My Professor Is My Alpha Mate

#Chapter 6 – Wolfbane poisoning.

Lila's POV

I wasn't feeling good.

I don't know if it was something I ate; perhaps I had too much cake. Or maybe it was too much to drink. I only had a couple of glasses of wine at most.

But I was suddenly feeling lightheaded. I was also feeling a wave of heat crossing my features. My heartbeat was heavy, and I needed to sit down before I completely passed out.

“Lila bean, why don't I take you to your room so you can lie down,” my mother suggested, sitting beside me on the couch. I was faced with a few concerned eyes as I tried to maintain my breathing. “I'm okay,” I tell her.

I would hate to leave my own party early. My parent's worked so hard to make this evening perfect and I didn’t want to disappoint them.

“You are burning up, you might have a fever.”

“I don’t want to be rude,” I say, looking up at her. “Some Alpha’s traveled far to be here.”

“Your health is my only concern right now.”

I knew there was no arguing with her; though, I wasn't sure I was going to be able to make it to bed on my own. I was feeling extremely dizzy. As soon as I stood up, I nearly fell over again. I stared at the wine glass on the table; I only took a few sips of it before I started getting sick.

I was completely fine earlier; I wondered what was wrong all of a sudden.

My mother wrapped an arm around me to keep me steady. We walked through the mound of guests who were watching me with the same concerned expressions as my mother. As we walked toward the stairs of the packhouse, my eyes found Enzo’s from across the room.

He was watching me as well, even though another Alpha was speaking to him. It didn’t seem as if Enzo was paying him any attention. His eyes darkened as he took in my face. I managed to look away as my mother guided me up the stairs.

“That blonde girl?” She gasped, her eyes wide. I nodded once. “What were they even doing here? Do you think they had something to do with the poison?”

I didn't want to tell her that I suspected as much, but the look on my face gave it away.

“We need to tell somebody! We need to tell your father. That's not okay, Lila.”

I knew she was right, but I couldn't just accuse them based on a hunch. Though, it was weird that they would show up to my birthday party. But on the other hand, I knew Scott's dad, being an Alpha, was also here.

My bedroom door opened, and my father came into my room.

"How are you feeling?” He asked with a concerned tone.

“A little better,” I said, which was the truth. I wasn't feeling as sick as I was last night.

“We are getting your wine glass tested for fingerprints; I'm just waiting for the results. Whoever did this will face the consequences,” he assured me.

"What about Scott and that blonde girl he was with? They should be suspects number 1 and 2," Brianna said, folding her arms across my chest.

My father rose his brows and looked at me carefully.

“You and Scott broke up?” He asked

I nodded once, staring down at my hands.

“I don't see why he would try to poison me though. But I don't think his new girlfriend likes me that much.”

"What's not to like?” My father asked. “If anything, she's probably just jealous of you. Your mother had a share of jealous she-wolves to deal with as well. So, it wouldn't be surprising. But I will investigate Scott and this girl. What's her name?”

“Sarah,” I answer.

“I'll look into it,” he assured me. “Meanwhile, you'll need to rest for a couple of days. It was a high dosage. Thankfully, wolfbane isn't fatal to you. But it is to your wolf. If you were meant to get your wolf yesterday, that will delay the process.”

"What?" I asked, my mouth nearly dropping. “You mean I could have gotten my wolf if it wasn't for this poison?”

“I'm afraid so,” he answered. “Wolfbane is extremely damaging to your wolf. It typically makes your wolf sick and weak. You haven't gotten her yet, so she can't be killed. But it's going to keep her away until it's fully gone from your system.”

My heart felt heavy as he spoke those words.

My poor wolf...

I sat up in bed, allowing the cloth that was placed on my head to fall onto my lap.

“Don’t worry, Lila bean. Wolves are extremely strong. Especially a Volana wolf. She'll be okay,” he told me, reading my expression. “When I find out who did this, I will make them answer for their crimes.”

"Okay; thank you, dad,” I said, giving him a smile. Handing him the cloth, I added, “Can you thank the doctor for me? This cold cloth really helped my fever.”

He let out a low laugh, shaking his head.

"Oh, it wasn't the doctor that put the cloth on your head,” my father said as he turned away. “It was Alpha Enzo. He was watching over you last night.”

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