My Eternal Mate

Chapter Chapter Twenty One


Alexander had climbed off of me immediately after he had finished off inside of me, leaving me to whimper behind him as he trudged towards the closet to retrieve a new set of clothes.

The thought of him being so mad at me pulled at a nerve, but instead of being angry, it pulled at my emotions and my eyes teared on their own accord. I hated that all of our problems arose because of other people.

Perhaps, I shouldn't have left to speak to Aspen on my own. Maybe, Jaxon had been right, it hadn't been the brightest idea. But nothing had happened. Aspen wasn't a bad person, he was just new to us.

I was allowed to make decisions on my own terms, too, and it frustrated me that Alexander thought that meant I couldn't protect myself.

When Alexander exited the closet, wearing a pair of grey shorts with a white t-shirt, I whimpered, louder than intended, making my mate glance at me. He frowned when he took notice of my state.

"Christ, Lyra," he muttered, approaching me and crouched down to his knee on the ground next to the bed to be at eye level with me. "I didn't mean to upset you."

"I know," I sniffled, agreeing with him. I was happy to know he had calmed down. "I just wanted to prove that I can help as the Luna too. I want to fulfil my role where I can."

Alexander sighed, placing his hand on my thigh, in a soothing manner. "You do more than you give yourself credit for," he assured me, his ocean blue eyes on me. "But baby, with things like this, you cannot intervene. I have lost too much and I will not lose you."

As if my emotions weren't already screwing me over, at his words, tears flowed down my cheek like a waterfall. "I'm sorry," I apologised, my voice a whisper. "It was a stupid move on my part."

"Alright, come here," he murmured, before wrapping his arm around me. He pulled me off the bed and settled me on top of his lap.

Placing a soft kiss on top of my head, he rocked me gently in an attempt to calm me down. I felt terrible for worrying him, when that hadn't been my intention at all.

All I wanted to do was to speak to Aspen, to try and understand him. But even that had backfired, he had told me about Alexander's mother. I was furious, but telling Alexander at a time like this would do no good. Heck, I wasn't even sure if he already knew.

"We will work things out," Alexander promised, his voice low and hard. "Try not to worry yourself, alright?"

"What happened to Aspen?" I asked, pulling back to glance up at him.

His eyes had completely softened and he replied with, "Adam confirmed that he is indeed my brother."

"Oh." It wasn't a shock, really. That had been a possibility that we both expected, but the reality of it, did change a lot.

"Mhm," Alexander hummed. "That does not mean that I trust him."

"Of course," I added, wiping at my wet cheeks. "What do we do now?"

"I will trial him to see if he's telling the truth. If I notice anything out of the ordinary, I will take his life."

I inhaled a shaky breath but nodded, realising that what my mate was offering was more than enough. Most Alpha's would have killed the wolf by now and not even pause to listen to what the wolf had to say. But Alexander had given him the opportunity to explain himself.

"Come on, baby," he urged. "Let's get you cleaned up."

I wasn't sure why I thought it was the right moment to tell him about what Aspen had said, but I did anyway.

"Aspen told me something," I blurted, just as Alexander had helped me off of the ground.

We were now stood in the middle of our bedroom, with him dressed, looking rather confused. Meanwhile, I was completely nude, wrapped in his arms, and my hair probably sticking in all directions.

"I would not believe much of what he says right now," Alexander advised, narrowing his eyes at me.

"He told me about your mother," I stated, eyeing my mate to see his reaction. "He said something about turning Lionel against your father because your father wanted a human or something, I couldn't quite understand," I blabbered, but my voice trailed off when I noticed how unbothered Alexander seemed. "You already know this, don't you?"

His tongue brushed at the corner of his lip, and his narrowed eyes studied me for a mere second before he nodded. "Yes."

Frowning, I questioned, "Why didn't you tell me this?"

"You have dealt with enou—"

"Oh my god," I screeched, pushing him away as I ran a hand through my hair. "At this rate you will fuck a random wolf and claim it's also for my safety!"

Alexander growled and grabbed my hand to turn me back to him, pulling me roughly against his chest. "Don't be ridiculous, Lyra," he snarled, his eyes dark. "I found out the day I killed my mother, and I did not tell you because you did not need to hurt any more."

I scoffed, my face burning with anger. "You've hurt me more by keeping things from me," I snapped, my voice harsh. "What else are you keeping from me?"

Alexander's dark eyes held mine, he was contemplating what to say, and I frowned, knowing there was more that he was not telling me.

Anger fused through my body, and I growled, lowly. I wanted to push him away, but my wolf kept me intact and close to our mate. His musky scent calmed me down, despite how mad I was at him. I knew it was his wolf communicating with mine to keep me sane.

"I don't think right now is a good time for you to hear what was said," he told me, calmly, his voice low. "It has been a long day. You should rest first and we can talk about it tomorrow."

I snatched my arm from his embrace, walking towards the dresser to grab an oversized t-shirt, not feeling particularly comfortable arguing with him completely nude.

"You were mad at me for going to Aspen without telling you," I growled, feeling anger boil inside of me, as I turned to glare at him. "And yet, you didn't bother telling me about that day. I should have known killing your mother wasn't a simple act."

Alexander's gaze hardened, his jaw clenched. "You want to know so badly?" he bellowed, stepping closer to me before he pushed me up against the wall. "Everything I do, is to protect you. I did not tell you because what my mother said at the time, will hurt you."

Tears clouded my vision as I caught a glimpse of my reflection in Alexander's dark, concerned eyes. After putting my ego to the side, I noticed how affected he seemed by what had happened that day. I mean, he killed his own mother, for crying out loud. And I had never really questioned it. But still, I deserved to know.

Just the way he demanded to be told everything, I expected the same damn treatment.

"Why did you kill her?" I asked, in a whisper, as tears escaped my eyes.

Alexander swallowed hard, his eyes pained and dark as he searched mine.

His brows twitched, before he croaked, "I am going to be honest with you because I want to be the one to tell you, not Aspen." Inhaling sharply, he continued, "I killed her because she wanted me to leave you. She couldn't stand seeing you because of what she had done. Her past was haunting her, and you were a reminder of that."

She wanted Alexander to leave me? I knew she never liked me, it didn't take a genius to figure that out. But to take it as far as asking a wolf to leave their mate, the type of pain that one would endure at the loss of their mate, honestly frightened me. What mother would wish that on their pup?

My brows drew together at this words, as confusion engulfed my mind. "What did I ever do to her? Why did she hate me so much?"

Alexander closed his eyes, his brows pulled together. "I am so sorry," he whispered, his voice uncertain.

"Why are you apologising?" I asked, horrified, but could already feel the anger within me intensifying.

At my question, he opened his eyes, portraying their complete blackness. "My mother paved the way for Lionel," he blurted, his voice flat. "Including the murder of your parents."

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