My Demon, My Love...: Changes of Heart

Chapter The Royal Bloodline

Reve entered his quarters and slammed his door with a huff. He did not want to have to deal with anyone else. Today had been one annoyance after another. If one more thing went wrong, then he might just explode.

“Well, hello, Prince Reve. I have been waiting for you.” A sultry voice cooed from the other side of the room.

Reve looked over and found a beautiful, blonde woman in his bed, laying completely naked. She had displayed herself, so that Reve could get a good look at all her best assets. Reve sauntered over to the bed, horns beginning to extend. He leaned close to the woman’s face.

“What are you doing in my room?” Reve growled.

“I was sent here, master. My name is Emilie and I have been instructed to please you.”

Emilie reached out to run her fingers along Reve’s arm. Reve pulled away before her touch could come into contact with his skin. The very idea sickened him.

“Do NOT touch me!” Reve snarled.

Emilie recoiled, surprised by Reve’s reaction.

“I apologize, sire. What would you like me to do for you?” Emilie asked, seductively.

“I would like for you to…GET OUT!” Reve bellowed.

Emilia jumped, startled. She began to back away from Reve, wrapping his sheet around herself as she did so.

“I apologize, your majesty, but I cannot do that.” Emilie explained. “I was sent here by, his royal highness, King Gedeon. I am under strict orders to pleasure you before I am allowed to leave this room.”

“Is that so?” Reve hissed.

“Yes, my lord.”

“Well…” Reve paused, considering his options for a moment. “I guess we will just have to do something about that.”

With that, Reve reached out grabbing the end of the sheet closest to him. He pulled on it roughly, yanking the terrified woman to the ground. Emilie cried out as her head banged against the floor. Reve paid no attention to this, he threw open his door. Then began walking down the hallway, pulling the sheet behind him as he went, the woman still wrapped up within it. Emilie clutched the sheet for dear life; mortified of whatever it was that this mad prince had in store for her.

Reve pulled Emilie into the throne room; stopping suddenly and leaving her, exposed, in the middle of the court. Emilie could feel the eyes of all noble demons and demonesses on her; she was overcome with a sense of shame. This was a new sensation for her; she had never experienced it before.

Emilie was a second-generation slave and had been trained in the sexual arts from a very young age. She had once marched naked through a noble estate at her master’s bidding and did not feel an ounce of shame. Maybe, the difference this time, was that this master did not seem to desire her. She had never been rejected in her entire life. When she presented, demons took. This demon was different, this demon did not want her. Why did he not want her?

“Ah, brother! So, kind of you to grace us with your presence at court!” Gedeon cheered from his throne before throwing back his glass of a thick red liquid. “And you brought us all a little treat?!”

“Why was this woman ordered to pleasure me?!” Reve demanded, getting straight to the point.

“So, I take it that you are not here to share, then?” Gedeon pouted.

“You all can have at her, I want no part of this!” Reve exclaimed.

“I am sorry, brother. I really thought you would like her. She is a sex slave, picked specifically for you.” Gedeon explained. “Tell me what you do not like about her and I will find someone better. Is it the breasts, are they too small?”

Emilie found herself covering her chest, feeling shame in her body for the first time.

“It does not matter who you bring to me. You could bring me every woman and demoness in the realm, but I will have none of them!” Reve shouted, furiously.

“Why, Reve? Why do you deny yourself?” Gedeon pestered.

“I am a married demon.” Reve answered, through clenched teeth.

“What?” Gedeon inquired. “I do not think that I heard you, correctly.”

“I…am…a…mated…and…married…demon!” Reve responded, pronouncing each word loudly and clearly.

“I am sorry, but I must have misheard you again.” Gedeon joked, sarcastically. “I could have sworn that you said that you are a married demon; however, I seem to recall your mate being murdered two years ago. She’s dead and gone. It is time to move on with your life.”

Reve clenched his fists, tightly. It was taking everything inside of him to remain calm. He did not appreciate how casually Gedeon spoke of Azlyn’s death. That moment had been Reve’s breaking point, the exact instant when he became a monster. That had been the worst time in Reve’s life and Gedeon spoke of it so dismissively.

“By your order…” Reve growled.

“Yes, Reve, it was by my order, alright?” Gedeon shrugged. “It was for your own good though. Not to mention, I have apologized for it on numerous occasions, which is quite out of character for myself, and I have made attempts to make it up to you…such as…” Gedeon made a gestured to the slave still sitting on the floor wrapped up in Reve’s sheets.

“I do not want your apologies and I certainly do not want your gifts. Just let me do my job and leave me alone.” Reve snarled.

“Fine, if you don’t want her, then I’ll keep her for myself. I hear that she is very well trained and quite talented.” Gedeon responded with a wink.

“I do not care what you do with her. Just keep her away from me.” Reve sneered. “If I find her in my chambers again, I will break her neck.”

“Duly noted.” Gedeon responded to Reve before addressing one of his servants. “Take this slave to my chambers. I will have her later.” Gedeon commanded, with a wave of his hand. “Some married demons still know how to have fun.” Gedeon teased, returning his attention to Reve.

“Some married demons’ mates do not care, and those demons might ask themselves why that is.” Reve replied, sarcastically. “My wife, on the other hand, would have minded, a great deal.”

Emilie was lifted up by a servant and hauled out of the throne room. She looked back at Prince Reve as she was carried away. The first demon to ever turn her down and, not to mention, the most handsome demon that she had ever laid her eyes on. She wanted him more than she had ever wanted anything else; it was though he was a conquest that begged to be won. If he did not want anyone after his wife died, well, she would need to be the one to change that.

Reve stormed out of the throne room and began smashing furniture as he went. He was furious with Gedeon’s constant intrusion into his life. Reve had made his decisions on how he wanted to live after Azlyn. He did not want anyone else thinking that it was their place to get involved. He simply desired to be left ALONE.

As Reve rounded the corner, he was greeted by a familiar voice…

“Reve! Reve! I am so glad that I found you!”

Reve looked up and could see Umay attempting to wave him over.

“Hello, Princess Umay, nice to see that you are well. Now if you will excuse me?” Reve huffed as he attempted to, quickly, pass her by.

Umay stepped in front of him and blocked his path.

“Now, Reve, don’t be like that. We’ve been friends my entire life.” Umay tried to lighten the mood, but Reve remained stoic as ever.

Anger seemed to be the only emotion that he knew how to exhibit anymore.

“Umay…I just want…to be alone.” Reve sighed, trying to maintain composure. “Now, if you don’t mind…”

“I do mind, actually.” Umay asserted. “I have come here to speak with you, specifically.”

“What is it that you need, Umay?” Reve grunted.

“I need to talk to you about something extremely important.” Umay answered, lowering her voice some.

“So, talk…” Reve shrugged.

“No. Not here. This conversation is best had in private.” Umay suggested.

Reve rolled his eyes. He was weary of the presence of others. He really just wanted to blow Umay off. Although, her persistence and secretive nature had him, somewhat, intrigued. So, with a sigh, he relented.

“Fine. Let’s go to my room. We will talk there.” Reve offered.

“Lead the way.”

They made their way back to Reve’s quarters; Reve dragging his feet the entire way. Upon arrival, Umay made sure that the door was closed tightly behind them and locked for security. Then she turned around to face Reve, taking in a deep breath, before getting to her point.

“Alright, what I am about to tell you is going to completely change your world.” Umay began.

“Enough with the theatrics, Umay. Just get on with it already.” Reve responded, impatiently.

“Okay, I just want you to be prepared for how huge this news is.”


“Alright! Alright! I’ll get on with it. So…I went to visit Penelope and Dalair this past weekend.” Umay informed him, cautiously, knowing this was a touchy subject.

However, Reve barely flinched; his only reaction being a slight twitch of his right eye and an angry, barely audible grunt.


“So…I found something there that I think you need to know about.”

“What is it?” Reve inquired, skeptically.

“I found…I found…Azlyn.” Umay answered, hesitantly.

“What do you mean that you found, Azlyn?” Reve demanded.

“I mean exactly what I said. I found her. She is alive and well. She is living with Penelope and Dalair in the human realm.” Umay explained, excitedly.

“That is not possible.” Reve replied, shaking his head. “She never would have survived the portal.”

“She would have if she was carrying demon-blood.”

“She wasn’t carrying demon-blood. She had lost her bracelet before being pushed in.”

“What if I told you that she had still been carrying demon-blood?”

“I still do not see how that is possible.”

“It is possible if Azlyn was…pregnant.” Umay was certain to put extra emphasis on this last word.

“PREGNANT?!” Reve questioned, astonished.

“Yes, Reve, Azlyn was pregnant when she fell through the portal.” Umay informed him. “So, she was carrying the necessary demon-blood to survive.”

These words struck Reve like a ton of bricks. Could it really be possible that Azlyn had survived? Had she really been alive all of this time? Even more surprising, could she really have HIS child with her? Was he really a father and did not even know?

“How was Azlyn? Is she alright?” Reve asked, forgetting himself for a moment.

“Yes, she is fine. She misses you greatly.” Umay assured him.

“And my youngling?”

“Your youngling is beautiful. The perfect blend of you and Azlyn. She is just about to turn a year and a half in age; her name is Hunter.”

“Hunter…” Reve thought for a moment. “That is a good strong name.”

“I told Azlyn that you would like it.” Umay responded, elated.

It was as though Umay was talking to the old Reve again. He was relaxed and kind. She hoped that this was the start of his return to normal.

“Wait a minute…” a dark scowl spread across Reve’s face; surprising Umay. “Did you say…HER…name?”

“Yes, HER name. She is absolutely beautiful, like Azlyn, but the rest of her is one hundred percent you.” Umay offered.

“That whore!!!!!!!” Reve screamed at the top of his lungs. He grabbed the nightstand next to his bed and tossed it over; allowing the objects it shelved to go crashing to the floor.

Umay jumped back as Reve continued to trash his room. She could not understand what had set him off. One moment it seemed like they were getting somewhere, finally; then the next moment, he was enraged again.

“What is going on?! Why are you so angry?! I thought this would all be good news!” Umay cried out, trying to get through to Reve.

Reve stopped his rampage and stared at Umay in a huff. His primal-self was clearly taking over and Umay needed to calm him quickly or get far away from here.

“Azlyn had a DAUGHTER!!!!” Reve snarled at Umay.

“Yes, she did?! What is the problem?!”

“Have you ever known the line of royal blood to produce a demoness?!” Reve growled, stepping closer to Umay as he spoke.

Umay thought about this for a moment. It was not something that she had ever considered before. The royal family lineage was not something that she found of particular interest. However, the more she thought on it, she realized that Reve was correct. There had never been a blood-born royal demoness before. No matter how many princes there were at any given time; none of them ever produced a female heir.

“There are only two possible explanations.” Reve huffed. “Either, Azlyn laid with another and that is his youngling or the person you saw was not actually Azlyn. Since I do not believe you to be wrong in your identification of this woman as Azlyn. I am left with only option one.”

“That is ridiculous, Reve! You know, as well as I do, that Azlyn was not with anyone else!”

“Then how did she produce a demoness?!” Reve demanded. “No royal heir has ever been a demoness!!!!”

“No royal heir has ever been half-human either!!!!!” Umay countered.

Reve was taken aback by this. He had not considered that Azlyn’s humanity may have changed things, genetically-speaking. It did not matter, though, he was too caught up in his own anger to care that he may be in the wrong.

“Get out, Umay.” Reve sneered.

“Just come with me to see her, Reve!” Umay begged. “I will take you to her! Once you hold Azlyn in your arms, you will feel better! Once you see Hunter for yourself, there is no way that you would be able to deny her!”

“I said to get out!!” Reve commanded.

“Fine, I’ll go. Just tell me one last thing. What am I supposed to tell Azlyn when she asks why you have not come?” Umay made one final plea. “What are we supposed to tell that beautiful little demoness, when she asks where her father is?”

Tears began to fill Umay’s eyes. She could not imagine having to be the one to tell Azlyn and Hunter that Reve wanted nothing to do with them.

“Tell Azlyn to stay in the human realm and far away from me. As for the youngling, that is Azlyn’s problem. I will not be held responsible for some filthy half-breed that is not even mine.”

“Reve! You don’t mean that!”

“Don’t I?!” Reve roared. “Now get out!!!!”

Umay groped for the knob of the door, never taking her eyes off of Reve. Who was this demon that stood before her? It certainly was not the one that she had known all of her life? Never, in a million years, would she have ever thought that this conversation was going to end this way. Once she found the knob, she swung the door open, and rushed out into the hall.

Reve slammed the door shut behind her. Then Umay ran off down the hallway; tears streaming down her face. How could Reve have changed so greatly over the past two years? Her heart broke for Azlyn and Hunter…Reve was abandoning them.

Locked in his room, Reve continued to destroy his belongings. After a time, he slumped over to his bed and collapsed onto it. He laid there and cried himself to sleep, something he had not done since the day Azlyn had fallen through the portal.

Reve refused to leave his room for the next several days. No one bothered him; they had all learned that it was best to keep their distance when he was in these moods. This is why it surprised him, greatly, when there was a knock on his door.

“What do you want?!” Reve bellowed through the closed door.

“Reve, it’s Kane. I want to talk. It’ll only take a minute, I swear.” Kane called through the door.

Reve was irritated by this intrusion. He was certain that Kane knew what kind of mood he was in. As a matter of fact, it had been Kane’s wife that had set him off this time. It occurred to Reve that this was probably the reason that Kane was here in the first place. He probably wanted to lecture him for yelling at Umay. Reve forced himself up out of bed and drug himself to the door, opening it just enough to for Kane to be aware that it was unlocked, then returned to his bed.

Kane pushed open the door and, slowly, entered the room; stepping over smashed pieces of furniture as he did so. He scanned the contents of Reve’s room; discovering that everything except his bed had been destroyed. This was not unexpected; the furniture in Reve’s room never survived for long anymore.

Reve had begun, ritualistically, destroying his belongings every time something made him think of Azlyn, which was often. The only thing that always remained untouched was his bed. Reve insisted it was because it was too useful and harder to replace than the other furniture. However, Kane knew the real reason; Reve did not destroy the bed, it was because that was where he and Azlyn had spent much of their time together. The bed was the closest thing Reve had to a piece of Azlyn.

“If you are here to yell at me about my cruelty towards Umay, let’s just get it over with.” Reve huffed.

“I am not here to talk about that; though don’t think that I am not angry about your treatment of her.” Kane informed him. “Nevertheless, it is…in relation…to that.”

Reve was intrigued. He sat up on the bed and turned to face Kane.

“Alright. So, what is it exactly?”

Kane took in a deep breath before continuing. He knew that Reve would not, particularly, care for what he was going to say. But someone had to do this.

“I came to say…good-bye, Reve.”

“Good-bye?!” Reve asked, startled. “What do you mean good-bye?”

“I am going with Umay to the human realm.”

“So? Why are you making it sound so final? You will be back in a few days.” Reve shrugged.

“No…we won’t.”

“What do you mean?” Reve questioned, raising an eyebrow.

“I do not know how long we will be gone for or if we are ever going to come back, for that matter.” Kane stated, firmly.

“What?! Why would you stay in the human realm?! You belong here! You and Umay are both demons, there is no reason for you to live there.” Reve argued.

“We know that.” Kane responded with a sigh. “Umay is distraught over Azlyn’s plight.”

“What is Azlyn’s plight, exactly?” Reve sneered.

Kane was growing beyond frustrated with his brother’s behavior. He had been more than understanding, up until now. Reve had lost his mate, he was entitled to grieve however he had seen fit. Now, though, things had changed. Azlyn was alive and well; there was no need to grieve any further.

Reve’s behavior, from this point forward, was merely Reve’s behavior; Kane would not excuse it any longer.

“You know exactly what her plight is!” Kane shouted. “You are the one who put her in this position and refuses to do something about it!”

“From what Umay told me.” Reve shrugged. “Azlyn seems to be doing just fine for herself.”

“Are you kidding me?! She is in a realm that she knows very little about! She has very few transferable skills from her life as a slave and no education! Now, she’s a single mother who is expected to provide for YOUR youngling! Dalair has, kindly, been footing the bill up to this point, but he cannot be expected to do that forever!”

Kane was beginning to shake; he rarely allowed himself to get so angry. He had only turned primal a handful of times in his entire life. He liked to remain calm and composed. Though in this situation his normal demeanor was beginning to fail him.

“Because you refuse to take care of your responsibilities. Umay and I will pick up your slack. We are going to the human realm to take care of YOUR mate and YOUR youngling. Azlyn will need help raising a demoness. No human could handle that alone.” Kane informed him, attempting to speak calmly.

“She isn’t alone. She has Dalair.” Reve replied, dismissively.

“Dalair is not Azlyn’s mate nor is he Hunter’s father!” Kane felt his horns beginning to extend and his nostrils flared. “Dalair has a mate and two children of his own! He cannot be expected to play father and husband to yours, as well!”

Reve dropped his eyes to the ground and stared at the floor but said nothing.

“I don’t know why I expected this conversation to go differently.” Kane huffed. “I guess that Umay’s right, the old Reve really is gone and lost forever.”

“The youngling probably isn’t even mine.” Reve responded, barely above a whisper.

“Don’t give me that bullshit, Reve! You know that youngling is yours without ever having seen her face! Azlyn was not with anyone else and you know it! Umay says that she has not even been with anyone during the two years that she’s been abandoned in the human realm, either! She just waits, diligently, for you!”

Reve grew quiet again. So, Kane continued…

“Not to mention, Umay said that the youngling looks exactly like you! She took one look in that little demoness’s face and was certain who she belonged to, beyond the shadow of a doubt!”

Reve cleared his throat, but still he said nothing. Kane was furious now and knew that if he did not leave, he would convert to his full primal-self for the first time in many years.

“Don’t you worry, brother.” Kane snarled. “I will take care of YOUR responsibilities. I will probably make a better father to Hunter than you ever would have anyway.”

Kane, quickly, exited the room. He slammed the door behind him as he went. He leaned against the doorway and took several deep breaths, attempting to calm himself. When he heard the sound of something smashing against the other side of the door, shattering into pieces.

“Good. I got to him.” Kane thought, nodding to himself in assurance.

Kane walked away with a smile on his face.

One week later, there was a knock at Penelope and Dalair’s door. Barin rushed over and swung it open.

“Auntie Umay!” Barin called out, excitedly.

Umay gave him a big hug and tussled his dark hair that was peppered with shocks of red.

“Who are you?” Barin questioned, staring inquisitively up at Kane.

“This is your Uncle Kane.” Umay informed Barin.

“Oh! Uncle Kane! I have heard a lot about you from Auntie Umay and daddy!” Barin exclaimed.

“I have heard a lot about you too.” Kane smiled. “It is very nice to meet you, Barin.”

“Nice to meet you too…finally.” Barin teased.

Kane chuckled; this was certainly Dalair’s son.

“Barin…” Umay interjected, gaining Barin’s attention. “Can you take us to see your Aunt Azlyn?”

“Nope.” Barin shrugged.

Umay was surprised by this response.

“Why not?” Umay inquired, pouting her bottom lip.

“Aunt Azlyn isn’t here. She left.”

“She left? Do you know when she’ll be back?” Kane questioned.

“Barin, who are you talking to?” Penelope asked, skeptically, as she came around the corner.

“Auntie Umay and Uncle Kane are here.” Barin announced.

Penelope rushed into the living room. She could hardly believe what she was hearing. She ran to Umay and gave her a tight hug.

“Oh, my goodness, we did not expect to see you again so soon!” Penelope stated with a smile. “It is so nice to see you again, Kane. It has been a long time.”

“It is nice to see you again, too, Penelope. I am glad to see that you are well.” Kane responded.

“What brings the two of you here? I am afraid that Dalair will not be returning for several hours.”

“Well, while I am curious as to why I had to track you down at your vacation home. First, we have some bad news in regard to Reve. We need to speak with Azlyn, immediately.” Umay explained, urgently.

Penelope’s face dropped; if it was possible, her skin became even paler.

“What’s the matter, Penelope?” Umay questioned.

“Azlyn isn’t here.” Penelope breathed.

“We know. Barin told us. Do you know when she will be back?”

“No. We don’t.”

“What do you mean? What has happened?” Kane pressed.

“Uh…well…Azlyn…um…she…went to the demon realm.” Penelope stammered.

“What?! When?! Why?!” Kane demanded.

“She took off about two days ago.” Penelope explained. “She went to save Hunter. I think she intends to seek Reve’s help. Dalair was all set to go with her, but she disappeared in the middle of the night. Insisting that he stay to protect his family.”

“What?! What happened to Hunter?” Umay demanded.

“She has been kidnapped by a demon and we believe that she was taken back to the demon realm.” Penelope explained.

“Oh no, poor girl!” Umay cried.

“They did not take anyone else?” Kane questioned.

Half-breeds did not last long in their world.

“No. He broke in and took Hunter. I tried to fight him off, but he thrust me into the china cabinet and knocked me unconscious.”

“Why would a demon kidnap Hunter?” Umay wondered.

“You do not think that they knew that she belonged to Reve, do you?” Kane asked, frantically.

“You think that is why they targeted her, specifically?” Penelope questioned.

“Maybe.” Kane shrugged.

“Well, hopefully, Azlyn will reach Reve and he will know what to do.” Penelope assured.

Suddenly, Penelope noticed Umay and Kane give each other a disheartened look.

“What is wrong?” Penelope inquired.

“Reve…” Umay paused, barely able to bring herself to form the words. “Is rejecting Hunter and wants nothing to do with Azlyn ever again. He doesn’t care that Azlyn is alive. He thinks that Hunter is the product of another demon.”

“What?! Why in the hell would he think that?!”

“Because, up until now, the House of Reidar has only produced demons. Hunter is the first demoness of royal birth, ever.” Kane clarified.

Penelope grew quiet and thoughtful for a moment.

“Has a royal demon ever mated with a human before?” Penelope queried.


“Then maybe that’s the difference.” Penelope offered.

“That is exactly what we have been thinking.” Umay agreed.

“Either way, there cannot be any doubt that Hunter belongs to Reve. You take one look at her and you can tell who her father is. Even just looking at you now…” Penelope gestured to Kane. “You can see the resemblance. It is obvious that you are related. I wish that you could meet her. Then you would understand exactly what we mean. Actually…” Penelope paused as she thought for a moment. “Would you like to see a picture of her?”

“Absolutely!” Kane answered, excitedly.

Penelope led them to the kitchen and offered them a seat. She poured them each a cup of coffee, then went to grab a few pictures from around the house. She brought them to Kane and laid them all out before him. Kane looked over each of the photos carefully scanning the demoness’s face. Umay and Penelope had been right, there was absolutely no denying that she was Reve’s child. She looked exactly like him, but with the added benefit of Azlyn’s beauty.

Kane laughed at a photo of Hunter tearing the stuffing out from inside her stuffed bear; her little horns were very clearly attempting to elongate as she did so, as one was obviously longer than the other in that photo. This child even had Reve’s personality without ever having met him. Kane stared into the youngling’s eyes, the color within them, clearly, demonic in nature, but everything else about the child’s face screamed human. She looked exactly like Reve, but with the delicate softness of Azlyn. Kane found it fascinating.

“Reve needs to see her.” Kane gasped. “He could not deny her if he looked into her face.”

“So, what do we do about it?” Umay asked.

“Azlyn took photos of Hunter with her to the demon realm to show Reve.” Penelope offered.

“Well…I guess, for now…we will hope that is enough.” Kane shrugged. “In the meantime, I should probably get back to the demon realm too. Azlyn will need help.”

“I agree. But let’s do one thing first. I think it will be a bigger help to Azlyn than anything else that we could do.” Umay suggested.

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