My Luna Mate

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Nine



My mother snapped her eyes towards the car before she turned her gaze on me. Anger flashed through her dark eyes, but I didn't back down and stepped right before her.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, trying to keep my wolf at bay.

The woman narrowed her eyes at me. "Alexander," she said warningly.

I sighed loudly. "What do you want this time?"

"I beg you pardon?" the woman responded, dramatically, appearing offended. "You do not speak to your mother in that manner!"

Scoffing, I said, "Mother? Tell me one time when you fulfilled your role as one!"

The woman frowned, her eyes scanning mine. "You are doing this because of her, isn't it?"

When she nodded towards the car where my Luna was, I growled lowly at my mother.

"That woman," I snarled, pointing towards the car. "Is my Luna. You will respect her."

The woman before me huffed. "I will respect her the day you respect me. I am your mother."

I nodded. "I am not here to argue with you," I told the woman that birthed me. "My Luna needs to rest. This conversation is not over, I will find you later."

My mother growled, her canines appearing. "I am more important than that girl, Alexander."

I glanced at her, dumbfounded.

I knew my mother had lost her way after my father's death, but the way she portrayed herself as weak and immature, made my blood boil.

Lyra was my Luna. She was my mate. She was the only woman that I could ever accept in to my heart, and want to. Yet, my mother acted as if she was just a mere wolf that I was messing around with.

"Mother," I said, lowly, my voice hard and cold. "Please, take your leave."

The woman glared at me with dark eyes, before she crossed her arms. "You think your father would have liked this attitude?"

At the mention of my father, I completely froze. My wolf whimpered and wanted dominate, but I glanced at the woman before me with hard eyes.

The last five hundred times that she had tried to manipulate me by mentioning my father, I had fallen for her words. But now I knew her tactics, and for once, instead of feeling sad, I was feeling frustrated.

"You have no right to talk about him," I growled at her, trying to keep my voice stern. "I will only tell you once more to leave."

The woman reached her hand forward and with as much force as possible, she swung it across until it made impact with my cheek.

I scoffed, feeling a slight sting at where she had hit, but nevertheless, turned my eyes back on her. Her eyes were charcoal and intense, she was furious.

"How dare you!" she bellowed. "I came here because your beta said you were doubting me, but now I can see it is because of her."

My brows furrowed and my jaw clenched. I was going to respond to her, but then I heard my Luna open the car door.

I glanced over at her briefly, she stepped out of the car to stand by the bonnet, her hand supporting her by holding on to the car. She gave me a sad smile.

'Alexander, calm down, it's okay. I'm okay.'

Her words in my mind immediately relaxed my wolf, and all of a sudden, I just couldn't imagine life without her. She was my everything.

"I wish you could see how amazing she is," I whispered, turning back to my mother, who was glaring at my mate. "Mother's are usually happy for their pups, I do not understand why you are not."

The woman snapped her eyes back on me. "Who said I was not happy?"

"Have you heard yourself?" I asked, astonished.

My mother rolled her eyes. "It is not that I am not happy for you," she elaborated. "I just do not think she is the best fit for you, that is all. No offence to her."

"Not the best fit?" I retorted. "She is my Luna, my mate!"

"So? I once had a mate. They lie, they die and they leave you. What's so important about having a mate?"

Anger coursed through my body and I had to stop myself from attacking my own mother.

Growling, I lowly said, "That woman, is carrying my pup. If you ever wish to meet your grandchildren, you will respect my woman."

I thought my mother was going to further argue, but she gasped, dramatically. Her hand flew to her mouth and her eyes snapped towards my mate, in pure shock.

Her eyes slowly had colour return to them, and she appeared pained as she glanced at my mate up and down.

"Your Luna is pregnant?" she repeated, her voice hardly a whisper.

I glanced at Lyra, who was squirming awkwardly in her spot as my mother examined her. Giving her a reassuring smile, I mind-linked her to make her feel better.

'I love you. It will always be you.'

My girl smiled at me, looking as beautiful as she always did. I couldn't even imagine having anyone else as my mate other than her. She was perfect in every way possible.

And now that she was carrying my pup, our pup, it made her appear even more beautiful than ever. She was going to give me pups. It was something that I had looked forward to since I met her.

I didn't want to scare her away, but since my father's death, it made me want to have my own pups so I could share my life with those little creatures and teach them what my father had. It was a special relationship.

I wanted to take care of Lyra as much as I could, help her in this process knowing how difficult it would be for her.

"Your Luna is pregnant," my mother repeated, again, making me snap my eyes towards her. "How long?"

I frowned at her, but didn't even get a chance to respond when a loud growl erupted in the area.

It took me a mere second to realise because I was caught up with my mother, but when I snapped my head and saw Jessica standing there, looking ready to kill, I snarled.

"She is pregnant?" the girl yelled, her eyes charcoal.

I needed to get to Lyra before she could, even though she was closer to my mate. My wolf was growling loudly, at the mere possibility of Jessica even touching my Luna.

Lyra glanced behind her in utter confusion, whilst I rushed to her side.

Jessica shifted to her wolf and advanced towards my mate. My mate swiftly dodged the wolf, giving me enough time to approach her and keep her safe.

"Baby, you okay?" I asked my Luna, holding her firmly by the arms.

Lyra nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine. I can handle myself. Don't worry."

I pulled her in to me, giving her a quick embrace. "I will not let anything happen to you."

She nodded in to my chest, her arm clutching the jumper that I was wearing tightly. I could feel her fear, and I knew it wasn't because she was scared of Jessica, it was something else.

'Stay in the car. I will handle this.'

My Luna wanted to argue but I quickly opened the passenger door and ushered her inside. My finger lingered on her cheek for a mere second before I closed the door shut and turned to the furious looking wolf.

"Jessica, shift," I ordered.

I was going to kill the she-wolf, but I needed to interrogate her before her death. She had caused too many problems for me to just let her leave.

The wolf snarled, not backing down.

I approached her until I was closer to her than to the car, needing to protect Lyra as much as I could. My mother glared at Jessica, ready to kill her, herself.

"Shift or you will die," I threatened the wolf.

She whimpered and glanced at me with sad eyes, and for a brief second, I thought she was going to follow my instructions. However, I was wrong when her demeanour completely shifted. Her canines appeared and her eyes darkened again. She growled loudly.

I thought she was going to attack me, but instead, I heard another wolf. By the time that I managed to glance around to comprehend what was happening, a large black wolf, advanced towards my Maserati and collided with the car, causing for it to tumble over.

My whole world was in that car. And I watched in utter horror as it rolled over. Everything was moving in slow motion, I was frozen in place. I called for Lyra, but was met with no response. My Luna. My pup.

At the realisation that my family were in that car, I snapped out of my daze and growled the loudest that I ever have, anger firing through every cell in my body.

My breath abruptly caught in my throat, and I couldn't even think after that. My wolf dominated and I was charging towards the black wolf, now realising it was Mike.

But the only thing that I saw was red.

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