My Orphan Mate

Chapter Chapter Seven


"I get it, you're small. But I'm certain you can walk faster than that."

I rolled my eyes, not expecting any different from the enemy that I had seemed to form in this territory.

I was sure all of them hated me since I belonged to the pack they despised, but they had dragged me here by force. If not for them, I wouldn't be here in the first place. Not that I was complaining completely, I wanted to be out of that pack anyway. But being here wasn't exactly my desired destination.

"Just ignore him." Zynthéa's voice brought me some comfort.

"How do you cope with him?" I whispered back.

I felt sorry for her. Having a mate like Dyami suddenly made me feel less sad about not having mine. The man ahead of us came to a sudden halt.

"You do realise that I'm not stupid. I can hear you, loud and clear."

Of course, stupid Wolves had enhanced hearing. I mumbled a quick apology.

Zynthéa laughed. "He's not so bad," she replied, sending her mate a genuine smile. "He's just unique."

I glanced between the pair and cringed inwardly. The thought of mates suddenly seemed revolting to me. I wasn't sure how I felt so calm, but it helped me think clearly and I was constantly reminding myself of my plan; to escape.

We only walked another ten minutes or so before we arrived at our final destination.

I gawked at the black marbled covered interior that was exposed by the glass walls. I was surprised at how open the house was. Anyone could see the inside and the beauty was breathtaking.

In my entire existence, I had never seen such exquisite design. It was so dark and mysterious, yet cosy and intriguing. The house pulled me toward it and I wanted to go inside without awaiting an invitation. It was the strangest feeling.

"I have missed that reaction," Zynthéa grinned.

Her gaze was on me and when she noticed my puzzled face, she explained, "This house gets that same reaction from people outside of our pack. It's nice to see others appreciate what we take advantage of."

"Ah," I responded, embarrassed to have been caught.

I didn't say anything else, instead followed behind quietly. The closer that we got to the entrance of the building, the more my heart raced. I was nervous. What if the Alpha ordered to kill me?

My breathing suddenly became heavier and the exhaustion that I had subsided, suddenly dawned on me. I could feel my pace slowing down.

"Do I need to carry her?" Dyami's voice, hard, brought my focus on him.

I narrowed my eyes at him.

If only I had been more powerful, I would have at least tried to hurt him just to feed my ego a little bit. He was getting on my very last nerve.

"She seems tired, Dy. Give her a break," his mate defended.

"I don't owe her anything. She is the enemy."

Zynthéa sighed. "Do it for me then, please."

Dyami cocked his head to the side and arched a brow at her.

"I don't understand why you're defending her. You don't even know her."

The girl beside me shrugged. "I know she's not a threat, and I don't see why you can't just take my word for it."

Dyami exhaled loudly, but before he could say another word, the door to the mysterious house swung open.

"Can you two save the flirting for later? The Alpha has run low on patience," Adam scoffed, before disappearing back inside.

I wasn't surprised to see him at all. His words, though, earned a snarl from Dyami, but the dark haired man couldn't do anything since Adam had already vanished.

"Don't be afraid," Zynthéa reassured me and squeezed my hand.

I wasn't sure how to feel about the affection that I was receiving from her. Her mate had been right; she didn't know me. I felt bad for having these thoughts given how genuine her gestures seemed.

But aside from my mother and two best friends in Pale Moon, I had never been able to trust anyone else. When I could feel Zynthéa's blue eyes bore in to mine, I nodded hesitantly, realising she had been awaiting a response.

"I'm not sure why you're so nice, but thank you."

"Of course," she beamed. "Let's go inside before you have a second Alpha send out a search warrant for you."

I was surprised she knew about that, but didn't press her about it. I was sure Dyami had told her everything— given they were mates.

Instead, she pulled me with her as she entered the double glass doors where her mate had just disappeared through.

"Have you brought her?" his voice, cold filled with authority, caused a shiver to run down my spine.

I couldn't see him since he had his back to us. He was standing very tall behind the black desk large enough to fill a normal room. It was hard to appreciate the interior of the house with how cold the presence of their Alpha felt. His presence brought tension. I was sure I wasn't the only one that could feel it.

The trio, the ones who submitted to this specific leader, were stood patiently whilst their Alpha poured himself a drink.

"Took me longer than I would have liked," Dyami barked, sending a glare my way, before turning his eyes back on his leader. "But, yes. Supposedly, this is her."

"There is no threat, just let her leave quietly," Zynthéa proposed, her voice firm.

I admired her confidence. I watched the Alpha's back muscles move with every movement. He was big, to say the least.

"I do not doubt that, Théa," he scoffed.

"I appreciate your understanding," the girl replied, casually. "I can guide her out of our territory at your instruction."

Her words earned a growl from her mate. "What are you doing?" he hissed at her.

Zynthéa ignored him. "Alexander, you know I would never lie."

"I believe you," the tall man, assured. "There is something I would like to confirm, first."

At the mention of his name, it finally clicked that he was Alpha Alexander— the exact enemy that Gabriel had fought with many times. This was the same man that had teared up families in my pack. I didn't know how to feel.

When the sound of a drink being poured ended, the Alpha raised the glass filled with liquid in his hand before he finally turned around to face us.

"Joseph's pup, huh?" he mused, his eyes glancing over his members before they claimed mine.

I was yet again surprised at the mention of my father. I didn't understand why my father peaked interest in this pack. What did they know about him? But my thoughts were quickly diverted when I caught the Alpha's eyes on me. The smugness covering his lips had completely wiped off at the sight of me.

I didn't understand why his gaze was so intense. Time had paused.

His eyes, dark with swirling ocean blue specs, hypnotised me completely. His pale skin face was shaped to perfection, and the black shirt he was wearing only complimented his looks further, not to mention how his muscles protruded through.

He seemed so mysterious yet so gentle. I couldn't explain how I felt, but I wasn't intimidated.

Despite the fact that he was probably the tallest person that I had encountered, I felt absolutely no fear. He was breath taking. A literal breath of fresh air. It angered me that I found him attractive.

At the sound of glass breaking, I ripped my eyes away from him.

His hand, that had been holding the glass, was now covered with the liquid content mixed with what looked like blood.

"Alexander?" Dyami's voice filled with concern echoed in the room. "Is everything alright?"

"Does everything appear alright to you?" the Alpha ridiculed, his voice cold.

His eyes narrowed at me as they brushed past me before he turned to attend to his hand. He plucked out the glass pieces from his hand, before squeezing his hand in to fist pumps. In a matter of seconds, his hand had completely healed. I knew Wolves healed, but his healing seemed accelerated. I was impressed.

"All of you leave," Alpha Alexander ordered, his eyes remained glued to his hand.

The trio must have been too shocked at their leader's words at first because it took them a second to react. I, on the other hand, wanted to leave to catch my breath back. Being here made it feel like my lungs had failed me.

"I don't understand," Zynthéa hesitated.

"Leave, all of you," the Alpha repeated, his voice hardly stable.

It seemed like he, also, was struggling for air.

"I need a word with her, alone."

When he nodded toward me, I glanced at the trio in a panic. If I hadn't been afraid of the Alpha before, now I definitely sensed something. But oddly enough, my Wolf wanted this.

I was still getting to know her, but it didn't take a genius to know the feelings that my Wolf was radiating. She was excited, purring in pure happiness and complete chaos. Meanwhile, I was confused, scared and frankly feeling defeated. Perhaps, death was my option in the end.

"I'm not leaving her alone with you," Dyami argued, shooting a dirty glance my way. "We don't know what she is capable of."

I fought the urge to roll my eyes. If I had been as strong as the annoying boy made me out to be, I wouldn't have been here in the first place. The Alpha must have not appreciated the boy's words because he growled, loudly. It made me cower back, completely. When he noticed my reaction, his whole demeanour changed.

His eyes met mine, and I could swear they were full of concern. It made me frown.

"Dyami, we have been over this. Leave or I will make you," the Alpha said, his eyes remained on me.

To my surprise, the trio slowly disappeared.

The room suddenly felt more suffocating. I was nervous and could hear the racing of my heart loud. I was praying that he couldn't hear it, but with Wolf hearing, I was sure my prayers were meaningless.

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