My Luna Mate

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Six


When Alexander opened the front door and lead us inside, I couldn't follow him any longer. Instead, I pulled my hand out of his grip as I stood there, completely frozen.

Alexander cocked a brow and looked back at me. "What's wrong?" he asked, appearing confused and I suppose, concerned.

"The pup," I blurted, trying to remain sane. "Did you find out about the pup?"

He noticed my uneasiness, and approached me until he was right before me. Placing his thumb and index on my chin, he tilted my head until I was glancing up at him.

"Not yet, baby," he replied, his eyes boring in to mine. "And I know it's bothering you, but the second that I get the results, I will let you know. Alright?"

I sighed loudly, before nodding at my mate. "Sorry," I apologised. "It's driving my wolf completely insane."

"Lyra," he murmured, making me swallow hard. "We are going to be alright, regardless. You know that, don't you?"

Biting my bottom lip, I nodded. "Yeah."

Alexander smiled lovingly at me and dipped his head down to peck at my forehead.

"Let me show you my old bedroom," he beamed, before tugging at my hand.

After climbing a flight of stairs, we reached what seemed like his old bedroom.

I hardly had time to explore his old room when Alexander wrapped his arms around me and nestled his head in the crook of my neck.

"When was the last time we had some time to ourselves?" Alexander said softly, his breathe fanning my skin.

All I could see was the kingsized bed in the centre of the room, with a large lamp in the corner and two large balcony doors leading out.

The whole house seemed to have a wooden theme, which made it super cosy. It was like a cabin log, and I could tell Alexander must have been here a lot during the holidays when he was younger.

Alexander snapped me out of my daze when he nipped at my skin, gently grazing his teeth on my skin.

"You smell good," he murmured against my skin. "I want to make love to you," he continued, his teeth grazing my skin. "But I am struggling to control my wolf."

I was surprised by his words. Normally, if he wanted to make love to me, we would just get at it. But I knew there was a lot playing on his mind, probably taking a toll on him.

I pulled back to glance up at him, my hand stroking his tensed jaw. "It's okay," I assured. "I know your wolf wouldn't hurt me."

It seemed as though Alexander had been awaiting consent, before he roughly pushed me against the bed and hovered above me.

His lips found mine in an instant and he was already fondling with my breasts, making me whimper loudly beneath him. This was a side to him that I had rarely seen, but I didn't dare to push him away because frankly, I wanted him too.

Despite the timing, with the whole world almost appearing to be falling at our feet, I did believe what we were doing now was exactly what we both needed to relieve the stress we had both been feeling.

Alexander's tongue pushed inside of my mouth, claiming mine. I moaned in to him lowly, as our tongues entwined together, his with much more force than he probably intended.

My mate trailed kisses down my torso roughly, his fingers digging in to my skin with his every touch.

A few more kisses on my skin was all it took before Alexander lost his patience and had me pinned against the bed, his hard-on fully pushing inside of me, making me moan loudly.

My mate thrusted hard inside of me, his loud grunts filling my ear. His lips were pressed up against my ear, as he continued to slam harder in to my backside.

"Fuck," he growled with each thrust, one of his hands wrapped around my neck, as he continued.

His hand wasn't obstructing my airway, but his nail was digging in to my skin.

My mate thrusted another three times, before he stilled his movement and filled my insides. Once he had completely emptied himself, he climbed off of me and laid by my side, pulling me in to him.

"I love you," he murmured, placing a kiss on top of my head. "Only you. It will always be you."

I smiled and rested my head against his nude chest. "I love you too," I responded, before I inhaled a sharp breath. "There is something I need to tell you."

Perhaps, right now, was not the best time to tell him about our pup. I wanted to wait until we found out the results of the DNA for that she-wolf's pup, but I didn't find it fair to hide this from Alexander.

My mate pulled back to glance at me. "You alright? I didn't hurt you by any chance?"

I shook my head, before I rolled on to my stomach and rested myself on my elbows. Alexander's hand that was wrapped around me, rested on my lower back.

"Very well then," he told me. "We can discuss everything else tomorrow. I recall quite well what the doctor said about your need for rest."

I groaned. "I suppose it is quite late," I agreed, only now realising how dark it was outside.

Biting my lip, I debated on whether it was a good timing to tell my mate about our pup, knowing damn well tomorrow was going to possibly be the worst day of my life.

Sighing, I turned around and snuggled in to my mate, ignoring the soft chuckles that escaped his mouth, making his whole body vibrate beneath me.

"We are going to be just fine," Alexander reassured, peppering my head with soft kisses. "Try to rest tonight, alright? Whatever happens tomorrow, we will find a solution together."

I nodded, and closed my eyes.

Please, don't be his pup, I prayed silently, as I brought my own hand to stroke my stomach lightly.

Alexander murmured words of endearment for a good five minutes or so, but I was super caught up in the possibilities of how tomorrow would turn out.

After a while, he became completely silent, and his low snoring erupted in the quiet room. I smiled as I lifted my head to admire the sleeping Alpha.

Perhaps, I didn't get many times like this where I could admire him wholeheartedly. He seemed so peaceful in his sleep, opposite of what I knew he was really like right now.

Lifting my head, I placed a gentle kiss on his jaw, feeling him stir slightly at my touch, before I retreated to his side.

Whatever the outcome of the results, like my mate had said, we would find a solution together.

With that thought in mind, and my wolf whimpering, I closed my eyes as I joined my mate in the deep slumber he was in.

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