My Eternal Mate

Chapter Chapter Twenty Five


"You're not leaving me here alone," I snapped. "Especially not with your brother, who is still a stranger, by the way."

Alexander frowned. "Who said anything about leaving you here with him?"

I raised a brow. "You clearly told him that you don't trust him, and that he's staying here."

He sighed. "Baby, I said he is staying here for now, but he is coming to Sirius. Do you really think that I would leave you here, alone, with him?"

"I don't see what the issue would be even if you did," I replied, nonchalantly.

Alexander growled, tightening his hold on my waist as he pulled me closer to him. "I don't trust him, especially not around my girl," he snarled.

"I'm coming with you," I challenged, ignoring his jealousy. "You said I was involved in the decision making, and whether you like it or not, I will be accompanying you."

"You don't get it, do you?" he questioned, his brows pulled together. "I will not have you enter another territory knowing they want to attack my pack. Taking my Luna there is the same as helping them hurt you. I will not do that, Lyra."

"You don't think I can protect myself," I retorted, accusingly.

"I never said that," Alexander argued, finally releasing me to attend to the rest of his clothes. "I do not want to take chances with Sirius. They have some of the strongest fighters that I have witnessed."

I was stood by the doorway, and I leaned my shoulder against the frame as I eyed my mate tug on a pair of black trousers.

"I'm coming, Alexander."

He had just finished zipping up his trousers when he turned to frown at me. "I cannot guarantee your safety in another territory, why do you want to defy me so bad?"

"Because you keep treating me like property," I snapped. "You do what you want when you want, but God forbid if I want something my way."

He had just picked up a white shirt when he stilled his movements. Dropping the piece of fabric on to the ground, he stalked towards me, not stopping until he was hardly inches from me.

His arms found their way around my waist, tugging me closer to his nude chest. "Baby, you know that is not true."

"You keep making me feel pathetic," I growled, my wolf whimpering, not appreciating that I was standing up to her mate. "I am the Luna, I should get a say in things too, Alexander."

His eyes closed momentarily, before he re-opened them and sighed. "Yes," he agreed, his ocean blue eyes searching mine. "You get to have a say in everything. Not just because you are the Luna, but because you are my mate. But Lyra, certain things, you have got to understand why I would rather you remained uninvolved."

"Yeah, for my safety," I responded, sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

Alexander's narrowed eyes almost pierced a hole through me with how intense he glanced at me. Eventually, he nodded, and released me once again to attend to the abandoned shirt on the ground.

"Fine," he agreed, his voice slightly harsh. "To prove that you have an involvement in this, I will allow you to accompany me. But you will remain distant if I do not deem it safe for you to be close."

"Stop speaking to me like that," I snapped, my brows pulled together and I could feel heat rise within me.

Alexander had slipped on the shirt and was buttoning it when he gave me a puzzled look. "Like what? I am trying to protect you."

"Like I'm just another member of the pack," I muttered. "I know you're trying to protect me. But this feels more like you're trying to restrain me from having my own life."

He opened his mouth to respond when a loud knock echoed through our bedroom, making Alexander frown at me before he clenched his jaw in anger and rushed to brush past me, to attend to the intruder at our bedroom door.

"I didn't mean to intrude, but I was told Amelie and David are travelling and won't be back for at least two weeks," I heard Aspen inform my mate, making me walk out of the closet, to join them.

"I will speak to Jonathan myself," Alexander responded. "You did not have to come up here to tell me that."

Aspen frowned at my mate, before his head snapped in my direction. His eyes raked up and down my body, before a smirk covered his face. Alexander must have noticed and turned his head, curious to know what had caught his brother's attention.

When he noticed it was me who had caught his brother's eyes, he snarled under his breath. Without uttering a word, he shut the door close in Aspen's face before he stalked towards me, his eyes dark.

"What the hell are you doing?" he growled, his voice unstable.

"What's the problem? I wanted to hear what your brother had to say."

Alexander growled louder, making my wolf cower back ever so slightly. "Really, Lyra? You would have heard him perfectly from inside the closet."

"Right, do you know what? I am done with you," I snapped, before I turned to head back to the closet.

Except, Alexander grabbed a hold of my arm, stilling my movement. "Do not walk away when I am speaking to you."

"I will for as long as you treat me like you have some dominant hold on me," I snarled, glaring at him.

His brows twitched, his eyes dark and hard, his jaw clenched. "You are in a towel, Lyra. Am I supposed to be ecstatic about another wolf seeing my girl in a towel?"

I shrugged. "I'm not showing more than what a dress would. Don't see what the problem is."

For the next couple of seconds, we had a pure staring contest. His dark eyes with blue specs were intense and hard, his jaw clenched. He seemed to be having an internal battle with his wolf, before he finally sighed and scratched the back of his neck aggressively.

"Alright, can you please get dressed? I have to call Jonathan, then we can form a plan together," he finally said, his voice calmer and his eyes slightly more colourful.

I narrowed my eyes at him, not understanding what he was doing. "Okay, but I want involvement in this. I am the Luna."

"You are," he added. "I will try my best to include you, alright?"

I frowned, but didn't say anything else. Alexander wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to him for an embrace, before he peppered kisses over my head.

"I love you," he murmured, sighing heavily. "I know sometimes the things I say do not make sense, but your safety is my utmost priority, Lyra. My wolf is incredibly protective when it comes to you, and most of the times I cannot control him."

Biting my lip, I nodded, and let him hold me for a moment. We didn't mean to have petty arguments, I was aware of that. But just because his wolf was protective, did it not mean that I had to accept everything.

I was a Luna. I was allowed to make my own decisions. If our pack was under threat and the Alpha had to cross in to another's packs territory to solve the problem, then as his Luna, I should accompany him. I didn't see what use it would be for me to remain in the pack.

If only, it would only make me appear weak. Alphas and Lunas were one, they were to deal with problems head on together. The fact that Alexander wanted to deprive me of that, infuriated me and I would not stand for it even if that meant I had to act like a child to get that through to him.

"Alright," he finally muttered, pulling back. "Give me fifteen minutes with Jonathan. I will be back."

With a quick peck on my cheek, he pulled away and disappeared out of our room, leaving me alone in our closet with a towel wrapped around me.

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