you're weak."

Leone pursed her lips before nodding, only to say "Well, my magic makes up for that, but I will still strengthen myself... I think it'll be useful to have."

Next, Jahi stared down at me, before sighing.

Tilting my head, I locked onto her amethyst eyes, wondering what advice she had for me.

"I... honestly don't know where you're at, Kat. We haven't sparred in awhile, so I can't give you advice just yet... but, if you've improved even a little bit from our last spar, you're doing good."

Finally, Jahi smiled at Anput, her eyes warm as she leaned forwards.

Brushing her nose against the Jackalkin's, she whispered "My little puppy is doing wonderful physically~ In fact..."

Leone and I exchanged dry glances as Jahi started feeling up our petite wife.

Coughing gently, I snapped the two out of their pink atmosphere, both because I wanted to get back on track, and also because this was the second time today I wasn't-

Sighing, I said "Alright, for magic... well..."

Alternating my gaze between the two, I was about to speak when Anput let out an 'Ah!', her finger pointing at Leone as she said "Hey, what was that thing you did down in the Caverns?"

We all stared at Anput in confusion, and Leone hesitantly said "The... Solar Flare spell? Or the Fire Lances?"

Anput shook her head rapidly, her ears bobbing as she asked "No no no! That thing you did when you incinerated Lord Pele! That weird... form? thing you had! What was that?"

Jahi and I widened our eyes as we glanced over at the Vampire, and I cursed.

"Damn, I forgot about that! I was... preoccupied with a certain someone..."

At the end I glared at Jahi, who was scratching her cheek with a wry smile.

Both of us had been dealing with fixing this overthinking Demoness, meaning Leone's incredible form had slipped our minds...contemporary romance

Besides that, I had... pushed that from my mind, not wanting to dwell on almost dying; it only came back up when I needed motivation to improve.

Taking a deep breath, Leone was wringing out her hands as she smiled nervously.

"Well... uhm... th-that's..."

Licking her lips, she stared at us for a moment before saying "That... was something True Vampires can do... it's a technique to... draw out our powers completely for a moment. The reason I looked so different is because of the Empress' blood."

Slumping into the couch, Leone took in a shaky breath as she continued.

"True Vampires can pull out all the mana in their core and use it to amplify themselves, and since I'm a True Vampire, as well as the Empress' daughter, my form is..."

Looking away, she muttered "Unique."

Anput just stared at her with wide eyes, her tail swishing slightly as she breathed out "That's so cool! You looked incredible as well! What part of that was normal for a... a True Vampire?"

Seeing only interest in our eyes, Leone gulped before hesitantly asking "You all... don't find that... disturbing? As recently as a century ago, Vampires were viewed as..."

She gulped again, her eyes fearful as she stared at us.

"As monsters..."

Moving off of Jahi's lap, I slid beside Leone and gently embraced her, stroking her back as I whispered "You're no monster, Leone. You're our wife; our adorable, wonderful wife."

Jahi nodded, wrapping her arms around us, and Anput eventually joined in, whispering "I actually thought you looked kinda hot like that..."

Leone giggled at that, relief clearly written on her features.

Wriggling from the pile, I slid behind her and said "Well... continue on. I'm rather curious on this... True Vampire form thing..."

Jahi nodded, while Anput smirked down at the blushing Leone.

"Well... usually it's just a... amplification of your physique, your skin glows the same color as your mana, and you have access to all of your mana. However, with Mom's blood, I also had the whole... sparking hair thing, as well as the two horns. No idea why, and Mom never told me."

We nodded, before I asked "Wait, isn't it dangerous to have access to all your mana, with no limiters?"

Leone had a wry smile as she nodded, saying "It can be. Only if you squeeze every last drop out of your core, which... well, is easy to avoid doing. But that extra mana and improved control let me do what I did, which is way, way to hard for the current me to pull off.

Like that Flaming Vortex? The amount of mana is almost two thirds of what I currently have, not to mention keeping it under control, then condensing it... that's truly impossible. Then there was the overloading of his spell...

All in all, I was just... able to access the large amount of mana inside me, while also amplifying my control over said mana... Though the physical drain is quite large, hence why I was out of it for a few hours."

We all nodded, before Jahi licked her lips.

"Hey, so Leone, speaking of mana..."

Kissing Leone's cheek, she said "You found that... what was it called... 'Dual Cultivation' thing, right? Show me. I want to try it..."

Anput giggled as she watched Leone turn crimson, before her obsidian eyes flickered over to me.

"Hey... wanna watch them~?"


Lemon next chapter, then some slice of live maybe?

Though we have some Adventuring to do soon as well!

Our girls need to rank up, after all~!


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