My Orphan Mate

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Five


The second my body hit the wooden twigs on the ground, my eyes fluttered open.

For a second, I wished they had remained closed. The sight before me was not one that I wish I had witnessed.

A bunch of Wolves were fighting, possibly tearing each other's fur apart.

My eyes widened in shock as I took in the scene ahead of me. It was like slow motion. Wolves were leaping at each other with the intention to kill, meanwhile, someone was screaming in the background, giving me a headache.

A low growl that sounded more like a whimper escaped my mouth when I realised the loud screams were coming from none other than Alana.

I wasn't sure why I felt so weak, but when I tried to stand up, I ended up falling back to the floor.


At the sound of his voice, my head snapped up in shock. Dyami guarded me with concerned eyes, bowed his head once and vanished back to the crowd.

Dyami was here? My eyes narrowly scanned the chaos, until they landed on the person that I had been searching for.


His gaze wasn't on me. It was on something else. When my eyes travelled in the direction of his gaze, I realised he was glaring at Gabriel.

Gabriel snarled loudly and shifted in to his Wolf, darting toward my mate. I could hardly watch the scene unfold before me, but didn't dare to look away.

My breathing hitched as I stared in horror at the two Alpha's fighting.

"Lyra, are you okay?"

Ava's voice snapped my gaze away from the war happening before us, and I glanced at her in confusion.

Every second felt unreal and like a horrible dream. I was pretty sure Ava was locked up in Silver Crescent.

"What are you doing here?" I hesitantly asked, unsure if I was dreaming.

"That's not the problem right now. Can you stand?"

My best friend crouched down on the ground near me and wrapped an arm around me to help me stand up from my position, confirming that she was indeed real.

"Where is Jaxon? And Matteo?" I asked her.

"They're not here," she explained. "I will explain later, right now we need to get out of here."

"What is happening, Ave?"

Ava managed to help me up, and we began to slowly walk away from where the crowd of fighting Wolves were.

The burning sensation in my neck had subsided, but I felt weak.

"I'm not too sure," Ava admitted. "When we found out Gabriel had you, your mate rushed here."

My mate. Alexander had come for me. It made me feel worse because I had been the cause of the current situation.

"You bitch!"

"What the hell?" Ava snarled, making us both turn at the sound of Alana's voice.

"You didn't think you could just get away like that, did you?" Alana spat, her eyes completely black.

"Alana, unless you have a death wish— you will walk away, now," the girl beside me growled.

"Shut up, Ava. You're irrelevant as it is," the blonde girl standing a couple of feet away from us warned. "I want her."

When Alana nodded toward me, Ava's hand around me loosened and she was going to pull away, but I stopped her.

"Ave, don't."

"Let go, Lyra. I'm going to kill her for once and all," Ava declared, her voice cold.

Before I could argue with her, my best friend had placed me on a tree stump and leaped away.

When the two females ahead of me shifted in to their Wolves, I couldn't help but watch in horror.

Ava hated the three sisters and always wanted to put them back in their place, but for her to fight now because of me, that honestly worried me.

The girls were snarling and jumping on each other, biting down at each other.

At one point, Alana managed to get closer to me. She snarled loudly in my face and darted toward me with full speed, giving me no time to shift so I could protect myself.

Right before she could attack me, someone stepped in front of me and shielded me.

Alana landed in a heap on the floor in her human form. She appeared unconscious, but I wasn't sure if she was dead.

My eyes travelled up to the person who had shielded me, and I gasped in surprise. My mate stood before me, completely nude.

"Lyra," Alexander breathed, kneeling before me. "Are you alright?"

One of his hands cupped my cheek, whilst his eyes raked over my body, examining me.

"You're here," I whispered, placing my hand on his nude shoulder. "You're really here."

Alexander narrowed his gorgeous blue-ish black eyes at me.

"Of course, baby. Are you hurt? Did that bastard do anything to you?"

I shook my head, only then realising tears had collected in my eyes. Alexander growled loudly when he noticed.

"I am going to kill him," he bellowed, his voice hard.

I watched his eyes turn completely black, he was furious. My hand on his shoulder squeezed slightly, bringing my mate's focus back on me.

"I'm okay," I assured. "But where is he? I saw you fighting."

"Dyami is taking care of it. I rushed to you when I saw the Wolf wanted to attack," Alexander explained. "If you are alright then why are you crying?"

"I was so scared," I admitted, lowering my gaze. "I thought I was stuck with him forever."

His naked body was tempting, but my gaze remained on his chest. The muscles on his chest were defined, and I almost got lost in the thought of what I could do to him.

When Alexander placed his finger on my chin, I was snapped out of my dirty thoughts. My mate tilted my head enough for me to meet his gaze. I was sure that I was blushing, but Alexander didn't seem to notice.

"Why did you not tell me?" he asked, a glint flashing in his eyes.

"I couldn't tell you that I was leaving, you would have never understood," I replied, my voice hardly above a whisper.

Alexander sighed. "Not that, why did you not tell me that Gabriel was not your mate?"

I gave him a confused look. "I thought you already knew since I'm mated to you," I responded, confused. "There is no way that you thought I was mated to the both of you," I gaped at him, realising he had actually thought I had two mates.

The boy didn't appreciate my words, instead narrowed his eyes.

But he dropped the topic and surprised me when he wrapped his arms around me. He pulled me in for a tight hug. His scent calmed every nerve in my body and I allowed myself to melt in to him.

"I'm glad that you are alright," he murmured in to my hair, inhaling my scent. "I thought I had lost you."

I didn't get a chance to respond when another voice spoke before I could.


Dyami's voice made us both pull away and turn to him.

"I'm sorry to interrupt," the boy apologised, his jaw clenched.

"What is it?" Alexander asked, turning his torso to face the boy.

Dyami glanced at me briefly before he turned his gaze on my mate.

"By the time we finished off the Wolves, Gabriel had escaped and we cannot locate him."

"I should have killed him when I had the chance!" Alexander growled loudly at Dyami's words.

He stood up from the ground, his hand on me dropping in the process.

"We are heading back," my mate declared.

As if on cue, Ava appeared, wearing a dress. She handed a piece of fabric to my mate, who snatched it out of her hands before she glanced away.

My mate pulled up the pair of shorts that Ava handed him, before turning his gaze toward me. His brow arched at my facial expression, but I didn't say anything.

I was just surprised at the relationship my best friend and mate seemed to have formed.

In a swift motion, Alexander had placed his arms under my legs and carried me bridal style. I tried to tell him that I could walk, but he fought against it.

In a way, I was grateful that Gabriel had escaped. Although, my mate looked stronger and probably was, I didn't want him to get hurt.

My Wolf purred in contentment at the realisation that we wouldn't have to worry about Gabriel again. Becoming his Luna seemed like a distant memory, and I snuggled closer to my mate's chest at the thought.

Enemy or not, being in Alexander's arms was exactly what I needed right now.

My eyes closed on their own accord as I let my mate carry us back to where my new home was.

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