My Orphan Mate

Chapter Chapter Eight


"Sit," the Alpha ordered, nodding his head at the black leather recliner in front of his desk.

My eyes landed on the seat and I bit my bottom lip, nervously. If I was to sit there, I would be too close to him. I wasn't sure if I could survive the close proximity.

My emotions, and heart rate, were all over the place. I could hardly think straight all just because I found him attractive. I felt like a thirteen year old crushing on someone for the first time. It was absurd.

"Relax. I am not going to hurt you," the man assured, but I was feeling far from it with the stories that I had heard. "Go ahead."

He nodded at the single recliner once again.

Hesitantly, I followed the Alpha's orders and strutted toward the seat. I could feel his eyes burning in to my soul, but I dared not to look up. When I placed myself on the leather, I felt myself completely relax. It had been a long day and only now did I realise how much I needed to rest. Except, I remembered that I was in the same room as the Alpha, unable to remain relaxed. All I could wonder was when my time to die would be. Jaxon and Ava would find me dead, without a goodbye.

"What is your name?" he interrogated.

"Lyra," I mumbled a response and fiddled with my hands on my lap.

"Lyra," he repeated, softly.

Hearing my name on his lips was more attractive than I would have liked to admit, and it made me glance up at him. His eyes seemed to have softened compared to before. They were more of an ocean blue now rather than the dark they had portrayed earlier.

His ash brown hair was styled messily on his head as if he'd ran a hand through it a couple of times, nevertheless still portraying his attractiveness. He was beautiful, I wasn't going to deny that. When a smile tugged at the Alpha's lips, I tore my eyes away from him.

My Wolf enjoyed this interaction much more than I was.

"I am Alexander. You can call me Xander," he introduced, making me scrunch my brows up at him.

I had already learned his name but he didn't need to know that.

"Do you always treat your enemies like this?"

Quite contrary to my words, I knew he didn't. I just found it odd how carefree this man seemed, the opposite of what I had heard of him to be like. He was a leader, someone that hardly had time for irrelevant Wolves, yet here he was making small talk with me.

Alexander seemed amused by my question. "Is that what it looks like?"

I shrugged, not sure how to respond.

"It's the opposite of what I have heard you to be like," I responded without a second thought, surprising myself.

"You already know who I am," Alexander confirmed, his voice completely flat as if he was not surprised. "Tell me, I'm intrigued to know about myself."

When I glanced up at him, I was surprised to see his eyes had darkened. The playfulness on his face had been wiped off completely. Was he messing around with me?

"Why am I here?" I asked, changing the subject.

The man narrowed his eyes at me. "Seeing as you know who I am, I think you already know the answer to that."

My brows raised at his words. "Your men took me from my pack by force," I explained. "I get it, I'm the enemy. But how does kidnapping me help anyone, exactly?"

Alexander growled at my words. He had been leaning against the trolley behind his desk, when he leaped around the table to come stand right in front of me. He placed his arms on either side of me and leaned closer, making me cower back slightly.

My breathing hitched at how close he was. I could feel electrical currents radiating throughout my body, making it hard for me think clearly. For some reason, I wanted to kiss him. It was confusing.

"You are not the enemy," he whispered lowly, his eyes on my lips.

The musky scent of his cologne filled my nose and once again, I was completely hypnotised. I tilted my head to meet his gaze.

"Then what am I exactly?" I dared to challenge, my voice hardly a whisper.

His eyes stared at me with full intensity. "Mine," he said, huskily. "You're mine."

I narrowed my eyes at him, though, I was caught off guard by his sudden words, it also confused me. "What?"

His eyes met mine briefly, and I almost got lost in them before the smirk on his face snapped me out of it.

"I must say," he murmured, brushing his index on my arm. It bothered me, but I didn't want to stop him. "I can see through the facade you're putting on."

"What are you talking about?" I asked, dumbfounded, my eyes boring in to his. "I'm not putting any 'facade' on."

Alexander studied my face for a second, before his eyes lingered on my lips. The way he stared at me with eyes full of desire, it stirred something inside of me and my Wolf wanted to pull closer to him. After basically eye-fucking me for a good few minutes, the boy finally pulled away, making me heave a sigh of relief.

"You're seriously going to pretend you don't know?" he asked, and raised a brow.

"Know what?"

The Alpha didn't say anything back, instead he continued to stare at me. I was completely clueless to what was happening.

"It's impossible," Alexander stated, his voice low and distasteful. "Two mates is impossible, even for a Luna."

The Alpha narrowed his eyes at me and pondered for a while before he spoke again.

"You're mated to that low life?"

Confused, I gaped at him. "What?"

"Is he really your mate? It doesn't make sense no matter how hard I try to think it over."

At this point, my head was starting to hurt. "Look," I began to say and raised myself off the recliner. "I know how busy Alpha's are, so how about, I leave your pack quietly and you attend to your meetings or whatever you leaders do."

Alexander growled at my words. "You are not going anywhere."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me," he retorted. "I don't care if you want to play dumb, do that. But you will stay here, by my side, where you belong."

I was stunned by his words, and I felt something stir inside of me, but I couldn't act on my infatuation. Instead, I glared at the ridiculously handsome man.

"Don't speak to me like that," I snapped. "I am not your property. Frankly, I don't even know you. I'm leaving and you aren't stopping me."

Alexander didn't respond, instead he watched me with amusement. I was frustrated. I didn't know him enough to hate him, but I knew of him enough to know he was not a merciful person. Yet at the same time, I actually wanted to be around him.

Alexander had done things, many wrong things, that I had to remind myself of. He was the last person that I should find attractive. Before I could even comprehend what was happening, Alexander had pulled me in to his chest roughly.

He stood a lot taller than me, making me feel incredibly small. One of his hands held my waist in place, whilst the other latched on to my neck. His hold on me tightened as he lowered his lips to mine.

"You're mine," he claimed against my lips.

Every thought that I had about him, suddenly escaped my mind. I should have pulled away, but I didn't. His lips against mine caused sparks to fly, and I could feel his nails dig in to my waist.

He was groaning loudly in to the kiss, almost as if he wanted more of me. I didn't blame him, I definitely wanted more of him. His tongue forcefully slipped inside of my mouth, causing electrical currents to fire through my body. Without thinking, I moaned in to him lowly.

When he placed his hand under my leg and wrapped it around his waist, and had me pulled closer to him, I decided to pull away, frightened by how good this strangers' touch felt against mine.

That had been my first kiss, and if I didn't pull away, I would end up in a position, or many, that I would probably regret later on.

We were stood, with him leaned against his desk, and me incredibly close in his arms. We were in a very intimate position. My leg was still wrapped around his waist, I could feel cold air fanning my privates.

Alexander turned me on, and I could feel that between my legs, but with every ounce of energy in my body, I pulled away as I caught my breath. Instead of granting me the space that I acquired, Alexander grabbed a hold of me and pulled me flush against him again.

"Are you still going to play dumb after what we just did?"

I tried to pull away again, but he wouldn't budge. Instead, I did what I thought was the right thing and slapped him. I wasn't sure why, but he completely released me and growled.

"How dare you!" I bellowed, stepping away from his touch.

Though, I had enjoyed the kiss more than I would like to admit, I was furious. I could hardly control myself and my Wolf was trying to push me back in to his arms, but I held back. I couldn't believe he had kissed me.

Alexander's tongue brushed the corner of his lip. "You will never do that again," he warned. "But I have to say, true strength from Joseph's heir."

At the mention of my father, anger built up inside of me and I gritted my teeth at him. "Do not talk about my father!"

His eyes narrowed at me. "No? You don't want to know what he was like?"

I wanted to tell him that I did, but his stance angered me. I mirrored his expressions. "Screw you!"

Alexander sighed, loudly. He rubbed at his temple, before placing his hand on my arm lightly. "Do you love him?" he asked calmly, his eyes on me.

I didn't know. I could hardly remember my father; how would I know if I loved him or not? I was mad at him, for abandoning us. But to love him? That felt a bit far-fetched.

"Gabriel," Alexander elaborated when I struggled to form an answer. "Do you love him?"

Meanwhile, I had thought that he had been talking about my father; he had actually been talking about the Alpha of Pale Moon. Gabriel was not my mate. How could I love him?

"No," I replied, honestly. "I don't."

I wasn't sure why my responses were so honest, but it was as if I couldn't lie to him. The words were out of my mouth before I could think twice. A part of me blamed my Wolf, but I couldn't be entirely sure.

Alexander studied me for a second, before he spoke again. "Then why are you acting like this?"

"Acting like what?" He talked like he knew me.

"Like I'm nothing," he responded, his voice unstable. "Your Wolf is calling to mine, but you seem oblivious."

I raised a brow at him for the billionth time. "What do you mean?"

Alexander looked at me as if I had just asked the most stupid question. "You really do not know?"

I shook my head, but didn't get a chance to respond when Alexander pulled me flush against him.

This time, I felt the pull between us and my breathing hitched as sparks electrified down my spine. But that wasn't what stunned me, it was the moment when my Wolf pushed through. I was going to push at Alexander's chest to get out of his embrace, when my Wolf growled, making me finally understand what she had been trying to tell me all along.


My eyes widened when the words registered.

Alpha Alexander, the enemy, was my mate.

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