My Luna Mate

Chapter Chapter Nine


"You okay?"

Exhaling loudly, I nodded at Ava.

Was I okay? I wasn't so sure. But even if I wasn't, there wasn't much for me to tell her.

Something was wrong, or felt wrong. My wolf wanted to dominate and go find our mate, but that seemed a little dramatic.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Zynthéa chimed in, bringing my focus back on the trio in the kitchen.

"Yeah," I muttered, lowly. "I'm just surprised that Alexander hasn't returned yet."

Dyami was shoving food down his throat and at my words he lifted his head. Swallowing loudly, he said, "Have you talked him?"

I nodded. "I tried to mind-link him, but nothing."

Ava frowned, Zynthéa appeared surprised and Dyami cocked a brow. "One minute, I'll try."

The boy chewed his food quickly and swallowed before he focused hard. Ava came to wrap her arms around me by the window, whispering soothing words and telling me he was probably just running late.

But it was the dull ache in my chest that told me something had happened. It was just so rare for Alexander to shut me out. Even if he ran late usually, he always told me.

So why was this time different?

Dyami's jaw tensed and he cleared his throat. "Nothing on my end, either. But try not to worry, if there was any danger, I would have known."

At his words, I frowned and turned to Ava. The auburn haired girl held me tightly before she muttered, "It's going to be alright. Let's not overthink, okay?"

Zynthéa came around to join us, and she placed her hands on my shoulders. "Lyra, this is completely normal. He's an Alpha, he will get caught up in spontaneous situations."

Dyami nodded in agreement. "Once in a while the Alpha gets caught up with pack wolves. Considering we still have wolves from other packs in our territory, it's probably them that he is occupied with. He'll be back before you know it. I wouldn't worry."

Sighing, I realised I was worrying for no reason. He was right, we still had wolves from outside of our pack in our territory. Alexander was probably caught up with them.

Plus, it was still early on in the day and my mate didn't need to return back yet. This was one of the many things I had to get used to.

After a while, Ava had to return back to have lunch with her mate. Dyami, Zynthéa and I decided to have lunch together. Though, Dyami was already half way through his.

The pair ahead were talking about a random topic, but my mind was on Alexander. My appetite was suppressed and I spent my time playing with the food in front of me.

"Lyra, thank you for taking care of my family," Dyami commented, bringing me out of my trance.

I smiled at him. "There is nothing to thank me for. They're my family, too."

Zynthéa beamed. "And that's on period."

I raised a brow at her, whilst Dyami gave her a confused look, probably thinking what I was. "What the hell was that?" he questioned his mate, accusingly.

Zynthéa rolled her eyes. "It's what the cool kids say these days, and well, I'm cool and always have been."

Dyami snorted, shaking his head at her. "Whatever you say, baby."

I smiled at the pair, glancing at the doorway once again, still no sign of my mate. Dyami must have noticed how on edge I was, because he glanced at me and smirked.

"So, the party was a success," he stated in an attempt to get my mind off of my mate.

Zynthéa smiled lovingly. "To host a ceremony where wolves can be civil and have a chance at finding their mate, you really make the best Luna."

My eyebrows scrunched up at her words, and I could have cried at how good it was hearing that. When I had first been introduced to the pack, I had been concerned that they wouldn't like me. Mainly, because I was from the enemy pack.

But they had quickly accepted and loved me, that included Dyami. He had quickly put aside all of his hatred towards my old pack, and saw me as his Luna the day he had found me in Pale Moon. I was grateful.

"She sure sure does," Dyami added in agreement. "I don't say this to him, but Alexander couldn't have found a greater mate."

"You guys," I whispered, feeling my tears at bay.

Zynthéa placed an arm around me and leaned closer. "This pack and my brother, we're all very lucky to have you."

"I'm lucky to have you all," I responded, wrapping my own arm around her.

Only a year ago, I had trust issues with all of them. I had doubted that Zynthéa could be as nice as she appeared, and I had hated Dyami. Not to mention, how much I despised my mate. How confusion had clouded my judgement and made me think he was my enemy.

"I'm sorry for being rude to you at first," Dyami apologised for the first time.

I smiled at him, completely understanding why he had behaved the way he had. I mean, in hindsight, I had probably been worse.

"That makes two of us," I responded. "I'm glad we managed to move past it. And I honestly thought you were going to kill Jaxon the first few months here."

Dyami grinned, proudly. "I mean, he was the enemy. But yeah, it was the beta in me wanting to prove my rank."

"Speaking of ranks, do you remember that time you ordered me to leave the training grounds? God, I was so pissed at you," I told him, playfully.

Dyami furrowed his brows, and then realisation must have hit him because he burst out laughing. "Oh, that time when you looked like you were going to attack me?"

I nodded. "If I had known that I carried Alpha blood, I would have. You really got on my nerves."

Zynthéa raised a brow. "What are you talking about?"

I glanced at her, already laughing. "He ordered me to leave training grounds one day, and I was offended because I knew I was higher than him in rank."

Zynthéa chuckled at my words, before she shook her head at her mate. "You never fail to amaze me, Dy," she told him.

"Maybe that's why you love me so much," Dyami taunted, grinning at the girl beside me.

Our laughters died down and I smiled lovingly at the couple, but my mind quickly travelled back to my mate.

Sighing, I tried to mind-link him again, except my thoughts just bounced back.

"Shall we?" Dyami asked, bringing my focus on him, as he stood up. "Sitting here won't do you any good. Let's go back to the training grounds and find Xander."

Eagerly, I nodded in agreement. I needed to go to the training grounds to introduce the new she-wolf fighters anyway, and that would also help me locate my mate. It would put me out of my misery.

Zynthéa embraced me quickly and told me not to worry, before Dyami and I strutted through the house and headed to the training grounds where I was hoping my mate would be.

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