My Servant System

Chapter 188 187: Demoness (Extra)


Just wanted to get another chapter out, see what people felt about these extra chapters; especially what you all think about Chordeva (The Marquess) now...


Chordeva PoV

Panting as I loomed above my wife, I grinned at her, enjoying the way she writhed under me in a mixture of pain and pleasure.

Sure, she was like me in the sense that she has something 'extra' between her legs, but...

Leaning down, I kissed her thin neck and whispered "You belong to me entirely, Ria... From this lush, golden hair down to your dainty feet... every inch of you is MINE..."

Our relationship had started out...


From a young age I knew what I was; a dominant, viscous woman.

My father had beat that into me; if I wasn't strong, I was worthless.

The Asmodia's had no use for weak Demons; never have, never will.

So, whenever he placed a bandit, criminal, enemy in front of me, I killed them without hesitation.

However, as one could imagine, killing dozens of people before you even come of age warps a person, and in order to stay sane I needed a release.

While I enjoyed fighting people, very few would either provide a good enough challenge consistently, or I ended up killing them before I could truly enjoy myself.

So, what was I to do?

I had no interest in food, nor in liquor.

Drugs were a no go; my body was my temple. Defiling it would render me useless.

I was anything but useless.

I could only do so much training by myself, and I was never allowed to go out to hunt either criminals or monsters, so that was closed to me.

Young me had been in a dilemma, before...

Seeing Ria panting below me, I recalled my first taste of this carnal pleasure; it had further warped me, but...

Smirking, I dived back down into my woman, intent on using her to vent myself thoroughly...

Exactly how she liked it...

Recalling my first time sixteen years ago, I found myself comparing it to now.

Young me wasn't the sharpest, I'll admit.

Back then, I had a maid that was much older than me; she was in her thirties, and as a Coreless human, she was 'middle aged'.

She had kids already, and she was working at the Asmodia Estate to provide for them.

What was her name again...

Ah, it was Astra!

She'd been a beautiful woman; long violet hair, pale ruby eyes, and a curvy body...

During my early days of maturation, like most with a penis, I found the pleasure that came with, and from, it.

Astra had been something of a personal maid of mine; she was in charge of cleaning and maintaining my room, as well as waking me up and informing me of anything my father wanted done that day.

So, of course, since she was often in and out of my room, she eventually caught me pleasuring myself.

Recalling how she blushed fervently as I stroked myself, I bit harder into Ria's neck, making my wife moan loudly.

It'd been one of the most beautiful things I had seen when I was younger, so...

I offered her a large 'bonus' if she started 'cleaning' something else for me.

I never forced her, but I can see now how offering a struggling woman money for her body could be seen as...

Well, wrong.contemporary romance

I didn't care though, and she accepted that offer readily.

With a new toy to vent my frustrations on, I ended up with her by my side all the time, pulling her away whenever I needed a release, demanding much from this Coreless human woman.

As her Mistress, I should have taken care of her better, and after the initial high I did, paying her more and making sure to maintain her health.

However, once I got a taste for one woman, I wanted to try more; some other maids easily offered themselves to me, as did a few lesser nobles.

I had even snuck out and visited a few 'gardens'...

It was around that time that I met Ria; my father had come to an agreement with her family for both a large trade deal and an oath that our houses would be allies for as long as she was my wife.

Meeting her for the first time, I had encountered a thin, pale, golden haired shy elf.

She had, at the time, no appeal to me; I wanted my women either submissive or feisty, and I preferred they have some meat on their bones.

The shorter, trembling elf in front of me that day was none of those; she was just timid, and her thinness made me shake my head.

However, I needed to take her as my wife; my father insisted, and after sitting down and discussing everything, I agreed.

He knew of my... escapades, and while he didn't agree with them, he said nothing.

So, I started meeting Ria Haniel every week, and I quickly noticed how easily she fell for me.

Not tooting my own horn, but I was only six and a half feet tall, muscular, a Demoness, and sexy as all hell, so no surprise there.

What was surprising was this shy girls persistence and how she sometimes appeared cute when I ordered her around.

She was determined to be a 'perfect wife befitting an Asmodia', and whenever I used a harsh tone or ordered her she blushed furiously.

For a bit she was an interesting and mildly entertaining plaything; I had fun ordering her around and watching her reactions, only to fall back into my bed with Astra or some other maid in my arms.

When we entered the Academy, she had matured a little, becoming a cool, serious woman to those she didn't know, but melting instantly whenever I was near.

Having had to leave Astra behind, I found myself bored in a new area, filled with exotic and interesting women.

I couldn't help myself, and especially when I noticed how quickly Ria became determined to keep them away from me.

I turned it into a game...

Admittedly, young me was scummy...

Which my persistent Elf loves to remind me about whenever we argue...

It was around that time that Julie had appeared; she sat between Ria and I in some class, and Ria soon made one of her first real friends...

Even if it was on misguided knowledge and assumptions.

Recalling the one time I had convinced my future maid and mother of one of my children to have some fun, I chuckled at how wrong Ria had been back then.

After just one fling with her, I had arrived at one of the more... memorable turning points of my life; that dance at the end of our first year, where I had added that buxom bunny girl to my list of growing flings.

My lust had been boundless at the Academy, especially since I had no rivals to fight; few could even attempt to fight me without risking life or limb.

So, I had created a little group of people that I could fool around with, and that bunny had been one of them.

However, that dance really did change everything...

Pulling myself out of the past, I finished again inside Ria before collapsing beside her, pulling her into my arms.

"W-What got you going..?"

She panted, staring at me with flushed cheeks.

Chuckling, I pondered how willing I was to take a shock, before nodding to myself.

"I was thinking about that bunny back in our first year..."

Shuddering as Ria's blue eyes flared, I grinned at her as I kissed her thin lips, whispering "And how much I owe her for bringing me around to you~!"

My Elf shuddered, her cheeks flushing a deep crimson as she stared at me, before burying her face into my neck.

"S-STOP! No! I-I don't want to-!"

"How you wanted to do-"

She placed her fingers on my lips, silencing me before growling "Not. Another. Word. Chordeva."

Grinning at her, I pulled her onto my chest, combing my hands through her silky hair as I murmured "Very well, love... But I have to admit, that was incredibly hot..."

She blushed more, before glaring at me.


Kissing her, I whispered softly into her ear, enjoying the way she shuddered in my arms.

"You pulled that off quite well, Ria... I mean, you managed to-"

Letting out a adorable shriek, my beautiful wife started slamming her fists into my abs, making me laugh as she pouted at me.



Pouting harder, she sighed before leaning down, kissing my lips.


Watching as her long ears turned red, I grinned hard as she said "I... could consider doing it for your birthday... or our anniversary..."

"Oh PLEASE do!"

I was excited, and she shivered before nodding, her eyes shining with both embarrassment and joy.


So, like I said throughout the chapter, Chordeva was...


I thought it would make more sense that way; she was the one that Ria needed to conqueror...

Anyways, this was written on 12/04/2022


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