My Little Dancer

Chapter 2. Depression

I don't know if you know what depression is. I don't really care. I am not depressed. I am angry, hurt, and feel so alone except for my mother. I have not seen my brothers in a long time. They should have been there to support me.

It doesn't matter. I don't need Fang; I don't need my brothers. I don't need or want any man. I have everything I need. Wait, I do need one man. Jim. He has always been there for me. I trust him more than any other man alive.

A girl is supposed to trust her father. But I am not the girl that can ever trust him. I have known for years that he hated me. He hates me because none of my brothers want to take over his club if he dies. I don't want his club. I know he has a man in his thoughts I don't know who.

I really don't care. I hope that he gets what is coming to him. My brothers left him a long time ago. I don't blame them. He put them through as much shit as he did me. I just couldn't leave at the time.

Now that he kicked me out of his club and I burned the cut and said he was no longer my father he isn't according to the biker rules. He can't demand a dam thing from me. Especially my money or make me accept anyone's claim.

He never knew that I copied the book of rules. I learned them backward, and forward. I knew them better than he does. He can try his shit, but it won't work. I waited and was patient. Mom gathered her information and gave it to me.

Revenge is going to be a sweet thing. All I have to do is sit back and watch. Wait I need to turn the news on. "This is Tina for Biker News. A little birdy sent this tape.

I watched it. I am in shock. So, after I show it, you can call in at the number below. I sat up and gasped. Someone taped everything. They didn't leave anything out. I started laughing. Wait for the comments Fang.

"Caller please what do you have to say."

"How the hell can a father call his own daughter or any woman that was raped, and beaten a slut, and whore? What really sickens me is that Fang denied his daughter and kicked her out of his clubhouse?"

"I say good for Tara. Now he has no money, and he can't tell her or make her do anything she doesn't want now. After all, she is no longer his daughter."

"Hello, Tara. I understand your anger right now. But I also think you thought all this through knowing what he would do if he found out. I think you had everything in place should he do that to you."

"I would say that you got the last laugh. He and his club have no money now. You and your mother are the rich ones and you put it all in place one week before you turned 18. I would also bet you changed your will."

"Hello, Tara. You killed my brother. I am coming after you. You should have just let it go. But no, you let that anger and revenge out. You were good, and the boys want more. Especially using that whip on your back."

"How are my scars darling? I will have you back and this time, no one will look for you, your father disowned you. I can keep you for as long as I want now."

I watched as my VP; Snake jumped up throwing his chair. "Someone find out who the prospect is my sister killed. Then find out who his brother is and what club he is from. He thinks he can take my sister again and get away with it. That bastard better think again."

Just then my phone rang. "Snake did you watch Biker News? Asked his older brother."

"I just watched it. That bastard is not taking our sister and getting away with it. As for Fang, we are going to pay him a visit. If he thinks that Revenge will remain allies with him after what he did, he can think again."

"Snake, my president agrees with you. We should all meet at the Revenges clubhouse. Set it up and call the other brothers."

I hung up and dialed "Snake this better be about Tara. one of my younger brothers said."

"Yes, it is. Shane just called me. He said if your presidents will no longer be allies with Fang, to call me with times and hours your all are ready to have a meeting here at the clubhouse. And Shane, call Devin. Let him know."

"I am on it. He has gone too far kicking her out because she was raped and beaten. Son of a bitch forgot just whose money he was spending. He might try to get her to go back. But I know she won't."

Revenge walked into the club and looked at Snake. "I know, I saw it at the bar. We can't be allies with Fang, Snake."

"I know that. A meeting is going to be held with the presidents of my brothers' clubhouses. They will call with dates and times, and we will pick the right ones."

At Fang's bar, his brother and VP glared at him. "What the hell were you thinking? This club has not had any jobs to help bring money in. The money that paid our bills, our runs, our parties, and going to Sturgis is all gone. It all belongs to her."

"Don't worry about it. We are going to Sturgis. She already paid for it. Last week."

"Dumb ass, it won't get to him until today. That check is going to bounce. And I bet you don't have the money for that trip now."

"Don't worry about it. I have access to her accounts."

"I doubt that too. I saw her at the bank three days ago. I bet she withdrew her name, and you will be stuck with bounced checks. Not to mention the way you treated her. It was not her fought she was raped and beaten. Besides, I know you have done worse."

I just looked at my brother and smiled. "One of my sons will become the next president now that I disowned, Tara."

"Fang, not only will we not have the money to pay the bills and go to Surgeries because that check is going to bounce. But you are deluding yourself if one of the boys will become the next president. But they are going to come down on your ass for disowning your daughter and kicking her out of the club just because she was raped."

"Believe me, Rock, that is not going to happen."

Back at Revenges clubhouse, the meeting had been set for this Friday at 10:00 am. Fang is going to get one hell of a surprise. I for one do not feel one bit sorry for him. He is going to get just what he asked for.

I finished my beer and walked into the kitchen and threw it away. I am done thinking about that ass. I called Raylinn on the phone. "Hey girl, are you alright?"

"So, I think every president around here and then some have seen Biker news. You are the talk of the century. And I mean there is talk about Fang's allies breaking with his club."

"Why would they do that?"

"Because he kicked you out because you had been raped. And none of them are happy he did that to his own daughter. Blaming her for something that is not her fault."

"They are also talking about watching over you. Make sure you are kept safe. They heard what that bastard said he was going to do."

Back at Revenge clubhouse, he looked at Snake. Did you recognize that bastard's voice? Because I sure did."

"I was not listening to that at the time. Who does he think he is? What made him really think he is going to take Tara again?"

"You are not going to like it. I sure as hell don't."

"Who is it, Revenge?"

"The VP of the Volcano MC."

"That son of a bitch is dead."

"Not yet, we have to have a plan. And we need to find out what his president believes or does not believe. We also need to know how they treat the whores, and their own women."

"I agree with that. We do this right."

"Now, we need to plan on what we will do with Fang."

"Why not show up and let him do the talking first? Then we will tell him we do not agree with what he did to Tara. You presidents tell him you want to talk to him alone."

"Once in his office, you tell him you will no longer be allied with his club and why. You do not agree with him kicking Tara out of his club because she was raped and beaten."

"Hell, he didn't even seem interested in avenging Tara. We don't agree with that either. Then you all tell him she is under every one of your club's protections?"

"He will not like that. It will make him angry and want to hurt someone. Because that means if someone does come for her. They will wish they had not done that."

"That girl never deserved what they had done to her. It is about time someone did something. Now we will all claim she is under our protection."

"Fang will have to go through all of us to get to her now. He will find out he didn't leave her unprotected. He will also learn he can't force her to accept anyone's claim, and he is not going to force her to give up any money."

"Do we agree with all this?"

"Yes, we are all in agreement."

"Now, let's celebrate how we all got a little revenge."

I leaned back in my chair thinking of what happened to her and how her father treated her. I am glad we are standing up for her. There was no one to stand up for my sister when I was gone.

I took care of that shit when I walked in the door. I made sure my VP, and friend, know right there and then about what he did wrong. Believe me, he will never make that mistake again.

And my sister is back where she belongs. I will make sure that Tara never has to live on the streets and hide from men or even some women. She will be safe.

Back at Fang's clubhouse, his brother was still glaring at him. "Look what you fucking started. Every dam MC is against you and what you did to Tara."

"You can't get near her. Every damn one of them said they would give her a safe place to live. That she will be protected as they are claiming she belongs to their clubs."

"You can't touch her now even if you wanted to."

We looked up as we heard a lot of bikes pull into the compound. "What the hell is that I asked?"

"A prospect ran inside yelling. There are at least five clubs out there."

We stood up and walked out onto the porch. "What the hell is going on here? I demanded."

"Fury, you made a big mistake. You know we will not stand up for kicking Tara out of your club for something that she didn't ask to happen to her."

"So, what are you going to do about it?"

"Tara is under all of our protection. She is a member of every one of the clubs. Stay away from her, do not talk to her, and do not try to take her."

"One more thing, Fury. Every one of us here is no longer allies with your MC."

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