My Elf Soulmate

Chapter 20

I woke up to a tray of food by the bedside table with a note that said I should shower and do everything else that was necessary so that we could leave whenever I was ready. Following the instructions that were given to me, I quickly brushed my teeth and took a 7-minute shower to freshen up. The room was bare of any female products so I took the tray to the room that I was previously staying in and quickly applied my lotion on. I didn't have to worry about my food going cold because from what I had learned, the tray could magically keep it warm for me. It was honestly such a great trick. When I was done applying my lotion, I put on a summer dress from the rack that was still in my room, brushed my hair, and then sat down on the bed and had my breakfast.

"Good morning my love." Paxton greeted me with a large beaming smile and a cheery tone as I walked into the kitchen.

"Good morning," I responded with my own smile as I sat across Paxton on the kitchen floating chair. "Thank you for the amazing breakfast, it was both filling and tasty," I said as I placed a kiss on Paxton's lips, making him smile into the kiss.

"Anything for you baby," He said with a widespread contagious smile. "Now that you're ready we should get going so that you have enough time to spend with your mother," Paxton suggested as he got up from his seat, looking more than ready to go.

"I have the whole week with her, but let's go," I said with my widespread smile, I watched as Paxton threw a small cube on the floor and watched as it materialised into a door.

"This is one of the newest perfected ways of travel. The downside about it is that you can only use it for a one-time trip," He explained as he linked our hands together, "Ready?" He asked. I looked up at him and nodded and just that we were on our way as we walked in through the door. I only felt that elevator feeling that I normally get whenever I am in an elevator as compared to the floating and pulling of the body. I never thought that I would ever say this, but I preferred the elevator-like sensation and would gladly choose it over the other sensations at any time. As we were being teleported I felt Paxton's hand getting larger meaning that he was transforming again. "We're here." He said. It was then that I noticed that I had closed my eyes so I opened them and came face to face with a beautiful cottage. The cottage looked even nicer in person, it was a beautiful light brown colour with an even darker front door. It had a couple of windows, which I very much because one could never be exposed to too much natural light. The cottage honestly didn't even look like a cottage from my view. It wasn't nearly as small as I had expected it to be.

"What do you think so far?" I asked the person that the house would possibly belong to. His opinion was the most important at this point. I was used to this world but he was pretty much a guest in it.

"It's beautiful. Let's just wait for the agent to get here so that he can show us around." Paxton explained just as a red Honda which I sadly didn't know the name of, approached and parked the car outside the gate, where we stood.

"Good morning Mr. Woods, good morning Ma'am," He said as he greeted us with enthusiasm and we of course greeted him back with our own kind smiles. "My name is Bain and I'm a werewolf. Could you please follow me this way?" He asked as he led the way to the gate and opened it with a remote. Paxton interlocked my fingers with his as we made our way onto the property. Bain showed us around the interior of the house first and then we went outside where a beautifully maintained garden and a swimming pool were located.

"So Bain, do you own just this house or...?" Paxton asked Bain from pure curiosity.

"No, I own or used to own pretty much all the property in this neighbourhood. It's basically an estate but I sold some to other supernatural beings that wanted to start a life in this world as well as to those who wanted a property that they could come to if they wanted to vacate or something like that. Even this house is available for rental and to be sold but only to supernatural beings. And as a safety measure, I also ensured that the only people who could access my online site were only people from our world. I do however have property out of the neighbourhood which is up for both rentals or sales for humans." He explained after showing us around the property.

"That is very fascinating. Thank you Bain, we loved what we saw," I said as I allowed a smile of gratitude to lift my features as Paxton and I accompanied him to his car.

"It was nothing short of a pleasure," He said shooting us a smile, "I hope that you'll love and enjoy all that this property has to offer," He added before he climbed into his car and drove away.

"Well, he was nice," I said out loud so that Paxton could hear and watched as he just hummed and nodded in response as we both went inside the house while we waited for the rental car to arrive.

After the car arrived we drove off to my mother's house. I couldn't help but be surprised that Paxton could drive. Our cars were different from their Flaxi's which seemed to have been operated by magic. However, according to Paxton, he had been here on earth for about a month, nine months ago and that is when he learned how to drive. After that, he made himself a valid driver's license when he got back to the house that he was renting at the time.

"Are you planning on meeting my mother?" I asked Paxton and watched as he sucked in a sharp breath through his teeth as he continued to drive the car.

"If you want me to then I will baby." He said throwing a quick glance in my way before he redirected his attention back to the road ahead.

"How about you meet her some other day, she however might want to meet you as soon as possible. The man that has captured her little girl's heart." I said the first part out loud but only mumbled the last part.

"You know that I heard what you said right, my hearing is still pretty good sweetheart." He said sounding amused.

"I know," I said with a smile as I looked out of the window and watched as the familiar scenery passed by.

"Would you like for me to wait at a specific place for you?" Paxton asked as he turned into the road that led to my mother's house.

"To be honest I'm not sure," I said thinking that he was going to go back to the house. "I thought that you were going to go back to the house after you dropped me off and then I would just call you later on when I was done here," I explained and watched as Paxton nodded as he moved onto the driveway.

"That seems like a good idea. Here use this to call me," He said handing me what looked exactly like a normal phone. "I'll see you later then sweetheart." He said leaning over to plant a feather-light kiss on my lips before he pulled away.

"Does this work like my phone, the phone that come to think of it, I haven't seen in some time," I said only realising at that moment that I might have lost my phone.

"It works exactly like your phone and your phone is in your bedroom here, the duplicate was sort of using it to answer calls and everything," Paxton explained.

"Ohh, okay I understand well I'll be off now. I'll see you later babe... and please be safe," I said reaching over to peck Paxton's lips only for him to wrap his hand around my neck to keep me in place as he deepened the kiss. He kissed me as if this could have been the last time that he would be able to before he hesitantly pulled away. "That was one heated kiss, I wonder what's the occasion," I said only for Paxton to give me a gorgeous smile in return.

"There is no occasion, just remember that I love you my beautiful rose," He said making my heart skip a beat at how passionate he sounded. "I'll see you later, go enjoy some time with your mother," Paxton said as he looked out the window and towards the front door where I saw my mother standing instantly making me feel a bit embarrassed, actually scratch that I felt super embarrassed. Seems that I was going to have some explaining to do.

"Oh my goodness," I said wanting to hide away. Had my mother just seen me kissing Paxton? This was so embarrassing. "How long has she been standing there?" I spoke in a whisper, my voice gone due to all the embarrassment. I looked up at Paxton to find him looking at me with amusement on his face. The man did not even seem fazed while I was a complete nervous wreck.

"It hasn't been long. Now go, I'm sure that you don't want to keep her waiting for even longer." He answered as he shooed me out. When I had stepped out of the car he threw me a smile and then drove out of the driveway and back down the direction that we had come from.

"Roseanne." Mom said not sounding pleased at all. Oh boy.

"Hey, Mom," I said with a smile of fear. This woman could be scary when she wanted to be.

"Where have you been?" She asked with worry mirroring over her features.

"Hi, Mom. I'm so sorry for disappearing like that it's just that, I had to go to the hospital. Paxton was not well," I explained with a nervous laugh as I followed my mom into the house, knowing that this would probably be one long conversation.

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