My Demon, My Love...

Chapter It is Best Not to Draw Attention Pt. 2

“What?! What do you mean?” Reve asked, stunned.

“This whole thing is just a mess. We never should have done this. We could never have a normal life like this. I could never provide you with heirs. I could never be on your arm at a fancy party. I could never be the princess that you truly deserve.”

“Ah! It actually has some brains. How extraordinary!” Mara squealed in delight.

“What are you saying, Azlyn?” Reve was distraught.

“I am saying that this has to end sometime. We both know that. This relationship will never be accepted. Maybe we should stop this now before it goes any further. I don’t want to be responsible for ruining your life any more than I already have.”

“Azlyn, I…” Reve began.

“I am so glad that one of you has finally come to their senses!” Queen Mara interrupted. “Now that we agree that this nonsense is over. I think it would be best for everyone if we sell Azlyn to a noble family. This way she will no longer be a distraction for you, Reve, and she won’t have the pain of watching you fall in love with another.”

“No! There is absolutely no way that I am agreeing to any of this! I will not fall in love with another! I want no one else! If you sell Azlyn, I will not rest until I find her!” Reve declared, grabbing Azlyn and pulling her close.

“Master are you absolutely certain that this is what you want?” Azlyn asked, fear in her eyes; she was not sure which answer terrified her more.

“Yes, Azlyn. This is what I want. I want to be with you no matter the consequences. I would rather die than be without you. I love you.”

“I love you too.”


Reve and Azlyn smiled at each other and for a moment it was as though they were the only two beings in the room. However, they were quickly reminded of Queen Mara’s presence as she abruptly cleared her throat.

“Well, if we are not selling her…” Mara began. “Then I think we have some things that we need to discuss, son. Why don’t you send Azlyn away, so you and I can sit down and talk about this?”

“I really don’t see why I have to send Azlyn away.” Reve contended.

“Reve, could you please just do this one thing that I ask. I am trying to be reasonable here and you know quite well that I am not well known for being such.” Mara argued.

Reve thought about this for a moment and decided that it was in their best interest to comply. His mother was right, she was not known for being rational or fair; he needed to take advantage of this mood while it was available to him.

“Azlyn, I am sending you back to our room. Go directly to our room. Do not let anyone divert you. Once you are there I want you to lock the door. You are not to leave our room again until I know that it is safe.” Reve instructed.

“Yes, sire. Of course.” Azlyn assured him.

Reve then walked over to the door of his mother’s chambers and opened it, peeking his head just outside. He waved down a guard and called him into the room.

“You are to escort Azlyn back to my quarters. Do not go anywhere on the way. You will make sure that she arrives completely unharmed or I will, personally, see to your slow dismemberment, myself. Is that clear?” Reve commanded.

“Yes, my liege.” The guard responded, taking a hard gulp.

“I am glad that we have an understanding. Please wait for Azlyn.”

The guard gave a slight bow and moved to the doorway of the room. Waiting to do as he was told.

“Alright, my love. Go to our room and I will see you soon.”

“Yes, master.” Azlyn answered with a smile.

Reve leaned in and gave Azlyn a quick kiss on the cheek. Queen Mara scoffed, annoyed that Reve would blatantly display his affection for Azlyn in front of her. The guard’s mouth dropped open in shock; he had heard the rumors that Prince Reve was involved in a serious and inappropriate relationship with a slave. However, he had never believed these rumors to be true. Upon noticing the guard’s reaction, the queen took swift action.

“You would find it within your best interest to keep your mouth shut about anything that you may see here.” Mara suggested with a glare.

It took the guard a moment to realize that he was being spoken to. Suddenly, he snapped back to reality as it occurred to him that the queen had been threatening him. He knew how serious this situation could be. It was completely normal for demons to take humans as sex slaves, it happened all of the time. However, it was not ever appropriate for that relationship to become serious, this behavior was highly frowned upon and had even resulted in death in extreme cases.

“Yes, your majesty. Of course, your majesty.” The guard finally managed to stammer out.

“Now take the slave back to my son’s quarters and do so quietly. I need to speak with my son about how to best handle our present situation.” Mara commanded.

“Yes, your highness.”

The guard bowed and the gestured to Azlyn to head towards the door. They exited the room and headed back towards the wing of the castle that Reve occupied. They walked the long way in silence; Azlyn could tell that the guard was very uncomfortable with this situation. He knew that his very life depended on his silence; although, everything inside of him told him that this relationship was sick and wrong.

The guard walked Azlyn directly to Reve’s door and waited for her to go inside. She opened the door and entered the room. She turned to close the door, but just before she did so, she whispered…

“Thank you for your help.”

Azlyn closed the door and promptly locked it behind her. She went into the closet and slipped into her nightie. She just wanted to lay down in bed and try her best not to dwell on the conversation that Reve and the queen were currently having.

Azlyn knew that there was a chance that this would not go in her favor. The queen could demand that she be sold and there would be nothing that Reve could really do to stop such a ruling. She knew that they had taken things too far by flaunting this mark so blatantly in front of everyone. She should have never let Reve mark her in the first place, this was an honor that should have been reserved for his rightful wife. Azlyn was ashamed that she had allowed herself to think, even for a moment, that this mark was meant for her.

No matter how Azlyn and Reve had talked or how many times they swore their love; Azlyn could never be Reve’s real wife. Azlyn was nothing more than a worthless slave. Reve’s wife would have to be a noble and, most importantly, she would have to be a demoness.

Though as much as Azlyn wanted Reve to have the rightful royal life that he deserves. There was a large part of her that was terrified that he would come into this room and tell her that everything between them was over. That he could not risk his title and family for a filthy human. Of course, Azlyn would be understanding, how could she not be. Nevertheless, she knew very well that it would tear her up inside.

Azlyn tossed back and forth in the bed. She could not get her mind to quiet down. She wrestled with her thoughts until, exhausted, she fell into a fitful sleep.

Reve entered the room again several hours later. Azlyn awoke with a start as he attempted to quietly close the door.

“I’m sorry that I woke you.”

“It’s alright. I was hoping that you would. I’m curious to know how the talk with your mother went.”

Azlyn sat up in the bed and took in a deep breath. She wanted to prepare herself for the worst. She could not let Reve see how vulnerable she really was. No matter what the outcome, she had to do her very best to be strong.

“I know that you’re feeling anxious right now. You don’t have to try to hide your emotions from me. I can feel how upset and stressed out you are.”

“I’m still getting used to that.” Azlyn shrugged. “So…how did things go with your mother?”

“Well, my mother has some demands.” Reve started.

“Do you know where I am being sold to?” Azlyn asked, firmly, not wanting to hover around the topic.

“What?!” Reve responded, somewhat surprised. “Azlyn, you are not going anywhere. You will stay right here with me.”


“Yes, of course! I would never let anyone separate us. You should know that.” Reve assured her.

Azlyn could hardly contain her excitement as her heart overflowed with joy. Before she knew what she was doing, she had jumped out of the bed and into Reve’s arms.

“I love you, Azlyn. I will do whatever it takes to make this work for us.” Reve whispered in her ear.

“I love you too, Reve. I will do whatever you need me to do.” Azlyn promised.

Reve held Azlyn tightly against his body. He loved how perfectly she fit into his arms. It was as though she had been made for him. Designed by some omniscient being to draw him into this moral dilemma; going against everything that his family had promoted for so long, all for the love of a woman. Reve knew that she was not just any woman; she was THE woman and that was all that mattered to him now.

“I have called for Zareb to take you to meet with Cuinn in his office in the basement. You will need to procure a week’s worth of new slave garments.” Reve informed Azlyn.

“Why do I need new clothes? Is it to cover my mark?” Azlyn asked.

“Yes. My mother is uncomfortable with you showing your mark when we have so many courtiers from outside the castle coming to stay. She is worried that the demonesses will not be able to keep themselves from gossip and we do not know what kind of reaction this may bring. My mother would like for this relationship to stay inside the castle for the time being.”

“I can understand that.” Azlyn answered with a tinge of sadness in her voice.

“What is the matter?”

“Ten of these demonesses are coming here for you. You have to make a wife of one of them. What will become of me then?”

“Well, that was another part of our deal. My mother wants me to take the courting of these demonesses seriously. I told her that I would not take anyone but you for my wife. However, she has promised to help protect you if I, at least, feign an interest in the courting process. So, I will do what I have to do for now and I will figure something out as we go.” Reve assured.

Suddenly, there was knock at the door. They were immediately pulled from their thoughts; leaving Azlyn feeling very unsure about the courting situation. Ten demonesses were coming to the castle, arriving any day now, and they were coming with the hope that they could convince Prince Reve to choose them for his princess. Reve may think that he could find a way to avoid all of this, but Azlyn did not share his certainty.

“Who is there?” Reve asked, speaking to whomever was on the other side of the door.

“It is Zareb, sire. I was told to report to you.” A voice called from beyond the door.

“You may enter.”

The door slowly opened, exposing Zareb standing in the doorway. Reve released his grip on Azlyn and turned towards the door.

“How can I be of service, your highness?” Zareb asked as he carefully stepped inside the door.

“I need you to take Azlyn to Cuinn’s office for some new clothes. You are to keep everyone away from her; keep her safe at all costs.”

“Yes, your majesty. Of course.” Zareb answered with a quick salute.

“Azlyn,” Reve began, turning back towards her. “If Cuinn questions you on the clothes, make sure to tell him that this is a direct order from the queen and he is welcome to confirm the order if he deems it necessary. He should not give you any trouble after that.”

“Alright.” Azlyn responded.

“However, before you go, could I ask another favor of you Zareb?”

“Of course, my liege.”

“Could you come here and take a look at Azlyn’s mark for me?”

Zareb thought this was a strange request, though he was not one to deny a royal demon’s wish. Especially, when it was sought so politely. Zareb walked over to Azlyn and she turned to expose her shoulder. Zareb had never seen a more beautiful marking before. It was dark and light at the same time; a clear representation of the two souls that it portrayed. The harshness of Reve blended perfectly with the gracefulness of Azlyn.

Reve beckoned Zareb to come with him to the doorway; leaving Azlyn standing alone by the bed, wondering if there was something wrong with her mark. They began speaking to each other in hushed tones.

“Have you ever seen that kind of marking before?” Reve asked.

“No. I have never seen such an exquisite marking in my life.” Zareb answered.

“That’s what I thought. I have never heard of a mark being so elaborate and alluring.”

“I wonder what it means.”

“Well, hopefully, we will find out. In the meantime, we have more immediate problems to deal with.”

“Of course. But I will keep an eye out and if I come across any information, I will let you know.”

“Thank you.”


Reve gave Zareb a quick pat on the shoulder before returning to Azlyn. Zareb felt very proud of himself in that moment, he was a member of Prince Reve’s most-trusted inner-circle. This was a huge step for a demon of his ranking and it was a position that he would covet.

“I want you to come directly back here after you are done. I want to spend some time alone with you before things get any crazier here.” Reve instructed.

“Of course.” Azlyn replied with a smile.

“Good. I will see you soon. I love you.” Reve added before leaning forward and giving Azlyn a quick kiss on the forehead.

“I love you too.”

Zareb smiled, surprised and pleased that Reve was willing to be so open with Azlyn in front of him. He was so soft and gentle with her, which was in stark contrast to the demon that he was when in his military mindset. It was nice to see a more “human” side to Reve, it was often believed that the royals could not reach such depths of emotion. It was pleasant to see otherwise. Zareb hoped that this was the beginning of great things to come for all of demonkind.

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