My Demon, My Love...

Chapter It is Best Not to Draw Attention

The very next morning, Azlyn awoke scarcely believing what had happened the day before. She looked over to Reve who lay beside her, still asleep, arms wrapped tightly around her. She slowly shifted, attempting to free herself from his grasp without waking him.

Reve quickly woke as Azlyn turned to rise out of the bed and pulled away from his arms. What he saw before him was more beautiful than anything Reve could have imagined. His mark spread across the back of her left shoulder like an intricately drawn tattoo.

A single heart danced amongst a sea of fire as flames licked at it. The heart was made up of two halves; one half was jagged, rough, and darker in color. Whilst the other half was elegant, delicate, and feminine. Both halves of the heart mingled together in the center, perfectly, as if they had always meant to be joined that way.

Reve traced his finger along the heart and smiled. He had never seen a more beautiful mark. He had never thought of himself as the kind to place their mark on someone. He had always assumed that he would marry for status just as his parents had. However, Azlyn had completely changed all of that, as he wanted her and no one else.

“Where are you going?” Reve asked, playfully.

“I am going to shower and then get dressed. I have to get back to work. The slaves that you have been using in my absence will need to return to their normal duties in preparation for all the demonesses.” Azlyn answered.

“I don’t care about those demonesses. Let them fend for themselves.”

“You say that now, but one of them is going to be your wife. You are bound to care then.”

As Azlyn spoke the words pained her. It felt like tiny knives stabbing at her heart. However, she choked back the tears and managed to maintain her composure. She looked up at Reve through misty eyes and forced a smile. Only to see a terribly hurt look on his face.

“What is the matter?” Azlyn asked, earnestly.

“I can feel your emotions, beautiful.” Reve answered, solemnly.

Azlyn had forgotten about this fact. She would no longer be able to hide her feelings from Reve. He would always know her true emotions no matter how hard she tried to feign otherwise.

“I will not be marrying any of those demonesses, or any demoness for that matter.”

“How can you say that? You are a royal, you will be expected to take a noble wife.”

“I will figure out a way around it. We are going to be together, Azlyn. I will find a way.” Reve declared, sincerely.

Azlyn gave Reve a soft smile and leaned forward, planting a kiss in the center of his forehead. Then she turned and sauntered off towards the bathroom to shower. After finishing her shower, Azlyn returned to the bedroom to find Reve standing over the few items of clothing that she owned.

“What are you doing?”

“Just a little alteration to some of your shirts.” Reve answered, nonchalant.

“What alterations? They weren’t really much to begin with.”

Azlyn approached where Reve stood near the end of their bed. She grabbed the shirt closest to her, which had been a normal white t-shirt. She held it up and discovered that Reve had completely removed the left shoulder and sleeve from the shirt. This would allow her new mark to be completely exposed, making it visible to anyone who looked at her. She was extremely surprised that he would want her mark to be seen. She had assumed this would be kept secret from all of those who did not already know.

“Did you do this to all of my clothes?”

“Yes.” Reve responded, proudly.

“Why would you do that?”

“I want everyone to see your mark and know that you are mine.” Reve firmly stated.

“Wouldn’t it be better if we did not rub this in everyone’s face? There are bound to be those who are upset by this.”

“I do not care what anyone thinks. I want everyone to know that you are mine so that no one dares ever touch you again.”

Azlyn could not help but be, somewhat, touched by Reve’s gesture. He really was doing everything that he could possibly think of in an attempt to protect her. Though, she could not help, but wonder how the other slaves or, more importantly, the demons would react to her having been marked.

It did not take long for Azlyn to find out. Everywhere that she went, all day long, she could hear the murmurs behind her back. So far, nothing had come of it, but Azlyn was still anxious. She knew all it would take was one outraged demon.

“What is that?!” Nissa asked in surprise as Azlyn entered the kitchen to fetch Reve’s lunch.

Nissa suddenly grabbed Azlyn and spun her, giving her a better look at Azlyn’s shoulder.

“Have you been marked?!” Nissa squealed, loudly, causing everyone around them to stop in their tracks.

“Thank you so much for bringing it to everyone’s attention, Nissa.” Azlyn growled through clenched teeth, this was the reason that Azlyn had chosen to avoid Nissa when she had picked up Reve’s breakfast.

All the other slaves began whispering to each other as they all started, purposely, walking past them. They were attempting to catch a glimpse of the mark on Azlyn’s shoulder. As far as any one of them knew, no human had ever been marked by a demon before. One demon servant was so dismayed over the idea that she quickly dropped the beautiful crystal glass set that she was carrying and threw her hands up in disgust before storming out of the kitchen.

“I’m sorry. I figured that you weren’t trying to keep it a secret, considering that your sleeve has been torn off so that everyone can see your shoulder.” Nissa defended herself.

“That was not my choice. Prince Reve decided that everyone needed to see his mark.” Azlyn explained, rolling her eyes.

“I should have realized that was more him than you.”

Suddenly, two guards hurried in through the kitchen doors followed by the demon servant who had ran out of the kitchen a few minutes earlier.

“What is this?!”

One of the guards demanded of Azlyn as he grabbed her by her arm. Yanking her towards him and exposing her shoulder to him.

Azlyn was suddenly terrified and did not know how to handle this situation. Reve had not prepped her for this. She did not know what she was supposed to say or how she was supposed to justify being marked to a population that clearly would not support a relationship between a human and a demon. Especially, not one which involved demon royalty. Her first instinct was to protect Reve, so she came up with the first lie that she could think of that directed things away from him.

“It is a new tattoo.” Azlyn attempted to explain.

“Do not lie to me slave!” The demon growled as he yanked Azlyn towards his face.

“Who marked you?!” The other guard demanded.

“I cannot answer that.” Azlyn responded.

“You will do as you are told slave. I am a demon and you are a human. I am superior by law and the natural order of things.” The guard instructed.

“I understand that, sir. I promise you that I do. However, my instructions come from a higher source than yours. Not to mention, I am certain that my master would not appreciate a delay in his meal due to this unwarranted interrogation.”

“Do not speak to me like that slave! Showing off your mark as if you are worthy of such an honor being bestowed upon you!”

“I promise you that I am not trying to be disrespectful, sir. I am merely uncertain as to how I am supposed to respond in this situation. I do not wish to disregard your orders, but I must do what I think my marker would instruct as well.”

“Shut up, slave! That is enough out of you! If you won’t talk to us, I know someone that you cannot refuse! We will take her to the queen. We shall see what she thinks of this matter.” The guard hissed.

The guard holding Azlyn tightened his grip on her arm and began dragging her alongside him. Azlyn quickly glanced back at Nissa as she was dragged away from the kitchen. Nissa knew how dangerous this situation was for Azlyn. There was absolutely no way that Queen Mara would be accepting of a demon marking a human, especially if she found out that it was performed by her son.

Nissa knew that she needed to hurry if she had any chance of protecting Azlyn from the queen’s wrath. Nissa quickly rushed out the doors and headed straight for Prince Reve’s room. As she ran, she prayed that the prince would be there.

When Nissa came upon the door to Reve’s room, she began knocking wildly. Her heart was pounding, and her head was racing with a million different thoughts; she could barely focus. Reve answered the door with his dagger drawn, unsure of what he would find on the other side of the door.

“Nissa? What are you doing beating on my door like that?” Reve questioned.

“Guards…Azlyn…Queen…” Nissa gasped out between breaths.

Reve, suddenly, grabbed Nissa and shook her slightly. Forcing her to look him directly in the face.

“Pull yourself together! What is happening with Azlyn?! Where is she?!” Reve demanded in a panic.

“Guards saw Azlyn’s mark! They were furious! They took her to the queen!” Nissa managed.

Reve did not say another word. He, gently, tossed Nissa to the side and broke out into a full sprint towards his mother’s chambers. Reve had never run so quickly in all of his life, but he had to get there, he did not know how his mother would handle this. He was certain that his father had already informed her of the marking, however, he did not want his mother to have Azlyn alone. Reve knew that his mother was capable of many things and he did not know how far she might take things if pushed. The closer he got, the more terrified he could feel Azlyn becoming.

Reve busted through the door to his mother’s suite to find her standing over Azlyn. Azlyn sat on her knees on the floor and a guard was forcing her head downward and pulled the torn portion of her shirt further to the side, to allow the queen a better view of the mark on Azlyn’s shoulder. Queen Mara glared down at the mark in disgust.

“She refused to tell us who gave her the mark. Yet she was happy to flaunt it in front of the other slaves in the kitchen. It is the strangest and most elaborate mark that I have ever seen.” The guard that was holding Azlyn down explained.

“Filthy little slave, thinking that she is deserving of a demon’s mark. She should be killed, immediately and the demon who committed this blasphemy should be punished.” The other guard chimed in.

“I shall be the one to decide their fates.” Queen Mara snapped.

“Of course, your majesty.” The guard responded with a slight nod, surprised by the Queen’s response.

“Mother, what are you doing?” Reve interrupted.

Mara ignored Reve’s presence for a moment as she stared at the mark on Azlyn’s shoulder. Her guard was right, this mark was the most beautiful and elaborate marking that she had ever seen. It graced Azlyn’s back more like an ornate painting rather than a typical tattoo like most markings. The lines swirled and flowed along Azlyn’s shoulder. The intricate details expressing the union of their two souls in a stunning, abstract harmony. Why was this mark so much more artistic and elegant than the others that she had seen?

“Guards, now that my son is here, I have no need of you. We will handle this slave from here. Leave us be and tell no one what you have seen.” Mara instructed after a moment of silence, waving her hand, lazily, at the guards.

“Of course, your majesty.” Both guards answered in unison as they gave a slight bow.

The guard holding down Azlyn gave her a quick push towards the floor before they both exited the room. Reve quickly ran over to Azlyn and helped her up off the ground.

“Ugh…” Mara let out an exasperated noise as she rolled her eyes in disdain.

“It is bad enough that I am now having to cover up your little mess. Do you really have to flaunt your disgusting feelings in front of me?” Mara complained.

“You’ll have to get used to it sooner or later, mother. Azlyn is not going anywhere. I have marked her; we will be together forever.” Reve stated.

“Reve, I want you to think rationally about this. This whole thing is ridiculous! Are you really going to throw away everything that your father and I have worked so hard to give you? All of this for some wretched slave?!” Mara lectured.

“What exactly am I throwing away, mother? I have found the love of my life and, lucky for me, for some reason she loves me back. I will still perform all of my royal duties. Nothing really has to change.” Reve explained.

“Really, Reve? All of your royal duties?”

“Yes, mother. I have been keeping up with all my duties and I intend to continue doing so.”

“What about the responsibility of providing heirs to the royal household?”

“Well, Azlyn and I have not really discussed that yet. However, there is no reason why we could not, theoretically, provide royal heirs.”

Mara turned to Reve with a look of utter horror on her face.

“How could you even say something like that, Reve?! You could never have children with this woman! We could not have some filthy half-breeds running around carrying a royal title!”

“Mother! How dare you!” Reve snapped.

“Prince Reve…” Azlyn finally interrupted.

“How dare you interrupt us slave!” Mara snarled at Azlyn.

“Mother! Do not speak to her like that!” Reve growled.

“Are you really choosing a slave over me?” Mara gasped.

“She is not just some slave, mother. She means everything to me!”

Mara rolled her eyes and shook her head.

“Azlyn, go ahead and say whatever it is that you would like to say.” Reve assured her.

“Are you sure?” Azlyn hesitated.

“Yes. Please feel free to speak your mind.” Reve affirmed.

“Oh…okay…I was just going to say that…well, um, that the queen…is right.” Azlyn stuttered.

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