My Little Dancer

Chapter 8: Back at The Lightening Clubhouse

When Claw and I arrived back at the clubhouse I was furious. She was so cold towards me, Claw. I don't understand. I didn't do anything to her.

"Lightening, that is the point. You never went and brought her home with you. What is she supposed to think?"

"I love that stubborn ass woman, Claw. I always have and you know it."

"I know you have, Lightening. However, does she still think you love her? After all you had been home for six months and never went looking for her."

"On top of that, for being a claimed man, you have been fucking other women all this time. And don't think she doesn't know."

"She has seen you with them. And you made one big mistake."

"What is that Claw."

"You fucked her cousin who we all just found out is her half-sister. She won't let you touch her. And since she doesn't have a proper cut, or that you didn't claim her in front of the members.

"Let me just say no one believed her when she told us you claimed her before leaving for the service. That is why they beat her and raped her and killed her friend."

"They branded your name on her shoulder for a joke. Telling her that she was now an unwanted wife."

"She kind of brought this on herself."

"No woman brings that shit on themself. No woman deserves what those sons of bitches did. And we don't believe in that shit."

I sat looking out the window thinking about Lightening. I knew who he was. I didn't want to admit it to myself. If he really loved me at all he would have come for me.

Instead, he has been having sex with all those other women. I called his club house. This is Lightening, what can I do for you?"

"Put the phone on speaker I want your club members to hear this."

I put the phone on speaker and told everyone to shut the hell up.

"Lightening, I divorce you in front of your members."

"You can't do that, Tara. I won't accept it."

"You do not have a choice. When you came home you didn't come for me. Instead, you keep fucking those other women. On top of that. You fucked my half-sister."

"You are no different than any other man. You are all cheaters; I can't live or be married to a cheater. Especially one that fucks my own half-sister."

"Don't talk to me. And the only thing I want from you are your members that raped, beat, scared me and killed my best friend."

"I you do not give them to me, you will regret it. You do not want to make an enemy of me. Wait, you already have."

"And if you want the real truth about your fucking members ask them how they all knew what those members planned. Your whole fucking club members planned it. Stay away from me."

After she hung up, I looked at Claw. "So, you have not told me the truth about what happened to my wife, brother?"

"She is not your wife. She lied to us. And I took her virginity. She was nice and tight. A member close to me said."

I moved so fast I grabbed him and cut his throat. I glared at my members. "You all know our code. Never rape, beat, or mark a woman."

"The next son of a bitch that says anything about Tara is just as dead as that fucker."

I stormed out the door with my brother calling my name. "Claw if I were you, I would stay away from me before I do what my head tells me to do. Kill you next."

I started my bike and rode away. I went to the bar and got drunk. I lost her. Tara was right. I have to accept the divorce. I have been fucking other women. I should have gone for her. I didn't.

I was back at the bar drinking when Biker news came on. I heard Tara's voice. "What is it you have to say, Tara, she asked her."

"I want all you sons of bitches to know that I divorced Lightening. So, stop looking for me. He is nothing to me. And as for my half-sister, Ruth. She can have him for all I care."

"And Lightening. You go straight to hell."

I couldn't believe she was letting every fucking Mc know she was no longer my wife. She is no longer under my protection. A lot of good claiming she was my wife did for her.

My own members planned what happened to her. She belonged to me. She always had. But she made it clear she is no longer mine to protect. I glared at my members.

I will find out which members were involved, and I will make life hell for them. I will make every dam one of them wish they had not done it, and those who were not involved I consider just as guilty.

They didn't stop it. And they should have. I looked over at Claw. Meet me in my office. New laws are going to be put in place. And not a dam one the members will like it.

I stood up and walked to my bedroom. Once inside I walked over to the bedside table and opened the drawer. I took out the wedding ring set and looked at the engagement ring I planned on giving Tara.

Now it doesn't mean anything. I can't blame her. I didn't bother asking if anyone had seen her. I didn't look for her. Instead, I was enjoying being with another woman, and I did fuck Ruth.

I knew that Ruth went after every boyfriend, or man Tara was interested in. I broke the rule. I let Ruth know what Tara had and she didn't but one time.

I was wrong when I told Ruth that. It was the other way around. Ruth got what Tara didn't. I carried the rings over to the closet. I pressed a button and opened the safe. I placed the box inside and closed it.

I drove my bike home. Once inside I locked the door and fed the dogs. I had just taken a shower and walked into the kitchen and made coffee and sat down on the couch when my cell phone rang.

I saw that it was Amanda. "Hi, Amanda."

"Tara, I saw Biker news. Revenges members are laughing their asses off. Lightening never thought you would divorce him. I am so sorry; I know how much you loved him."

"I stopped loving him the day I found out he fucked Ruth. He can have her. I didn't care so much about the whores. What I cared about was him fucking Ruth knowing she only wanted him because he was mine."

"She can have him if she wants him that bad."

"I called to tell you she found a man she wants to claim her."

"Who would that be? He is the VP of the Ace of Spades."

"Is that right? Yes. Guess I need to look him up and fuck him since she fucked all my boyfriends and men, I was interested in."

"Payback is a bitch. She will find out just how much it hurts won't she?"

I found out Ruth's boyfriend is Knuckles. I also found out where he spends a lot of his time. I grinned and saw he would be at the strip club tomorrow.

Time to seduce Knuckles. And have fun doing it. I got Sara, the owner of the club and my friend to help me. She is going to set a room aside with camera's and I would be dancing.

When I dance every man wants me. I am only interested in Knuckles. And Sara is going to call Ruth when I take him to the room. Sara is going to show Ruth me in bed with Knuckles.

I was getting ready to head to the strip club. I heard; Welcome back, for one night only, Tara. I heard my music start and I walked out onto the stage. As I danced money was thrown on the stage.

I looked over and saw Knuckles sitting with his back to the wall staring me licking his lips. That's right Knuckles get that cock hard.

I winked at him, knowing he wants to fuck me. He is very handsome. Soon I watched as he walked over to Sara, and she took him to the room.

I finished my dance and met Sara in the hallway. "He wants a private lap dance are you up to it?"

I walked to the room and soon that lap dance turned into sex. And let me tell you. He is good at making a woman scream.

Soon the door opened while he was pounding in and out of me. "What the hell are you doing Knuckles, she screamed. Tara, you are fucking bitch."

"You knew he was going to claim me. And you go behind my back and fuck my man?"

"When he finished, I looked up at her from the bed. Payback is a bitch isn't it, Ruth?"

"Didn't you tell Knuckles that you fucked every boyfriend or man I was interested in?"

"That you are nothing but a whore and will never remain true to him?"

"That the next man I am interested in you will let him put his cock in you?"

"Because that is what you do?"

"By the way, if he hasn't fucked you yet, I can tell you he is good. He knows how to please a woman."

"Tell me Ruth. Was my husband as good as Knuckles. You see I wouldn't know. He came home and started fucking you."

I watched as Knuckles looked at Ruth with disgust. "Is it true what she says Ruth? And don't lie to me."

"It is true. I fucked her boyfriends, the men she showed interest in and her husband."

"You are nothing but a whore. I will not be claiming you. Once a whore, always a whore. Find someone else that will fall for your innocent act."

"By the way, Tara. Thank you. I had a nice time."

"Good-bye, Knuckles."

"And Tara. If you ever want to have more fun call me."

"Sorry, Knuckles. I don't do this usually. But I had to stop you from making a mistake and claiming her. She would have cheated on you."

"You are too nice a man to have a woman that would cheat."

I stood up and got dressed. I looked over at Ruth sitting on a chair crying. "What the hell are you crying about?"

"You didn't have to fuck him, Tara."

"Yes, I did. I had to make you suffer for everything you have done to me. You fucked my husband for god's sake. You sure showed no remorse whatsoever that he was mine and not yours"

"I at least never got that chance because of you. So, revenge for me was sweet. I fucked your boyfriend. And set it up so you would find us. And he would learn the truth about you."

"So, your fake crying doesn't bother me at all. I hope that any other man you fall for sees right through you and runs as far and fast away from you as he can get."

"Good-bye Ruth. Hope to never see you again."

I walked out of the room and sat at the bar drinking. "Don't look now but Lightening just walked in and he doesn't look so happy."

"I don't give a shit. He fucked Ruth. At least he never fucked me and now he never will."

After sitting down, I looked over and saw Tara sitting at the bar. I started to stand up and Claw told me not to do it. She won't acknowledge you.

"You made the biggest mistake of your life when you fucked Ruth. And I have a feeling she got her revenge on Ruth."


"I bet she fucked Knuckles and set it up for Ruth to catch them."

"She wouldn't do that."

"Lightening you don't know how revengeful she has become. She would do it since Knuckles was going to claim Ruth. And you fucked Ruth instead of your own wife. You could say she got her revenge on you and Ruth at the same time."

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