My Luna Mate

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Five


Before I could ask my mate to elaborate further on his words, he had already taken my hand in his again and was guiding us out of the underground.

The pack was more quiet than usual, and I didn't dare stop Alexander with how fast his pace was.

When we reached our house, I was surprised to find a black, matte Maserati parked outside. I cocked a brow as I turned to my mate. We were werewolves, we never needed a car.

Alexander grabbed a water bottle from the car and rinsed his mouth quickly, before turning his gaze on me, giving me enough time to ask him the question.

"A car?" I asked in pure shock, waiting for him to respond.

As expected, my mate clenched his jaw before guiding me towards the passenger seat. Swiftly, he opened the door and had me seated, before closing the door and attended to the drivers side.

I thought he was going to avoid me again, but then he leaned over, buckled my seat and paused to glance at me. His eyes were a bit warmer now and I knew he was slowly calming down.

"I'm sorry if I startled you," he apologised, completely surprising me. "And this is not just any car."

I narrowed my eyes, searching his eyes. "Enlighten me," I said, cocking a brow.

Alexander chuckled softly, his mood completely shifted. "It's untraceable," he said, wickedly, before pecking my lips quickly.

He then retreated back to his seat, a smirk playing on his lip. I was utterly confused at the sudden change in demeanour, but couldn't even complain. I definitely preferred this side of him.

Alexander turned the key to get the car started, but he must have felt my stare, because he turned to me briefly and said, "We are leaving for a day or two. I need time alone with you."

My brows furrowed in confusion. "Right now? What about the pack?"

He sighed. "They are just fine. I will keep an eye on them whilst we are away."

His words didn't ease the tightening feeling that covered my chest, and I only glanced at him dumbfounded. Could we really leave our pack right after a rogue attack? What would that make us look like as the leaders?

Alexander must have felt my uneasiness, because he said, "Trust me and let me handle this, okay? I will explain everything later. I need to get away, Lyra."

And just like that, with a swift motion, my mate sped away from the house.

"Where exactly are we going? I don't even have clothes!" I complained, in utter terror, glancing down at my naked form.

The corner of his mouth raised slightly. "I do not see the need for them, you look mighty fine just the way you are right now," he told me, teasingly, surprising me once again at how much calmer he was all of a sudden.

He gave me a quick side glance, his eyes scanning my body, before a grin covered his face and his eyes returned back to the road ahead.

A blush crept over my face as my eyes raked over his own naked torso, and I had to fight the urge to climb over his lap. This was not the time for my wolf to get excited.

Fair enough, as werewolves, we didn't really need clothes, but still. In that moment, I was grateful that the windows to his car were tinted, making it impossible for others to see us.

The more that Alexander sped, the more nauseous I was becoming. He didn't know that I was pregnant, and naturally, the speed he was going didn't concern him.

He was an amazing driver, just a little too speedy for my liking. And clearly, for the pup's liking also.

"Hey, um, Alexander. Can you go a little slower?" I asked, feeling my nausea intensify. "I'm starting to feel slightly sick."

Alexander glanced at me, his brows furrowed. "You okay? Give me one second, I'll pull over."

Closing my eyes, I tried to focus on my breathing to help my nausea, but that did not seem to work. Alexander placed a hand over my thigh, gently squeezing as if to soothe me, but when I gagged loudly, he immediately pulled over.

"Hey, hey, look at me," he ordered once the car had come to a stop. Using his hands, he cupped my face, making me open my eyes to look at his now-clear blue ones. "Are you alright?"

I wanted to tell him, I really did. But before I could, I unbuckled my seatbelt and quickly swung the car door open, just about enough time for me to empty whatever content that I had remaining from my stomach.

Not much seemed to empty, but I continued to retch, feeling as though I was going to faint.

Alexander had exited the car and came to stand almost right before me, not caring if I was going to be sick on him.

"Baby, you need a doctor," he stated, flatly, concern in his eyes. "This is the third time this has happened."

"I'm fine," I argued, wiping at my mouth, but knew he was probably right with how lightheaded I was feeling.

Alexander kneeled down before me, placing his hands on my naked thighs. "You look pale, Lyra. I put my sister on water duty, but I'm pretty certain that you have no fluid in you."

"I'll just have some water, it's fine," I promised, brushing him off. "Where are we headed to?"

Alexander regarded me with concerned eyes, before he stood up. With a quick glance around the area, my mate was careful to close my door shut.

In an instant, he was back in the drivers seat beside me. He leaned over and buckled my seat, once again, before reaching in to the back to retrieve a bottle of water.

"Here," he said. "I want this bottle emptied in the next five minutes."

I smiled, wryly, before taking the bottle and doing as instructed. "Just drive a bit slower, please."

Alexander grinned at me, sheepishly, making me smile back in awe. He had been so serious that seeing him almost relaxed now was a big deal to me.

"My Luna, I will try to keep that in mind," he promised, giving me a quick wink.

It must have been a good hour or so later, with Alexander speeding, of course, that we reached a small house overlooking a river. It was pretty much in the middle of nowhere, with trees embracing the area.

Luckily, I wasn't sick again for the rest of the ride to our destination. The area was unfamiliar to me, making me realise we were no longer in our territory.

"Where are we?" I asked, when Alexander parked up.

I unbuckled my seat, taking in the view ahead.

"Come, I'll show you," my mate said, before stepping out of the car and coming around to my side to help me.

"Wow," was all I could say as I inhaled the earthy scent engulfing my nostrils. "It's so peaceful here."

Alexander smiled and nodded, before swiftly closing the car door shut behind me as I stepped out.

"That, it really is," he agreed, taking my hand in his. "This was my father's hideaway. I haven't been here for years."

My stomach tied in to a knot at his words, and I felt my smile drop ever so slightly. "It's beautiful. I'm surprised you haven't mentioned this place before."

Alexander swallowed hard. "No one knows about this place. Of course, aside from me and now you," he explained. "I didn't understand why back then but I think I do now."

My brows knitted together, not really keeping up with him. "Understand what?"

"I will explain inside. I don't want to startle the humans with our nudity."

"Humans?" I shrieked, glancing around the area in a panic.

Alexander chuckled softly, making me turn back to him. "Baby, we are in their territory. Now, let's try to adjust to the human world, shall we?"

As always, I glanced at him dumbfounded as he guided us towards the wooden house before us.

I had no idea what the heck was happening, but I decided to put all my faith in my mate. Whatever was happening, I knew he had his reasons.

A dark cloud had already coated the sky, and the wind in the air caused a shiver to run down my spine.

I wasn't sure where we were, but being with Alexander was all the reassurance that I needed.

Suddenly, my mood was quickly dampened when the thought of the possibility of him sharing a pup with that she-wolf crossed my mind, making my wolf whimper silently.

It was almost as if my wolf knew something that I did not, and she was too upset to tell me.

I frowned.

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