My Professor Is My Alpha Mate

#Chapter 24 – Unleashing my new powers.

Lila's POV

Sarah stood in front of us with her arms folded across her chest a glimmer of amusement on her face, but there was also a hint of darkness in her eyes.

I could feel Becca's tension from beside me; she felt uncomfortable around Sarah. That much was obvious. I really try to coexist with Sarah, despite the fact that she stole my boyfriend and quite obviously poisoned me. But it was clear she didn’t want to coexist with me.

"We are practicing, Sarah. Is there something you want?” I asked, raising my brows in her direction. “I just wanted to inform you that my father is looking into your scholarship as we speak. You'll be getting a call from the board soon enough.”

This didn’t bother me; I had told her before that I didn't need the scholarship to stay in this school. The school valued my work and wasn't going to kick me out that easily. Especially not with my father being the head of the Alpha committee. They would speak with him before doing anything. Sarah was delusional to think otherwise.

“That's fine,” I tell her, unbothered. “Your father can do what he wants. Now, if you mind, we were in the middle of something.”

I turned back to Becca who was staring at me with wide and worried eyes. I began to show her the same move again and she followed me with her eyes. I felt a firm hand on my shoulder, whipping me around to face Sarah.

"You think you're so perfect. You are so pathetic,” Sarah seethed. “You have no business being in this school and I'm going to make sure everybody sees that.”

“Take your hand off me,” I said in a low tone, meeting her icy gaze.

She smirked.

"Or what?" She scoffed. “Going to use your Volana abilities on me? It's not like you can shift into your wolf. Loser.”

I continued to stare at her; I wasn't entirely sure what to do that wouldn't get me in trouble. I didn’t want to fight her at the school, but I suppose if there was a good enough place to fight her, then the arena would be the best place.

Becca stared at me with large eyes, unsure of what to say at that moment.

“You're a Volana?” She asked in a whisper.

“Yes,” I managed to answer, staring down at my hands.

What have I done? Where did that even come from?

"Our abilities have been activated once we shifted for the first time,” Val explained. “It's only going to get stronger unless we learn to control it.”

My mother failed to warn me that it was going to be like this. I could have seriously hurt somebody, and Becca was staring at me like I was some kind of monster.

“I didn’t mean to scare you,” I say to her in a calm tone. “I don't know where any of that came from..."

"Are you dangerous like Sarah said?” She asked, searching my face with her eyes.

“I don't think so,” I told her. “I think I just let my emotions get the best of me. I'll learn to control it...”

“You didn't tell me you were a Volana wolf...” Becca said, furrowing her brows again. “How do I know this won't happen again? How do I know you won't turn your powers against me? I'm your combat partner.”

“I need you to trust me,” I told her, eyeing her carefully. “I promise, I'll do everything I can to control these abilities. I think I just need to speak to my mother. She will know what to do.”

“Your mother is also a Volana?”

I nodded once.

"And she’s way more experienced,” I explained. “She can help me.”

Becca seemed to have relaxed.

Before I could grab my phone to call my mom, the arena began to flood with more people.

I completely lost track of time; the class was starting soon. I felt relieved to get a little bit of a distraction.

I wasn't surprised to see that Sarah wasn't in class. She was probably on the phone with her father telling him how dangerous I am.

I wondered if he would believe her.

Pretty soon, word would get back to my own father.

I had to brush the thought out of my mind in order to get through the rest of this class though. Pretty soon I would be able to see Enzo again; admittedly, my wolf was craving Enzo and I was a little excited to see him as well. I wanted to ask him why he disappeared so suddenly yesterday. However, I was shocked to find someone other than Enzo walking into the arena moments later. She was a young woman with tight clothing and a look of determination on her face as she scanned the students.

"Hello everybody. My name is Professor Connie. I'll be your substitute teacher for the time being.” My heart fell into my stomach.

Substitute teacher? Where was Professor Enzo?

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