My Professor Is My Alpha Mate

#Chapter 5 – Enzo’s motivation

Enzo's POV

12 year earlier

"Enzo...2" My mother woke me up during the night, tears filling her big brown eyes, and dripping delicately off her long and dark lashes.

I groggily woke, to find her standing over me.

“Mom?” I asked, peering at her through the dark of the night. It was cold; we didn’t have much heat in our small home. We didn't have much money to afford heat, but my mother never made it seem like we were poor. “What's wrong?” I whispered to her, not wanting to wake the others that resided in the house.

“Your father is dead...” she said softly, her voice quivering.

She was frightened. But of what?

"He's gone, sweetheart,” she said again.

From what I had heard of my father, he wasn't a good man. He left my mother pregnant, rejecting her, and forcing her to live in another pack. She would often refer to him as a monster.

“You are the only living relative left...” She continued. “His Beta is coming to collect you. You must go with him...”

"What?" I asked, sitting up quickly in bed; she shushed me, wrapping her arms around me. “I know this is sudden. But you must be the Alpha of Calypso. I never wanted this for you so soon, my baby.” “The student council will want to speak with you. I'll let them know to expect you.”

The meeting concluded and I could already hear the others speaking about going to the local pub later that evening.

“Alpha Enzo, you going to join us for once?” One of the Alphas asked, hitting me on the back of my shoulder. “Or are you going to come up with some lame excuse?”

“Yeah, Enzo. Come on! It's Friday. Let's have some fun. You are still young. Live while you can!”

The last thing I wanted to do was go to the pub with a bunch of drunk Alphas. What I really wanted to do was return home and read a book and rest for the evening. I was exhausted from training and meetings all day. I don't usually have time for myself and when I do, I don't like spending it with those I spend all day with.

“I'll pass,” I say to them as I finish packing my stuff in my briefcase. “Maybe next time.”

I always say, “maybe next time” knowing I don't mean those words. They don't argue though; they look at one another with a frown before leaving the conference room.

"Hey Enzo, wake up,” I hear Bastien behind me, following me out of the door. I slow my pace so he can catch up. “I really appreciate you taking one for the team. I know teaching isn't your thing, but I think this might be good for you.”

“I appreciate the opportunity,” I say to him, and in a way, I meant that. I could prove myself to him and to others. I could practice my skills and better myself. “Honestly, maybe it won't be that bad,” I smirked.

Bastien laughed, clapping me on the back.

“You might even have fun,” he told me with a grin. “I couldn't think of a better Alpha for the job. I can already tell; you're going to do great things. I'm glad to finally have you on the committee. Enjoy your weekend. The student council will be expecting you at the academy on Monday, bright and early!”

I took Bastien’s words to heart; he believed that I could do great things in my future. Just as my mother believed. I didn't want to let either of them down. But still, there was a part of me that worried if I was going to do any better than my father.

My mother was right; as soon as I became the Alpha of the Calypso Pack, I started hearing rumors about my father. Things I never heard before; things I don’t even think my mother knew.

Like the fact that my father died because of his love for a Volana wolf. I never even heard of a Volana wolf before and there was a part of me that didn't believe they existed. As far as I knew, it was only a myth. But I've heard the story from different sources.

My father had fallen in love with a Volana and because of that, he lost his life. It was love that made the most powerful shifter in the universe weak. I wasn't sure if it was because Volanas were the most powerful type of wolves in the world, or because of love itself. But either way, I swore to never allow what happened to my father to happen to me.

Which meant I vowed to never fall in love.

It complicated things when I stepped into the house of Alpha Bastien, on the night of his daughter, Lila's, 18(th) birthday, and my wolf was in awe of her beauty.

His husky whisper made my entire body freeze and my skin crawl.

“I can feel her... our mate...”


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