My Little Dancer

Chapter 7: Lightening's Club House

I walked into my club with my brother Phantom and Mark. As we sat down at the VIP table I looked over at My VP. I grinned and then said. "You knew she was my woman."

We all saw the shock on his face. "That's right. You knew who she was before you and your friends tried to kill her. You raped her, beat her, and when you were finished. All of you ran over her with your bikes."

"You thought you had left her for dead. You didn't. And after you, all did that. You held her down and You, Ray branded her with my name. You son of a bitch. You branded my woman with my name."

"I looked behind him. Boys you know where to take all of them. Make sure they are chained tight. I don't want any of them getting away."

"I have to fix this. What he did was wrong. Ray will have to die this time. And his friends. I then need to meet with Tara."

"I have to get her to accept me for real. I know she thinks I used her. I was honest with her when I told her I was enlisting. I was honest when I told her I would love her to wait for me."

"I didn't get mad because she said we claimed each other. I just know that she doesn't realize that the members accepted her as my woman and wife for real. And she doesn't know the brand makes her claim."

I was finishing my chapters for the night when lightning came into my mind. I went back to reading the article about him and gasped. "What the fuck!"

They were saying that I was Lightening's woman. I am so pissed off at him right now. When he got home, he never came to find me. And he knew who I was after all I was his girlfriend in high school.

He said when we graduated, he would claim me. Instead, he enlisted in the service. He left me unprotected. At least physically. I claimed him in front of his brothers and members. Of course, they would think of me as his second in command and wife.

It kept me safe for two years. Then they raped, beat me, ran over me, and branded me. They left me for dead. They had another thing coming if I was going to just lay here and die.

It took me a long time to pull myself away from those bushes closer to the road. I was just lucky that I was found and cared for. I made sure to learn to fight before going after them.

Hell, my newfound brother and Lightening will get to them before I do. I want my revenge. I have planned this for years and I will be dammed if anyone takes it away from me.

I turned the laptop off and walked out of my office. I walked to the kitchen grabbed a beer and walked into the living. Once I sat down, I turned the news on.

I turned the TV off and turned the living room lights off. I then walked down the hallway and up the stairs to my bedroom. I showered, dressed, and climbed into bed. I turned the TV on and watched "Roots" before turning the TV off and closing my eyes.

Back at Panther's clubhouse, he told Claw he was going to bed. After I showered and put on shorts, I lay on the bed thinking of Tara. I know what she was thinking when she saw me in that bar.

That I never came and found her. That I was no longer interested in her. She is dead wrong. I never stopped thinking of her. Of coming home and holding her in my arms. Then her eyes changed. They grew cold and angry.

She hated me. She is not going to forgive me for not going to get her. She looked at me with such hate. I didn't understand why she hated me so much. At least I knew that when we got home, Claw would tell me.

Once we were at our club, I looked at my brother. "Claws tell me why the hell she hates me, so much. First, you came home for good and never kept your promise."

"When that didn't happen a few of our own members raped her and her friend, they beat them both and ran their bikes over them both. Her friend died before they got to the hospital."

"I am sorry, but she hates you the most. If you would have gone and got her, she would never have been hurt and her friend would still be alive."

"She lives alone and has two guard dogs. Outside and two inside the house. She volunteers at a woman's shelter and teaches them self-defense lessons."

"She is still my woman. She wears the brand name. And I will let her decide if she wants her revenge."

"She will come to you if she finds out that you have them. She will fight anyone that gets in her way. That is not all, lightning. I shoved a picture towards him."

"I found this in her medical records. Before you turn it over try to hold onto your anger."

I looked at the picture. The scars on her body. I stood up throwing my chair against the wall, I started turning tables over. Hold him down I heard my brother yelling."

"Doctor hurry up and knock his ass out. We can't hold him much longer. I was pissed. I was yelling I was going to strip the skin off of every fucking one of them."

"How dare they put their hands on my woman."

Suddenly my eyes closed, and I saw darkness. "Claw I sure am glad I am not waiting in that shed. A prospect told me."

"Do you blame him? Several of our members raped, beat, branded, and left scars on his woman. They also killed his woman's friend."

"I would do the same thing if it was my woman if I had one. He is going to go crazy because she looks at him with icy eyes now instead of with love."

"He waited a long time to come home and hold his woman in his arms again. Granted he didn't find her at first, but he had things to get done before he looked for her."

"Tara is his first and only love. He never expected his own members would do this shit to her. What they did was wrong, and they all deserve what they have coming to them. "

Back at Tara's house she tossed and turned. She still had nightmares from that night. She had heard he was back home six months ago. She waited for him to come and get her. He never came.

I woke up in a cold sweat. I turned and looked at the clock. It was six in the morning. I got out of bed and made it before walking to the bathroom. I took a shower and dressed before walking to the kitchen.

I made breakfast and my coffee and sat down at the table. I cleaned the kitchen before feeding the dogs and letting them outside.

I walked out to the garage and sat on my bike. I started it and drove out of the garage shutting the door behind me. I pushed the button opened the gate and drove out onto the street.

I parked in front of the shop and got off my bike. I unlocked the door walked in shut the door and locked it before walking to my office.

I sat down at my desk and started drawing the new tattoos I had in mind. I finished 20 new designs and carried them from my office to hand to Donna who had arrived 15 minutes ago.

"You are here early, she told me."

"I couldn't sleep so I came in at 6 this morning. I am going home now. I will not be in tomorrow. I am leaving down."

"Where are you going?"

"To see Roxie."

"Have fun."

"I am sure that I will. I will see you on Monday."

"See you if you decide to come in."

I walked out the door and started my bike. I backed out of my parking spot and headed out of town, I arrived home and once I entered the house, I made coffee and carried the cup to my office.

I opened my laptop and started the first of 20 chapters for the book I set for myself every day. I finished the chapters saved them and turned my laptop off.

I walked to the kitchen and filled my coffee cup up and walked into the living room. I sat on a chair and turned the TV on. I turned it in to Biker News.

I was drinking my coffee when I heard my name mentioned. I saw Lightening standing next to Lisa. He said he was looking for his wife, me, and if anyone knew where I was let him know.

He told Lisa it was very important that I contact him. That I would not regret it. I don't think so Lightening. You should have found me when you came home.

If you had done that your members would have not done what they did. They will not get away with it. I bet my bottom dollar on that. When I find them all I will kill them and not shed one tear about it.

I called Donna and asked if she wanted to go to the strip club. And she agreed to meet me there in one hour.

I took a shower and put on sexy jeans, cut-off shirt, and my shit-kicker boots. I grabbed a jacket put it on and walked out the front door. I sat down and started my bike driving out of the gates and to the strip club.

When I arrived, I stopped my bike next to Donna's. She handed me the joint she had just lit. After we smoked it, we walked inside and over to the table reserved for us.

We watched as two beautiful women walked to a table in the corner. "Tim, isn't that Tara, Lightening's wife he is looking for?"

I looked at her and the picture on Kevin's phone. "I think you are right. Call him, let him know you think his wife is here."

I was sitting at the VIP table with Claw when a prospect told me I was wanted on the phone. I walked to my office and took the call.

"This is Lightening what can I do for you?"

"This is Tim, I am at the strip club, and I think I am looking at your wife right now."

"Thank you, Tim. I am on my way."

Claw and I arrived at the strip club and walked in the door. I looked around the room and saw Tara. Finally found you love.

I asked the waitress where Tim was. She pointed him out. I walked over and handed him one thousand dollars.

I then walked over and looked at Tara. "Did you really think I would not find you, Tara?"

"I was never hiding from you, Lightening. Now you found me you can go away."

"I think you will want to hear what I have to say."

"You have nothing I want to hear."

"I have those members in the shed."

I looked over at him. "They belong to me not you. I will have my revenge so you can give them to me."

"I don't think so. I think you should come to my club instead."

"You son of a bitch. You go to hell."

I stood up and walked out the front door and over to my bike. He followed me and stood on the other side. "Baby don't be like that."

"Don't you, call me that."

I started my bike and left the parking lot. That son of a bitch is not going to pull this shit on me. I arrived home and parked in the garage.

I walked inside the house removing my boots. I grabbed a beer and walked into the living room and sat down on the couch.

I lit a joint and drank the beer. I was furious. He had no right. No right to try and get me to go to his clubhouse. No right to not turn those bastards over to me.

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