My Professor Is My Alpha Mate

#Chapter 30 – Enzo’s proof.

Lila's POV

"Is that Professor Enzo?” Miss Grace asked in a whisper as she slowly stood to her feet.

I felt the blood rushing to my head as I stared at the portrait of Enzo.

This meant the painting I had for this class was still in my room.

How did I make such a terrible mistake like this?

"He's so handsome,” Val breathed lovingly as we took in the picture.

I did a really good job at capturing every one of Enzo’s charming features. He had so much personality in his dark eyes that made my stomach flip.

I had to think of something to say, and quickly.

“Yes,” I answered, turning toward the class of startled and curious eyes. “This is Alpha Enzo. He's incredibly inspirational. He's the youngest Alpha and my father speaks highly of him. He has huge ambitions. I also found out recently that he’s caring for his ill mother, on top of being an incredible professor. I don't know how he has time to sleep, honestly. But I find myself wanting to be like him. He might not be my biggest inspiration, but I am inspired by him. I'm honored to have him as my professor.”

There was a long pause of silence as everyone processed what I had said, I was hoping I was convincing enough.

Soon, the silence ended with a round of applause; some students even stood to give me a standing ovation.

A flood of relief washed over me, and I felt my body relax.

I smiled at the excited faces.

Even Miss Grace seemed pleased.

Her eyes lit up for a moment as she took in my portrait.

“You are certainly correct,” she said, still eyeing the picture. “He really is an incredible man. Very nice job capturing that, Lila.”

She nodded, staring at me carefully.

"Yes; the sooner the better.”

I nodded my head before scurrying out of the classroom.

She wanted to nominate Enzo's portrait, the one I painted for his mother, to the art show?

How was I going to explain this to Enzo?

Enzo's POV

"Hello, Alpha Enzo?" Leah said into the phone.

I woke up early to my phone ringing and it was Leah's photography. She told me she would call me once the photos were ready for viewing.

"Yes," I answered. “Do you have the photos?”

"Yes, they are all set. Would you like to swing by my studio this morning?”

“I'll be there soon,” I said before hanging up.

It was still early, so, I knew Lila was most likely still sleeping. I would have to wait to get that portrait from her.

I mindlinked Ethan to come to pick me up and bring me to Leah's studio. He arrived within the hour, and we went straight to the studio.

Leah was much younger than I thought she would be. She looked around Lila’s age. It was no wonder I didn’t notice her at the time of the party because she blended in with most of the guests. She had a kind smile when I entered the studio.

“Good morning, Alpha,” she said, motioning for me to join her at her desk. “I have the photos for you, just as you requested.”

“I really appreciate that,” I said to her.

She grabbed the stack of photos from an envelope and handed them to me.

“I haven't even given them to Alpha Bastien yet,” she admitted. “I wanted to edit and make them perfect before I presented them to him. But you wanted the unedited version.”

"Yes," I confirmed. “I'm looking for something specific.”

“For the person who poisoned Lila?"

I didn't entertain her with an answer.

There were a lot of photos of Lila and seeing her in the palms of my hands excited Max. I tried to keep him calm enough to focus. We weren't here to gaze at photos of Lila. We were looking for the person who poisoned her.

I went through the entire stack of photos, almost feeling defeated until I got to the last picture.

I paused.

It was a picture of Lila on the couch; she was talking to one of her friends and she had a wide smile on her face. Behind her was the glass that got drugged and leaning over it, was none other than Sarah.

This was it.

I finally had proof that Sarah poisoned her.

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