My Little Dancer

Chapter 17: Tension In the Club

The members were setting in the kitchen eating. They stared at Angels high chair. Something was not right. Tara did not bring Angel down for breakfast.

They knew Angel and Tara were not in the clubhouse. They knew Tara took Angel Marie and left in the middle of the night. They don't know why.

No one knew that Beth called Tara and told her that Psycho was at Devils club house last night. She knew that he did not see the whore. She was tied to the post out back.

They would not let her see Psycho or him see her anyway. Didn't matter. He went there for a purpopse. If it was for the whore he didn't see her.

My heart is breaking. I still love Psycho. I can't say I do not. What I can't deal with is his cheating. I will not divorce Psycho. And since he cheated first he can't divorce me.

I can't trust men. I knew that. I thought he would be different. I was wrong. Why now. He never dated that I knew of. I thought he was serious and he really loved me. Guess you never know.

What I do know now is I won't marry again. So I can stay married to him and make him wish he had not lied to me. Something is telling me that I don't know everything about Psycho like I thought I did.

What I do know is that every fucking one of them that I catch cheating I will snap a picture and send it to his wife or girlfriend. They are all going to pay.

They will soon learn to keep their fucking cocks in their pants. And what is good for the goose is good for the gander.

I slowly opened my eyes and lay listening. My gut tells me something is different. I don't know what it is. I slowly sat up and lowered my legs to floor. It is quiet. Too quiet.

I turned my head and looked towards Angel Marie's bedroom. There is not movement. I turned my head and looked at the clock. I had a pounding headach.

I stood up and walked to the bathroom. I showered and put clothes on before walking out of the bedroom. I walked down the hall to the kitchen.

"Has anyone seen Tara and Angel, I asked"

"No we have not seen them. Some members told me."

I ran out of the kitchen and down the hallway. I threw the bedroom door open and looked around Everything she brought with her was gone. I walked into Angel's bedroom.

She didn't take one thing I bought Angel. But I knew she was gone. She is no in the club. She did what she told me she would do. She took Angel and left. She moved out.

But when the hell did she do it. I didn't hear her moving boxes out of the bedroom. She had to have left in the middle of the night.

I dialed her phone number. She didn't answer the phone. It went straight to voice mail. "If this is Psycho, I will call Preacher to come and pick Angel up for her visit with you on Friday."

"Do not call my phone again."

She meant what she said. She will not keep Angel from me. But she doesn't want to see me. I slid down the wall and sat on the floor. I just stared around the bedroom.

I noticed boxes packed and stacked against the wall. I stood up and walked over to the dresser. Then I saw her wedding rings sitting on top.

I took a chain out of the drewer and slid the rings on it. I placed the chain around around my neck. I then turned and walked out of the room. I walked to the bar and grabbed a beer and sat down.

Renegade looked at the chain around my neck. "So, she left last night didn't she?"

"Yes, she took only what she brought with her. She packed everything else in boxes. She left her wedding rings on the dresser."

"I messed up Renegade."

"I knew that whore was the bitch you asked to marry you in college. I told you not to mess with her."

"Why did you do it, Psycho. You never loved her. You always loved Tara. And when she finally married you. You just had to fuck with that bitch again."

"She turned you down because she thought you would never be the president of your own club. When she saw you again, she thought you would change your mind and marry her."

"All she wanted was power. You have it now, but you can't divorce Tara. The club rule says if you cheat first only she can divorce you."

"You have hurt Tera. You are now the straw that broke the camels back. She will make you pay. She won't divorce you."

"If you bring that whore here, she will make her pay, and she will cock block you."

"She will give your little whore to all the men in front of you and there is not a fucking thing you can do about it."

"I know that. And she is angry enough to make me watch all of them fuck her. And they will do it just because I cheated on Tara."

"Psycho, I don't feel sorry for you. You asked for what is coming. And it is not going to be pretty. She will come here and run the club as your second in command."

"She will show that whore who is in charge. And that whore will go running to you. If it happens neither of you will like what comes next."

"Dammit, Renegade. Don't you think I know that? I remember how Tara can hold a grudge, I remember how vindictive she can be. And, yes I deserve it."

"I deserve Tara's hate. I of all people know what has happened to her. How Ruth fucked everyone that Tara liked. I know what her father did to her because of Ruth."

"I never deserved Tara. We were happy for three years. Now it is over. Because I made out with Brenda."

"Now both Brenda and I will be made to suffer for what we did. I didn't think Brenda would say a word. I was wrong."

Back at Devils clubhouse they are getting ready for the party. I know that Psycho and his members will be here tonight. I ordered Brenda to stay away from him.

And to make sure she does, she will be busy fucking. I told the single members to fuck only her. I want her kept busy and to keep Psycho away from her.

I also told the presidents coming that Brenda is available to all their single men. So yes, she won't be able to walk well in the morning. But she will get up and do her chores that will be assigned to her.

That bitch is going to wish she had never touched Psycho. And I am waiting for her to be brought to my office.

I had Beth tell her what would was going to happen and that she might have come between Psycho and his wife but Psycho cannot divorce Tara and Tara will not divorce him.

When she heard that Tara is going to make Psycho's life a living hell Brenda screamed. "I want him to claim me now."

"That is never going to happen. And did you know they have a daughter? And she is going to be the next president?"

"No, I need to have him claim me. I will give him a son and he will be the next president she screamed."

"No that will never happen I told her. Now, listen whore Beth has some news for you."

"Once I told her what was going to happen for the next two days and nights Brenda gasped."

"You really are not going to let all of them fuck me are you?"

"Please, not in front of Psycho."

"Of course in front of Psycho. I need to remind him you are a club whore. Not the kind of girl he takes home to mother. And when it comes down to it. He can't claim you even if he could. Presidents, and VP's do not claim whores"

"So what you are saying is that I can forget Psycho. His wife will not divorce him, and he can't divorce her."

"That's right. He cheated first."

"So even if she moves out of the club she is still second in command and in charge of the whores."

"Now, you get it. She will make your life miserable."

"But of course, no way will she let you into that clubhouse. And where the whores are concerned. She can do whatever she wants to the whores. Her word is law."

"I am sure that Psycho will make an exception for me."

"Nope, he does not have any say in the matter."

"And if Tara lays eyes on you at that club. She will cut your face for you. She will make sure that you have some bad scars. She will make sure Psycho doesn't want to look at you. And I would not blame her."

"Which means. If Tara comes here, and you piss her off. I won't stop Tara from hurting you. Do you get my meaning?"

"I get your meaning."

"Good, now get ready for the party. You will be very busy servicing all those single males."

"Devil, please don't make me do that."

"Shut up. You wanted to fuck Psycho so bad, you can spread those legs and fuck the Mc's visiting tonight, and the next two days."

I watched as she walked out of my office and smiled. I made sure that Psycho and Tara would be here tonight. I had Elizabeth tell Tara what was planned for the whore."

I looked up to see Elizabeth walk into my office with Tara. "Hello, Tara."

"I am glad you are here. I know you moved out of the Mc. And if that whore pisses you off, you have my permission to do to her what ever you want."

"Even cut her face?"

"Even cut her face."

"I don't want to be sat next to Psycho."

"Fine you can sit between my and my VP, Temper."


"Come on, lets go out to the bar."

As we walked into the bar, I saw Psycho setting at the table. I followed Temper and he pulled a chair out for me to sit on.

"Thanks, Temper."

As I saw on the chair between Temper and Devil I saw Psycho tighten his hand into a fist. He glared at Temper and Temper grinned at him.

"Tara, you are still my wife. You need to set next to me, Psycho said."

"No, thank you, I am fine right here."

"You lost the privilage of having me sit next to you."

"You still wear my cut, Tara."

"I can fix that Psycho."

"Do not take it off, Tara. You won't be protected if you do."

"Yes, she will Beth said looking at Psycho. My brother, his VP, and the club members will make sure she is."

"So just forget it, Psycho. You brought this on yourself."

"By the way, your whore will be quite busy tonight."

"What do you mean by that?"

"You will find out soon enough."

I leaned back and drank my beer. I watched Psycho from the side of my eyes. He continued to watch me. I am angry. I am hurt. I can't believe he did this.

I am not to blame. I can't believe he would make out with that whore. Something tells me he knows her from some where. I don't know where. But soon someone will slip up and tell me.

I bet the whore is the one that tells me how she knows Psycho. I looked over and saw her wearing a tee shirt, not shoes, and no panties.

I grinned and then looked over at Psycho. He was looking at me. Then we heard her yelling for someone to get their hands off her.

Of course they didn't listen he threw her across the pool table and was shoving his cock up her ass. Then she screamed to stop. That he was hurting her.

I looked over at Psycho smiling. He was gritting his teeth watching his whore get fucked in her ass. I stood up and carried my beer with and walked over to the pool table.

I looked at the biker. "Make it hurt."

I leaned down and looked in her face. The tears started flowing down her face. This will teach you to stay away from married men.

I also want you to know. If you ever try to come to our club house, You will never fuck Psycho. I will cock block him. And I will give you the dirtest jobs the club has to offer.

And at night. You will sleep in the cells. That way you do not try to sneak into our bedroom. I have a feeling you won't want to fuck anyone after tonight.

However, you will be fucked for the next two days by almost every visiting member. Oh, one more thing. Go near Psycho again, and I will cut your face so bad even your mama won't recognize you, and Psycho would not fuck you with Revenge or Renegades cocks.

I turned and walked back over and sat on my chair. "What the fuck did you say to her, Tara?"

"I told her to stay away from you and if she didn't. I would cut her face so bad even her own mama won't recognize you. And then you wouldn't fuck her even with Renegade's and Revenges cocks."

"I can't believe you would do that."

"Well, Psycho. I can't believe you would cheat on me either. So that makes us even on that score."

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