My Luna Mate

Chapter Chapter Thirty


I didn't even waste a second before I completely tore Mike apart, not stopping until the red liquid emptied from his lifeless body.

Jessica advanced towards me to try and save her brother, but I sunk my canines in to her neck the minute she appeared in my vision.

My wolf was ready to murder anyone in sight and I didn't want to stop him. He was tearing Jessica apart, ignoring that she had already become lifeless, and continued to pull her apart with his canines.

"Xander, calm down," Dyami's voice echoed in my ears, making me growl loudly, but also surprised to find him here. "She is already dead."

I turned my head to my beta, and snarled loudly in his face, not appreciating being told what to do.

My beta frowned at my appearance. Swallowing loudly, he said, "The Luna needs you."

His voice was calm and composed, the opposite of everything that I was right now. Then I spat out the remains of the dead wolf from my mouth and shifted back to my human form.

In an instant, I sprinted towards the car, that was currently upside down. I swung the car door open, causing for the door to tumble across in to the woods.

"Lyra?" I whispered, crouching down to attend to my girl. "Baby, can you hear me?"

When she appeared in my vision, my brows furrowed at her sight. The seatbelt held her in place, but red liquid had poured down her forehead, and her eyes remained closed.

Growling, I unbuckled her seatbelt and held her to ensure she wouldn't fall. In a swift motion, I pulled her out of the car, taking her in my arms.

"Lyra," I murmured, clutching her tightly against my chest. "Come on, baby. Please."

Dyami glanced at my Luna, horrified. "The pack doctor is ready, go. I will take care of the rest here."

I didn't even care about anything else, and was about to rush to take my mate to the doctor when my mother stepped in front of me, making me growl at her.

"I am sorry," she whispered, glancing at me with sad eyes. "So sorry, Alexander."

Ignoring her, I stepped around her and rushed to take my mate to the pack doctor. I would deal with my mother later. Lyra's eyes remained closed, making me almost cry out in pain for her.

When I reached the pack doctor, I placed my mate gently on the bed before I snarled at the doctor.

"Is she badly hurt?" the doctor asked, worriedly, coming to attend to my mate.

I glared at him. "I don't know. You're the doctor!"

The doctor bowed his head at once, and mumbled an apology before he began examining my Luna. He seemed annoyed by my close proximity, but I was not going to step away from my girl.

"Baby, come on," I whispered to Lyra, brushing her hair out of her face. "Please, wake up."

The doctor cleared his throat, swallowing hard. "Alpha, with all due respect, I cannot attend to her if you are hovering above her like that."

I snarled loudly at the old man. "Just do your fucking job. I'm not leaving her, now stop wasting time telling me what to do," I snapped, my voice cold. "I am your Alpha and you will follow my orders."

The doctor frowned, and looked like he wanted to say something else, but Jaxon rushed through the doors in that exact moment.

His brows furrowed at my mate, before he glanced at the doctor then at me. He trudged towards me and wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

I pushed my shoulder back, to try and fight him off of me, but the boy tightened his grip on my arm.

"I know it's painful seeing her in this state," he told me, calmly. "But if you want her to return to you as soon as possible, you need to let the doctor do his job."

"Jaxon, let me fucking go," I sneered, my canines appearing, and my wolf ready to snap his head off.

Jaxon frowned. "You need to calm down," he argued. "Get your stubborn head out of your fucking ass and let the poor man do his job. Look how nervous he is because of you!"

The man in question was checking my mate's pulse but even I caught the unsteadiness of his hands as they shook in fear. It made me realise Jaxon was perhaps right, and that me being in the same room as my mate right now was doing her more damage than good.

Growling, I pulled out of Jaxon's touch and stalked out of the room. Lyra was going to be okay. She had to be. The pup was going to be okay. They both were.

I kept repeating those words to myself as I dashed away from the house, ignoring Zynthéa and Ava who were rushing in to the house at the same time.

My sister tried to call for me but I shifted to my wolf and sprinted as far and as fast as I could. I needed to relieve the frustration that coursed through my body.

I had killed Jessica and Mike, which, perhaps, I should have done that night, and anger boiled inside of me to know my mate was now hurt because of them. I could have prevented this.

I couldn't even be by Lyra's side, because I was only causing more damage. She had her friends around her right now in such a critical state, because I couldn't control myself. I wanted to kill the doctor for wasting time being nervous, but he needed to save her, to take care of her.

Not sure how many kilometres later, I decided to slow down my pace and take a breather. Dyami had promised to mind-link me the second my girl woke up, but I wanted to return to her before that happened.

I needed a run to calm my wolf down, because I didn't want to hurt anyone else. I hated killing wolves, and it always riled my wolf up when I did, but at times like this, it was necessary.

After calming down enough to know I wouldn't hurt the pack doctor, I immediately sprinted back towards where I knew my Luna was.

Grabbing a pair of shorts on the way, I shifted and swiftly put them on before I approached the pack doctor.

"Hey, you alright, man?" Dyami asked when he noticed me walking through the door.

I nodded, before I rushed over to my Luna. She had been cleaned up, and there was a cannula attached to her hand, connected to a bag of fluid. Her eyes remained closed, but I could see her chest rise and fall with each breath.

I sighed in relief to know she was alright.

"Hey, baby," I whispered, lowly, sitting by her side. "It's me."

I brushed her hair out of her face, my fingers lingering on her soft skin. And for once in my life, I felt tears prickle at my eyes. It hurt me to know that I had caused for her to end up in that bed, attached to that stupid drip.

"She's fine," Zynthéa reassured. "The doctor said she got lucky."

Placing my hand over where I knew the pup was growing, I glanced over at my sister. "And the pup? Is the pup alright?"

My sister blinked away a couple of tears before she swallowed the lump that seemed to have formed in her throat. I awaited a response, but she only shook her head as tears fell from her eyes.

At her sight, my brows furrowed in both confusion and anger.

Then I tuned in to the auburn girl haired that was currently standing by the window, sobbing quietly. She was in hysterics.

"I'm really sorry," Zynthéa whispered, her voice faltering, followed by low sobs. Dyami embraced her, trying to console her.

But my eyes travelled to my girl, the one that had suffered the most and would be suffering even more when her gorgeous emerald green eyes opened.

I didn't know what to do to stop her pain, knowing exactly how it would affect her. And just like I had watched the car tumble over, I was going to watch her endure pain, not able to do anything.

Tears escaped my eyes as I clutched on to my Luna's hand, my head resting on her stomach. My wolf cried lowly for our pup, our poor little pup. My little Alpha that I didn't even get a chance to introduce myself to properly.

I hadn't even had time to properly celebrate the news of our pup. The thought of becoming a father had excited me, and made me want to protect my Luna all that more. And now that opportunity was taken away from me, from us.

My Luna was hurt because of me.

"I am so sorry," I murmured in to her stomach, wishing I could do something to take back what had happened.

When I felt Lyra stir beneath my touch, and her hand entangle in my hair, I immediately pulled back to glance at her. Her eyes were opening and closing, looking at me with concerned eyes. It took her a moment to realise where she was, and then panic took over and she gazed at me with pure terror.

"The pup," she said, grasping on to her stomach. "Is the pup okay?"

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