My hidden mate

Chapter 15


We are winning the battle. I would not say it’s easy because, in a battle like this where people are hurt or die, I don’t think it’s easy. I killed my first wolf today, I can’t believe it. I’m mainly focused on my surroundings and I don’t know how Logan, Mari, or Asher are fighting but I know we’re winning. We are all well trained. Still, my wolf is restless and I don’t know why.

"What's up with you?" I ask him a bit annoyed.

"Something is not right. I can feel it."


"I don’t know!" He replies frustrated.

"Then figure out and let me focus on the fight!" I order him.

A few minutes later, I feel him trying to take control. Before I can reprimand him he begs me to trust him and as my father told me often our wolves have better instincts and we need to follow them, So I let him take over. He starts to run toward the packhouse. On our way, we see, on our right side, Clint running toward the battlefield and making my wolf running faster.

Son, where are you? It’s a diversion they are attacking the packhouse. Your mother and brother are in trouble!” My dad informs me through the mindlink a few minutes later.

Already on my way, my wolf felt something was wrong and he took over.

Be careful until we arrive we’re not far from you.” He replies.

I don’t answer him it’s not needed and I can’t. I can’t because the more I’m coming closer to the packhouse, the more I smell something or rather someone. Someone I’m hoping to smell for months, my mate... And now that I’m smelling her, and now that I’m about to have answer to my questions, I’m afraid of what I will find. Apparently, my wolf doesn’t share my worries as he’s running faster since we smelled her.

When we finally arrive in front of the packhouse, we see our mother, Sage, Mathilda, and two retired warriors protect by an invisible shield and not far from them but alone Lana surrounded by 5 wolves.

Mate!” My wolf says while we’re looking at her but before I can think about it the shields disappear and a wolf jumps at her and bites her neck deeply.

NO!” My wolf and I scream in the same voice. We’re already in movement and We kill them all before my wolf gave me back the control. I shift back into my human skin. I don’t care about the battle anymore she is dying and I can’t lose her when I just found her.

“Lana stay with me! Don’t close your eyes!” I order her but she is already losing consciousness.

“No, No, No!” I scream putting my hands on her neck, trying to stop the bleeding and failing miserably.

I’m feeling so numb and dumb right now. I don’t understand anything, nothing makes sense anymore while I’m looking at her life slipping away. Someone shakes me and when I look up I see a stranger. He told me:

“I can help her but you need to move. I need better access to her wounds.”

I don’t why but my wolf and I trust him. So I move away but putting Lana’s head on my lap.

“How bad is it, love?” An unknown feminine’s voice asks.

“Very bad. We need a healer but I can stop the bleeding until we found one.” The man replies and indeed Lana’s bleeding has stopped.

“I’m Noah by the way and this is my mate Lina, my cousin Tom and his mate Emily.” He adds for me.

When I look up, I see two women and another man that I have never see before and we are all under a big shield. Who are they? What are they doing here?

“Do you have a healer in your pack?” Tom asks mom. She just shakes her head, I don’t know why she is in shock? Awe? What’s going on?

“Carol, Duncan’s biological aunt is a healer. You can teleport her here.” Lina says.

“Show me.” Noah replies, tending his hand and she gives her.

“Why are you in war with this pack?” Tom asks.

“We need more wolves and they refused to help us. We didn’t know they have a witch with them. And we don’t want to be in war with your coven.” Alpha Nathan of the Black Wolf Pack says.

“And you’re not in wolf form, fighting with your pack?” Emily asks surprised.

“An Alpha is never in the first line!” He replies.

Noah and Tom both scroll at his answer.

“Why do you need more wolves?” Lina asks him.

“We’re raising an army against the Lycans. They have not right to rule us. We want our freedom back! You should join us too. With your help, we could burn the castle with all the royalties inside.”

They all growl to his last sentence but it’s quiet growls so I don’t think Alpha Nathan heard them.

“You never met a Lycan, don’t you?” Emily asks.

“Or didn’t...” She mutters for herself.

“How do we play it?” Tom asks as they all turn their backs to Alpha Nathan.

“There is another battlefront in the northwest. I can feel them trying to force my shield, it’s annoying.” Noah comments.

“Perfect! Two against two then. 100 bucks Emily and I are faster!” Tom smirks.

“I’m kind of busy now. I have to find Carol and maintain the shield in place so I’m out.” Noah replies.

“The shield will not be useful in a few minutes but you’re right bringing Carol is your main mission.” Lina agrees.

“Then one against two? We are taking the other battlefield to let you more time and a chance to win.” Emily says.

“To let you believe you can win!” Tom smirks.

“500 bucks I’m killing more than all of you in human form.” Asher says as he, my father, Logan, his father, and some warriors are joining us. My father is in awe in front of the scene. Does Asher know them?

“And you believe you can win?!” Tom smirks.

“Of course we will.” Asher smiles at him.

How does he know them?!

Lina laughs:” You’re your worst enemy Thomas. There is no chance you win.”

“Game on, Princess!” He replies before running so fast that it’s like he just vanished. Emily follows him right away.

“What the hell!” Alpha Nathan says.

“You’re not a smart man, don’t you?” Lina tells him with a cold smile.

He growls at her and she keeps explaining: “For a wolf, you don’t have a good vision nor sense of smell. I mean did you ever have seen a witch who belongs to a coven fight alone. Do you really think an army of wolves can destroy one Lycan? Do I look like a witch for you?”

“You’re one of them!” Alpha Nathan says with disgust.

“We’re all. And we don’t take well threats against ours. But I will let you a chance to live if you leave now. I don’t fancy killing wolves that don’t deserve it so go before it’s too late.” She says the last sentence looking at each wolf.

“Let burn that bitch.” Alpha Nathan growls and orders his warriors.

Noah growls and he starts to mutter something. “Nope love, you said you were out.” Lina cuts him.

“Yeah dude, don’t kill our fun. I want their blood for hurting my future Luna and attacking my pack... But I need a lift, can you help me? ” Asher adds a cold smile on his face.

Noah nods and sends flying in the air Asher toward the rogues and warriors but Lina is already by his side. Asher is fighting in his human form with two swords that I don’t know where they’re coming from. It’s bloody and in a few minutes, the fight is over if you could call it a fight because it looked more like a killing. But I’m not focusing on that but on my mate. Noah mutters something and a woman appears in front of us.

“Hi Carol, I’m Noah, Lina’s mate. I’m sorry to disturb you like that but my friend really needs you. I stopped the bleeding but I can’t heal her, please?”

Carol bows her head and nods: “Let me see her wounds.”

When she puts her hands on Lana, she starts to heal right away and me and my wolf sigh in relief. She will live! She is safe now!

Now it’s going to be the time to have some answers.

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