My Eternal Mate

Chapter Chapter Twenty Two


"Lyra," Alexander muttered, trying to get my attention, his hands on my waist tightening.

"Alexander, don't."

"Baby, please."

"I said don't," I almost yelled, snatching out of his grasp. "I need a minute. I don't know what I am capable of right now."

Tears trailed down my cheeks, and my heart was beating twice its normal pace. My mind seemed completely boggled and foggy as I tried to make sense of everything that was happening.

I should have known killing his mother meant something big had happened. Alexander had told me that she had said some things about me, which I thought was understandable for his wolf to want to lash out at the thought of someone speaking ill of me.

Except, only now was I realising how gullible I had been. His mother didn't just dislike me, she hated my guts. I was a reminder of her past. And I was only fated to be with her son, and fated to be the Luna to the pack. She must have really wanted me to disappear.

"I should have told you," Alexander commented, making me snap my head in his direction. "I thought it would be better if I kept this from you, but I can see that I was wrong."

I snorted, unbelievably. "You have some audacity," I interjected, before I stalked towards the bedroom door and opened it to leave.

But Alexander was quick to react, coming up to still my movement as he pushed up against my back, his arm snaked around my waist, bringing me flush against his chest.

With his lips by my ear, he pleaded, "Don't leave."

"I don't want to see you right now," I responded, through gritted teeth, before I unclasped his fingers from my waist and stalked out of the room.

By this point it was already evening, and it was dark outside. I decided instead of bothering our friends and family, to settle in the guest room for the night.

I was furious with Alexander. I was furious with his mother.

She had planned the killing of my parents' lives, for what, exactly? I still didn't understand, and my emotions weren't doing a good job in clearing that up for me. Only now, was I having feelings of regret consume me.

I hated that I had been so nice to her, not knowing what she was really like. If she had paved the way for Lionel, that meant she had started the war between the packs. How she had walked around the pack with her head held high despite her wrongdoings was beyond me.

I cried hysterically the moment that I opened the door to the guest room, shutting it close behind me as I leaned against it, letting my body slide down on to the floor.

Times like this when the confusion from my past was cleared up, I wanted nothing more than to have my mother around, to hold me and tell me that everything was going to be alright.

My wolf remained suppressed as I whimpered, silently crying in an attempt to rid of the burning pain inside of me. In all honesty, I wanted Alexander to hold me after learning about what his mother had done. But I was so furious after how he had reacted to me speaking to Aspen, that I needed time alone to process everything.

I wasn't sure how long I remained on the ground, but my tears had dried by the time that I lifted myself off of the floor.

Trudging towards the bed situated in the centre of the room, I dumped myself on to the bed without getting under the covers, having no energy to lift the duvet.

For the next God knows how many minutes, or hours, I tossed and turned as if I was laid on egg shells, I just couldn't seem to sleep. I was used to having Alexander by my side, to cuddle up against or have him spoon me.

The bed, despite it not being ours, felt too big and unfamiliar. There was no hint of his musky scent on the pillow, or his side that I could curl up in a ball to.

As frustrated, I could feel Alexander nearby, but I couldn't hear him since the house was soundproof. At first, I thought my wolf was just missing her mate too much, but when the connection got stronger and the door to the guest room opened, I remained still.

It was pitch black, but with wolf sight, I knew he could see me clearly. I closed my eyes to pretend to be asleep, hoping Alexander wouldn't bother me, when in reality, I wanted to jump from the bed and in to his arms. But I was still mad at him. He hadn't played fair and needed to know I wouldn't stand for his hypocrisy.

I heard the door shut softly, and just before I could pry my eyes open to see if he had left, the sound of his low footsteps echoed in my ear. Hardly ten seconds later and the bed dipped, signalling that he had joined me.

As if that wasn't confirmation enough, when I felt him stir me slightly and pull me under the covers with him, I couldn't help but pry my eyes open.

Alexander was wearing a pair of shorts, his hair was messed up in all directions from the silhouette in the dark. Aside from his hair, his eyes and teeth were the only clear vision that I had in the dark.

"I know you are awake," he told me. "Baby, let's head back to our room."

I shook my head, too tired to move. "I'm sleeping here tonight," I stated, my voice low and croaky.

Alexander studied me for a second before he sighed. "Alright, but I will stay with you. I cannot sleep without you," he growled quietly but his voice sounded pained. "I need my wife."

I needed him too because frankly I couldn't sleep without him either, but I refrained from telling him that and gave him a single nod, before I rolled over to my other side, leaving him facing my back. My wolf whimpered quietly not enjoying the distance between us.

Being in a bed with Alexander whilst being mad at him was weird and new to me. I wanted to turn back around and cuddle in to him. But I needed time to recollect my thoughts so I refrained from turning around.

I had just closed my eyes when I felt Alexander snake his arm over my waist and have his hand settle on my stomach. My wolf purred at the small touch, but I kept still. When I didn't complain or push him away, he took the opportunity to pull me closer in to his naked chest.

My breathing hitched slightly when I felt his breath by my ear, but I mustered all the courage that I had to try and keep my breathing levelled. He could hear the frantic beat of my heart and probably already knew how I was feeling, but I paid no attention to that.

His hand on my waist held me firmly against him, and I could feel low sparks erupting down my spine at his touch.

He placed a gentle peck on the spot behind my ear and another on my shoulder blade before his lips rested by my ear again.

I thought that was it, we were finally going to sleep, but he completely surprised me when he whispered in to my ear and said, "I'm sorry."

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