My King Mates

Chapter Chapter Forty Two

It’s been months since the war began. The leaves are starting to change and the weather is getting colder. So many pack members have died in the war. In the main house, there’s a memorial for the fallen. A mate, mother, sister, or aunt would bring a photo of their fallen loved one to the main house and we all would have a moment of silence.

No one has blamed me for the war. Not once but deep down I know it’s my fault no matter how much the pack tells me otherwise. If it wasn’t for me everyone who has fallen would still be here with their loved ones.

I haven’t been able to feel Sawyer since the first time I tried it. I don’t know if he’s hurt, alive, or... dead. Viki has been telling me that Sawyer and his wolf don’t want me stressing about him being hurt in worry that it could harm our child. Leyla has been coming around a little bit more. Mostly because her growing baby is hungry but also because Darwin has been telling her the pack needs their Beta. The Luna is the mother of the pack but the Female Beta is the aunt of the pack.

I can’t tell if Leyla is upset with me that Flynn is at war or if she’s worried about him. She barely spoke a word to me. She talks to Darwin more. He told me that she isn’t upset with me but I don’t believe him.

In the last two days, two more pack members have fallen. We are currently in the main house having a moment of silence. You can hear the small cry and sniffles from the loved ones. “Thank you” I whisper. I look over my pack with sad tired eyes. “This war will end and the suffering will be over. None of these beautiful souls will be forgotten. Their stories will continue to live by the memories we all have of them. Their smiles, laughs, jokes, and that something that makes them unique. Every year we will celebrate the fallen celebrating their lives and their bravery for protecting the Kingdom” I announce.

Smiles cracks on my pack as tears of sadness fall down their cheeks. “We are strong and we will get through this” I finish. The pack bows and whispers Luna Queen before they leave. My smile washes away as the last person leaves. This hurts. Not just mentally but physically. It hurts seeing my once happy bubbly pack now sad and depressed. Please Sawyer please end this war soon.

I walk off the stage and began heading towards the tunnels to go back home until a bloodied wolf runs into the room. “LUNA!” He shouts. I turn to look at him with horror and worry.

“What happened?” I ask “Luna the war has ended. King Sawyer killed the ex Vampire King but... King Sawyer is severely injured. The doctors need you,” he tells me. I nod and run out of the building the best I can with a pregnant belly. We rush towards the hospital that looks like every house here.

This place has kept us protected but it isn’t the same. We all miss our real home. The castle. The bloodied man holds the door open for me and I walk in rushing a thank you. A nurse notices me and sighs in relief. “Thank Goddess you’re here Luna. Come with me I’ll bring you to King Sawyer” she tells me.

I nod and follow her. I’m not sure where the man who told me that Sawyer is here went and at this moment I don’t care. My mate is here and he’s injured. The nurse stops in front of the door and opens it for me. I thank her as I walk in. I look at my mate and freeze in my tracks.

Laying on the hospital bed is my bruised sleeping mate with bandages all around him making him look like a mummy. A doctor and a nurse are finishing the bandages around her torso. “He’s in a coma Luna and we don’t know when or if he’ll wake up.”

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