My Professor Is My Alpha Mate

#Chapter 29 – I’m taking you back to school.

Enzo's POV

What the hell was I doing?

Everything about her just tastes and smells so good. Her lips are soft and sweet. I thought she would try to push me off her, but she didn't. She stood limp against the wall; he eyes fluttered shut as soon as I made contact with her.

I bit onto her bottom lip; something I've been wanting to do for a while.

I nibbled on it; drawing it firmly into my mouth and sucking on it like it was a piece of candy. Once I released it, I paused the kiss.

I didn't push it any further than that. As much as I wanted to continue the embrace, I had to stop myself.

She was breathing heavily; I watched as her chest heaved up and down. Her eyes remained closed, and her fair complexion was turning cherry red.

"Our mate is growing extremely warm. If you aren't careful, she will go into heat.”


I couldn't let that happen. I had to get out of here.

“Take a cold shower,” I muttered.

I left without another word.

Lila's POV

"Oh, my goddess!!!” Val screamed, rattling my brain.

“What just happened?” I gasped; I opened my eyes and Enzo was gone.

My heart was racing rapidly against my chest and my entire body trembled. I held my arms together, trying to keep myself still. My legs felt like complete jelly; I thought I was going to fall over if I even attempted to move.

"He kissed us! Our mate kissed us!!” Val replayed the events in my mind.

At that point, I realized what had happened and I jumped backward, covering my body with my arms. My face grew warm again and I had to turn away before he noticed it.

“Where are we going?” I managed to squeak.

“I'm bringing you back to school.”

I didn't argue with him; I knew his mind was made up.

Enzo was waiting for me downstairs once I got dressed.

He was holding the portrait I had painted of him.

“I was thinking that maybe it would be nice to add a couple more flowers and maybe my mothers’ name engraved somewhere on it?" He said as I approached him.

I rose my brows up at him.

"Are you asking if I could do that for you?” I asked.

“I wouldn't be saying this if I wasn't,” he said, meeting my eyes. “I would be appreciative.”

A smile tugged at my lips as I took the portrait from him. I liked when he asked me for favors; even though I knew how uncomfortable it made him.

“I'll work on it tonight and have it to you by tomorrow,” I tell him.

He nodded his head, but he didn't smile.

I've heard that he doesn't often smile, which almost makes me determined to get him to smile at least once.

Enzo took me back to school in my car; he said he wanted to make sure I actually went back. He was planning on staying in his room for the night and then Beta Ethan would be coming in tomorrow to pick him up.

It was probably a good thing that I went back to school; I wanted to make a few adjustments to my own painting for my project in the morning. This was going to be half my grade for this semester, and I needed to make sure it was good enough to present.

The next morning, Enzo was nowhere to be found.

My art class was starting soon; he would have to wait to get his painting until after class. I shrugged off the thought and took my project to the class.

“I'm excited to see what you have for me,” Miss Grace said as I entered the room.

I placed my draped painting on the table with the others and took my seat.

One by one, each student stood and presented their projects. They were met with “ooooh!” and "aaaaaah!” Along with a round of applause.

By the time they got to me, the room fell silent.

They knew I was one of the best painters, so they saved mine for last as the finale.

I stood to my feet and made my way to the front of the class.

“Lila, tell us about your painting,” Miss Grace said with a fond smile.

"Well, the theme that was given to me was “role models.’ So, I wanted to paint my inspiration in life,” I explained.

I grabbed the cloth that covered my project.

“I hope you like it,” I said as I tugged at the cloth, revealing my painting.

Everybody in the room gasped, and I saw a bunch of shocked faces, including Miss Grace. The entire room was completely silent; I couldn't even hear anyone breathing.

This wasn't the reaction I thought my painting would have.

I furrowed my brows together, wondering what was so shocking until I looked at the painting and gasped as well.

What was supposed to be a family portrait, was actually a portrait of Enzo.

I grabbed the wrong painting.

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