My Elf Soulmate

Chapter 19

"What would you like to have for dinner seeing as how we've already missed lunch," Paxton asked as we laid on the bed with him running his fingers through my hair and giving my scalp a gentle massage.

"Anything junkie would be great. Actually, could we possibly get the cake from the picnic again Pax?" I asked with puppy dog eyes and a pout as I looked up at Paxton only to find him looking down at me with amusement shining through his eyes.

"Anything that you want my love." He affectionately said making my heart flutter as butterflies made themselves a home in my stomach. This man was just too nice. It almost felt like all of this wasn't real. Like he wasn't real.

"Ncooh thanks, babe." I said pecking his lips and moving off of Paxton's chest with the intention of getting out of bed but Paxton seemed to have other plans as he whined and gripped onto my thighs to keep me in place. His hold was firm but gentle at the same time as he pulled me back into his grip.

"Where are you going?" He asked with a frown and puppy dog eyes. Silently asking me to stay.

"I'm going to get a fruit salad or something to snack on and since you have to rest I have to go and see if the is anything familiar for me to cook with. I can't have either of us starving throughout the night." I explained as I pulled away and stilled with my knees on either side of Paxton's waist.

"I'll order something in, you don't have to cook." He said as he tried to pull me back down next to him, but of course, I had other plans. I was just so hungry.

"But Pax I'm hungry," I whined craving something sweet like a good fruit salad. My stomach seemingly agreed with me as it let out a loud rumble.

"Okay then, let's get up," He said with a sigh of surrender as he got up with me in his arms, holding me bridal style. I squealed in surprise as I wrapped my arms firmly around his neck as Pax walked us to the kitchen where he placed me down on a chair, and went to the fridge. He pulled out a variety of fruits, some were familiar to me while others weren't but I trusted that they would all be delicious regardless. I watched as he cut the fruits up and then placed them in a round bowl. He then handed them over to me after he placed a fork in the bowl. With a look of satisfaction on his face, he scooped me up again and held onto me bridal style before he walked us back to his room. "Now that you have your snack, we can stay in here for a little longer." He said, seeming satisfied with himself as he gently set me down on his bed before he also joined me, laid down on his back, and watched me eat my fruits.

"You know, you haven't eaten anything either. Why didn't you make yourself something?" I asked after swallowing down a slice of some juicy fruit that I had never eaten before. It was orangish yellow like a peach, but it had a pink line going across the center. Above all else, it was delicious. It tasted somewhat like a peach, but at the same time tasted somewhat like a strawberry. It was honestly a confusing combination that I couldn't exactly place, but at the end of the day, it somehow managed to work.

"I'm not hungry, my love." He simply said. I couldn't help but frown. I was definitely not having this, so deciding to take matters into my own hands I took the fork that I was eating with, got some fruits onto it, and then I moved it to his mouth.

"Eat." I commanded, pressing the fork to his mouth and patiently waiting for him to open his lips. Amusement was apparent on his face as he opened up his mouth and removed the fruits from the fork and into his mouth.

I carried on doing the same thing with me eating, and then I would feed him until the fruits were all finished.

"That was nice, thank you." I said, climbing off only to be pulled back down by Paxton as he placed his soft, sweet, and sticky lips onto mine for a quick kiss.

"You're welcome, now hurry back so that we can do some house shopping for tomorrow. Maybe if I'm fortunate enough, I can get the house by tomorrow."

"Okay, just give me 2 minutes," I said, already making my way out the door. I quickly went to the kitchen to wash my bowl, gulped down a cool glass of water and then I hurried back to Paxton. "See, I'm back." I said as I hopped onto the bed and laid next to him, releasing a giggle as the bouncing motion came to a stop. I was suddenly pulled into Paxton's arms as he placed me in between his legs so that I was leaning against his chest, so he was practically spooning me while we were sitting.

"Okay, now we can get started," He said, just as a holographic screen popped up in front of us. "What do you think that I should get?" He asked me, but seeing as how I had very minimal information about apartment or house shopping, I just shrugged.

"Get a house that will be convenient for you, babe." I said as I looked at standalone houses and apartments. Some seemed to be situated in the large part of the city while others were in places that I had never heard of or been to until then.

"I think that I'll just get a big enough apartment for now," He said as he scrolled down on the hologram screen until he found the type of apartment that he wanted. "Three bedrooms, three bathrooms, carpeted master bedroom with balcony, walk-in closet..." He continued reading, and according to the humming sounds that he was emitting, I could tell that he liked it.

"What do you think, baby?" He asked. His eyes fixated on mine as he waited for me to make my contribution on the matter, which I have to admit was just sweet. This was especially true when considering that this whole thing was going to affect him more than me.

"It looks pretty nice and cozy. It's pretty big, with a good view, and I would be able to get my own bedroom for my stay over there, but the is no garden or anything flowery, will you be able to cope with that. Will you be happy?" I asked him as I tilted my head upwards so that I could see his face.

"It's only temporary, so I'll be able to survive. Besides, I might just bring a couple of flowers with me for the time being." He explained, which didn't completely ease my worries because it felt as if he was losing his freedom for this trip. When he was here he could change forms at anytime and walk anywhere, now he had to strictly change to his elf form only when he was in his room or apartment so that people wouldn't see him and discover his secret.

"What's wrong?" He asked as he flipped me around so that I was straddling his waist while I sat in his lap. Worry mirroring his features.

"Are you sure that you want to come along?" I asked him and watched as hurt flashed over his features. "No baby, I want you to come with me but not at the expense of your freedom." I explained.

"I can't bear to be apart from you right now Rosie, if only you could feel the bond as much as I do, you would understand. Our bond is at the stage where I just have to be with you. I can't coupe if I'm not. I promise that it will get better after some time, but for now, it's at its strongest point. " He explained as he cupped my jaw with his palm, and he caressed my cheek with his thumb with such gentleness.

"Okay then, maybe you should just get a hotel room there." I suggested as I leaned into his touch.

"I'm thinking more into long-term residences, I know that this is not the last time that you will be seeing your mother, and for some odd reason, I only prefer hotels for vacation." He explained.

"Okay then, let's go with this." I said, pointing to a small cottage house that was located in the peaceful outskirts of town.

"It's actually pretty nice. It's also pretty isolated, with the nearest neighbours being at least 1km away." He said as he looked at the specification, seeming to like the place.

"It's almost exactly like the apartment. Same amount of bedrooms and bathrooms, basically mostly the same everything." I explained and watched as he nodded and immediately placed an offer for the house.

"Turns out this is a property that is owned by one of us supernational people so getting it shouldn't be difficult," He said, just as a bell like sound rang from the screen and the bell icon indicated that we had received a message. Paxton opened it and skimmed through it before he looked at me with a huge smile. "We got the house." He said, looking genuinely happy.

"Yaaay, that's one thing down. How far away is it from the nearest public transportation?" I asked, considering that my mother was 20 minutes away from the outskirts.

"I'm renting out a car for our stay, sweetheart. You can drop yourself off, or I'll drop you off wherever you need to go." He explained with his head cocked to the side in a way that seemed to say, 'Why would you come up with the idea that I'd let you travel like that.'

"Okay, since I can't drive, could you please drive me there?" I asked with puppy dog eyes. I didn't want to be a bother, but for now, it could not be helped.

"It would be my pleasure." He said, pulling me into his arms for a bear hug.

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