My Little Dancer

Chapter 1: Tara, Daughter of Fang

My name is Tara. I just turned 18. I don't talk much. I dance when I am hurt, scared, or angry. Depends on my mood. I don't talk. It's not that I can't. I just don't want to talk. Not after that night. I taught myself not to talk that way so I won't scream out in my sleep.

My brothers can't know what happened to me. Yes, I have four brothers they just don't live that close to me. They are members of other clubs. They are all VPS. The clubs they are in are not clubs you want to mess with.

My dad and his members do not know what happened to me. I can't tell them. They would call me a slut and whore and then throw me out of their clubhouse. It was not my fault what happened to me. I didn't ask to be raped and beaten. Passed around those men.

I carry a whistle around my neck. If I feel unsafe or threatened, I blow it and men come running. I was sitting at the table working on the book I am writing when the door slammed shut.

I looked up and saw two really big men walking over to the table. "My name is Shadow; I am the president of the "Rebel Rider MC. This is my brother and VP, Hunter. We came to talk to the president of this clubhouse."

I noticed she didn't say one word to me. "That would be me. My name is Fang, and that is my daughter Tara. She can talk but she doesn't. She stopped talking three years ago."

'Follow me to my office."

As I walked around the table, I noticed she got up from her chair and walked away still watching us. I wondered what the hell that was all about. Hunter looked at me frowning. I think he knows why she did that. I am sure he will tell me later. She was a pretty little thing.

After they left, I lifted my laptop and moved it over to the table against the wall along with my notebooks and pens. I walked to the kitchen and Cookie told me hi. I waved at him and made fresh coffee then poured myself a cup.

I walked out of the kitchen over to my table and sat down. I read what I wrote before they walked in. I started typing again. Soon I finished 10 chapters before my dad walked over to the table with those men.

I saved the 10th chapter and closed my laptop before standing up and carrying my coffee cup to the kitchen to refill it. I may not talk, but I still have a temper and learned to fight over two years ago.

I am good, the Warrior Women MC taught me well. None of them put up with men touching them or disrespecting them. They found me that day. The day I wanted to die. They refused to let me.

They taught me everything I needed to know to make sure no man ever does to me what they did. Never again. I walked out of the kitchen when I saw that prospect near my table. I don't like him, and I sure as hell do not trust him.

Just as he reached for my laptop, I grabbed his hand bringing him to the floor. "Tara, get your fucking hands off me."

I knew he was in pain; I will make sure he screams out in that pain. "What the hell is going on over here? Tara let him go. And don't you move one-inch prospect."

I signed what that bastard was doing. I signed to dad that if he comes near me again, or my things again the next time I will break his wrist.

"Fine, Tara. Prospect what you were about to do we consider stealing, and you being a traitor."

I was watching him, then I paled. He looks like one of the men that Raped and hurt me.

"Your daughter is nothing but a whore and slut Fang. I take it she didn't tell you how she was raped by my brother and six of his friends. I really enjoyed watching her scream and beg them to stop."

I stabbed him before he could say any more. Everyone stared at me as I talked. "And now, I will cut you up and send you back to your brother. And then I will take his members out, one by one, until only he is left."

"Then I will slowly skin him, and after that, I will have him placed over a pit of fire to slowly cook. When that is finished. I will throw him to the wild hogs to eat still alive. As for you, you are going to die now. I cut his throat."

I looked at my father. I didn't know that my brother, Walker was in the back of the room. "Go pack your things. I want you out of this clubhouse in the next two hours. You let them rape and beat you."

"I didn't let them. They beat me, they held me down, and one after the other of them forced their nasty stinking cock inside me. I didn't let them fuck me."

"And you sure as hell are not much of a father. So now that not only one man forced himself on me but 10, I am a whore and slut."

"I hate you fucking men. I hate every one of you. You call me a whore and slut. Well, you are just as bad as those men. I saw you rape three little girls. That's right. I hate you for that. There are plenty of whores here that give it way whenever one of you asks."

"I knew this day was coming. Don't worry, most of my things are already out of here. I just need to pack my room, and I will be out of your clubhouse."

"Oh, let's not forget something. Every one of you heard him kick me out, yes, or no?"

"We did", "then let us make this official."

I walked over to the table and pulled the envelope out of my backpack. I walked over to the table. "Since you are no longer my father. All the money belongs to me. You are no longer in my will either. Don't think I don't know that you had control of my money. "

"That was until the day I turned 18. I turned 18 two weeks ago."

"I also made out my will, so you don't get a fucking dime. Not one penny from me. I don't ever plan on accepting a man or having any children. Everything is in trust with Jim."

I was shocked. I looked over at Hunter. Why would her own father call her a whore and slut when the prospect admitted his brother and friends raped and beat her?

He is kicking her out of his clubhouse for something she didn't ask to be done to her. For god's sake, she was raped. Instead of demanding to go and revenge on her, he kicks her out.

Then I was more shocked to hear that he had been using her money to run this club. But it is now Her's, and he can't touch it. This will be interesting.

We watched as a few members carried things out the door. We stood up and watched as she backed a truck up and attached a trailer to it. Then we gasped. She drove a bike out of the garage and every man here was watering at the mouth. They want that bike.

When she finished chaining it down, she walked over to a barrel and removed her daughter's property cut. We watched in shock as she poured lighter fluid on it and lit it. Looking at Fang she said these words.

"I Tara am no longer the daughter of Fang. He rejected me today. I accept his rejection now and forever. Fang, I am no longer your daughter. All you have left are your four sons. But they hate you just as much as I do. And Fang, when my mother returns you can bet all hell will break loose in this clubhouse."

"Mother did not reject me and neither have my brothers. So, you go straight to hell."

We all watched as she turned her back and walked over to the truck. As she got in and shut the door. I was still in shock. What will happen to her now? Where will she go? Who will protect her?"

We watched as she started the truck and drove out of the compound. We watched as she drove towards town. Then she disappeared from sight.

I drove out of Fang's territory and into Jim's. I drove down the country road and turned off onto a long dirt road. I drove for five miles before I slowed down and turned onto the long driveway. I stopped and put the code in for the gates to open.

I drove through and they shut behind me. I pulled up to the two-story country house. I stopped the truck in front of the porch. I unloaded the boxes, TV, and laptop. I walked back to the truck and got in driving it and parked the trailer next to the barn.

I unhooked my bike and drove it off the trailer and over to the garage. Then I unhooked the truck and drove it over and parked it in the garage.

I slowly walked over to the front porch and walked up the steps. I carried everything inside and then unpacked the boxes. I carried my TV into my bedroom and set it up so I could watch TV tonight in bed.

I did what my mother told me to do six months ago. I went to the bank and had Fang removed from all of my banks and checking accounts. I added the one man that I did trust to my accounts. Jim. That way Fang can't try his shit and take my money.

The next thing I did was change my will. Mom told me not to put her name on it. Fang was removed and so was everyone else I had added. I put Jim as my beneficiary. He knows what I want to be done with my money.

I walked back to the living room and into the kitchen. I grabbed a beer wishing I could be a fly on the wall. Especially when mom arrives back at the clubhouse.

I took a drink and wondered if Fangs, VP, and enforcer figured out they won't be going to Sturgis this year, or the next. Not unless they can find the money somewhere else. Especially when the check bounces when Mike tries to cash the check, he sent him.

I never planned on letting Fang keep dipping his fingers into my money. I planned it just right. Fang always sends a check to Mike two months early. Three days before I turned 18. That was when I went to the bank and took all my money out of the joint one and opened a new, joint with Jim's name on it.

I then removed my name from it leaving Fang's name on the account. And checks that come in signed by him will bounce. Serves my own father right. He should never kick any woman out of the clubhouse that gets raped.

Three days later mom called me. "How is everything?"

"One of the prospects, his brother was one of them that raped me. I killed him right after he told dad what happened to me. He threw me out right then and there."

"I handed him the envelope telling him he was no longer in charge of my money. It also tells him any checks he wrote in my name he is responsible for. I opened the new account and put Jim's name on it."

"Good. Because he is going to get more than he bargained for. When I get back."

"I am going to divorce him now. And he cannot do a thing about it. I have done the same thing. So, he will not have my money either."

"Before you ask. I did find her. She is coming back with me so I can divorce him. And the club is going to see his son."

"That's right Tara, you have another brother. He is 23 years old."

"I will talk to you later mother."

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