My Professor Is My Alpha Mate

#Chapter 23 – The attack on Enzo’s mother

Lila's POV

I returned home, feeling a rush of adrenaline. I had never felt as exhilarated as I did since shifting and running through the forest in my wolf form.

I was expecting to see Enzo when I returned to the packhouse, but he wasn't anywhere in sight. "His car is gone,” my father said, peering out front with a frown.

"He left?” I asked, furrowing my brows together. “Without saying anything?”

"Perhaps there was another issue at his pack,” my mother suggested with a shrug.

“Yeah, I wouldn't worry too much about Enzo. He can take care of himself. Besides, you can take your car back to school tomorrow. I checked it thoroughly. It hasn't been touched.”

I nodded, forcing a smile, but it didn't meet my eyes. I felt an unsettled feeling in the pit of my stomach by the time I reached my room.

Where did Enzo go?

I was disappointed the next morning when Enzo hadn't returned. The guest room, and all his belongings, were gone. He really just left without saying anything to me.

“We'll see him at the academy,” Val assured me. “Don’t worry too much about it.”

“I'm not worried about it,” I say in return; but even I wasn't believing those words.

"You can't lie to me... I'm a part of you,” she reminded me.

I gave my family a hug before departing into my car and leaving for the academy. I was glad to be able to drive myself.

I made a mental note to ask Enzo why he would just leave like this.

"Alpha, your mother is going to be just fine. Shes currently resting and—"

“Where is she?” I demanded to know, cutting off his words.

“She's in room 175. It's just down the hall...”

He managed to get out before I walked past him and toward the rooms.

Ethan stopped following me once I neared the room my mother occupied. I barged into the room, sealing the door shut behind me.

My mother was left alone; she was hooked up to a bunch of machines and her face was bruised terribly.

She had claw marks down her neck and bite marks on her ears. Her eyes were black and blue; she had bandages along her jawline and a brace around her neck. She had both a leg and an arm in a cast.

She was breathing, though her breath was shallow, and her eyes remained closed.

It broke my heart to see my mother in such a position, but I wasn't surprised that she was attacked. I knew this would happen eventually if I wasn't there to protect her.

I sat at her bedside, grabbing onto the hand that didn’t look so damaged.

Her eyes suddenly opened.

She was awake.

"Enzo..." she whispered.

“Don't try to speak, mom,” I said to her, lowering my gaze. “I'm so sorry I wasn't there. This should have never happened to you.”

“It isn't your fault, my love,” she whispered. “The doctors say I will be fine.”

“What happened? Who did this to you...?"

“It doesn't matter—"

“It matters to me. Tell me what happened, mom.”

She was quiet for a moment as she stared around my serious face. I wasn't going to give in; I needed to know who had the nerve to hurt my mother like this.

“I crossed the border...” she whispered. “It was stupid, and I knew better. But we needed supplies—" "You should have called me. I could have gotten you anything you needed...” I tell her; trying not to sound too harsh. I didn't want to frighten my mother, but my emotions were getting the best of me quickly.

“I know,” she breathed, glancing away from me. “I shouldn't have been so careless. Especially knowing what was out there. I didn't think they would be able to sense me so easily... not since...” her voice trailed off, not wanting to finish her sentence.

She didn't need to finish it; I knew what she was going to say.

"Did they catch your sent? Is that how they found you?”

My mother gave me a weak nod.

“I should have known it was still a possibility...” she breathed, tears welling in her eyes as she gazed up at me. “I knew the medication took away my abilities... but it will never take away the scent.” "Mom—"

“Regardless of what I do to hide from your father and his men, it'll never be enough. They will always come after me. They will always find me. They will always know that I am a Volana wolf..."

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