My Luna Mate

Chapter Chapter Eight


"I have some pack work to do," Alexander stated whilst in the process of buttoning his shirt.

Sauntering towards him, I placed my fingers over his, stilling his movement as I proceeded to button his shirt for him.

"We have some pack work to do," I corrected him once his shirt was completely buttoned.

Alexander smiled and snaked his arms around my waist, pulling me flush against him. "You never fail to amaze me," he murmured, his eyes scanning mine. "But I want you to relax today. Go get to know Jaxon's mate or something."

Raising a brow, I rested my hands on his chest. "Or something? A year ago, I had to physically fight you to see my friends."

Tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear, he said, "Things were different back then. I didn't trust any of them the way I do now."

"I know," I told him, smiling. "Thank you for accepting them in to this pack. It means everything to me."

Alexander returned a smile of his own. "Anything for my Luna, and they really proved themselves," he continued, but the smile on his face faded as he spoke. "When Gabriel attacked the prison grounds, I can't tell you how it made me feel knowing you were there without my protection. I had to make a quick decision to keep you safe."

The incident had taken place over a year ago, but we had never really talked about it properly. Half of me was convinced that Alexander just wanted me to forget about that day and the truth that had been revealed.

"My wolf didn't want to release Jaxon or Matteo, but you were my priority," Alexander continued, bringing my focus back on him. "Your safety pushed me to release them and I'm glad I did. They protected you when I couldn't."

His words made me frown. "Baby, that's not true. If it weren't for you, I don't even know what would have happened."

Alexander chuckled softly, before wrapping his arms tightly around me, embracing me. "I don't ever want to risk hurting you again."

I didn't have the slightest clue in the world why my mate was beating himself up for past incidents, but decided to drop it.

"You're going to be late," I told him, pulling away. "If I have time later, I will drop by, maybe introduce the new she-wolf fighters."

Alexander grinned before dipping his head down and locked his lips with mine. I cupped his face as the kiss intensified and I moaned in to him, loving how good his tongue felt against mine. But before my wolf could get too excited, Alexander pulled back slightly.

"I love you," he murmured against my lips, quickly pecking me a couple of times before pulling away. "The ideas you have brought to this pack makes me admire you even more as my Luna."

I could feel my cheeks burn at his words, but instead, I stood on my tiptoes and pecked his lips. "I love you even more."

"I will see you at lunch," he promised, pecking my head before he left.

I smiled and nodded in agreement as I eyed him leaving.

"So, who's bottom and who's top?"

My mouth shot open at Ava's blunt question and I glanced at the couple, feeling secondhand embarrassment course through me.

"Ava!" I gasped, hardly believing she had asked that.

"What? I'm curious," she said, shrugging.

Evan chuckled softly, but Jaxon scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Anyway," the latter boy said, completely ignoring Ava. "I'm going to show Evan around the pack later and take him to the places we grew up. It should be fun."

Ava narrowed her eyes. "You're no fun," she whined.

Jaxon raised a brow at her. "Ava, I'm not going to fill you in on what me and my mate do under the sheets. Frankly, it's none of your business."

The girl gave him a bored look before she turned to Evan, giving him puppy dog eyes. "You'll tell me, right, Evan?"

Jaxon scoffed before approaching the girl and flicking his index on her forehead, making the girl's head tilt back awkwardly at his touch.

"Get your mind out of the gutter, you creep," he told her, before attending to his mate.

Evan was sat on a stool by the kitchen island, when Jaxon came around from behind him to rest his chin on the boy's shoulder. Evan glanced at Ava and I, a crimson red shade coating his face.

"So, Evan, remind me again of how you know Zynthéa," I questioned, to shift the tension in the atmosphere.

Evan's brown eyes lit up at my question. "Dyami and I have been good friends since I can remember, our fathers grew up together," he explained. "And when Théa came in to the picture, of course I had to meet her."

Jaxon smiled down at his mate with such loving eyes that I almost had to hold back my tears. I couldn't understand why this was making me so emotional. It was unusual of me to be at the brink of tears from the slightest thing.

"I wish you had visited sooner," I heard Jaxon murmur against Evan's ear.

And that was my cue to look away. I turned to Ava who was gaping at the two men, a wide smile on her face and her brows wiggling.

"Oi, pervert," I whisper-yelled at her. "Over here!"

Turning her head, she glared at me before sighing. "That boy," she said, pointing at Jaxon. "Taunted me for years for being cringe with Matteo and now I have to give him a taste of his own medicine!"

Jaxon gave her a face of disgust before shaking his head. "I don't care what you say, Ava. Evan and I will never be cringe."

Rolling my eyes, I held up my hand. "Right, that's enough you two. When is Zynthéa going to be here?"

"She said she was on her way," Evan responded before he let his head fall back in to Jaxon's chest, with the latter boy still standing behind him.

Before I could reply, Zynthéa strutted through the door with Luca in her arms. She was panting and I watched as Jaxon rushed over to take the pup from her arms.

"My nephew," he beamed at Luca, taking the pup in his arms.

"Thanks, Jax. I swear you do more for my child than his own father," Zynthéa heaved, finally catching her breath as she dumped the baby bag in her hand on to the floor.

Without a warning, the girl walked over to Ava and I on the sofa. She took a seat between us and instinctively, we leaned in to her. She had quickly become our sister. We all loved her so much.

"Look, it's your new uncle. Can you say Uncle Evan. U-uncle E-Evan," Jaxon, with a high pitched voice, was holding Luca up to his mate.

"Oh, God," Ava groaned. "Please, tell me it's going to get better. I can't watch him act like this."

I reached over and slapped her arm playfully. "He's in love, give him a break," I told her.

Ava pouted but didn't say anything else, instead leaned her head against Zynthéa's shoulder. Zynthéa patted her head softly with her hand.

"He won't taunt you anymore, so you don't have to try get back at him," she whispered to Ava.

"Ew, Luca! Not in front of my mate," Jaxon's voice echoed, bringing all of our focus back on the baby and the couple in the kitchen. "My man, you can't let out gas like that."

Ava, Zynthtéa and I burst out in to laughter at the scene. Evan cracked a smile of his own as we watched Jaxon struggle with Luca.

Twenty minutes or so later, Evan and Jaxon left the house to explore the pack. Ava, Zynthéa and I had just finished last touches on the lunch table when Dyami strutted through the doors alone, making me frown. It was strange seeing Dyami return home for lunch break without my mate. They always returned together.

I thought Alexander might just be running late, but when Dyami had cleaned up and took a seat on the stool by the kitchen island, I turned to interrogate him.

"Where is Alexander?" I asked, trying to remain composed despite the bad feeling coursing down my spine.

Dyami glanced up at me, scanned the room quickly then raised a brow. "Oh, is he not back yet? He left early in a rush. I thought it was to go back to you."

My brows knitted together at his words.

Instinctively, I turned to the mind-link and messaged my mate. When my thoughts bounced back, the dull ache in my chest intensified.

My wolf was furious, but I was concerned. Was he okay?

Alexander never had me shut out. Ever.

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