My Demon, My Love...: Changes of Heart

Chapter The Demon Realm

“Your highness, there is a demon here to see you. He makes the claim that he once worked as a guard in the castle.”

“What is this demon’s name?” King Gedeon inquired from atop his throne.

“He called himself Daegal, sire.”

“Daegal…Daegal…that name does sound familiar.” Gedeon mused, tapping his finger, absentmindedly, against his chin.

“If I remember correctly…” Hadeon began, hesitantly. “Isn’t that the guard that Reve had banished immediately after Azlyn’s death?”

Gedeon thought about this for a moment.

“Now that you mention it…” Gedeon observed. “I believe that you are correct.”

“What business could he possibly have here?” Hadeon questioned.

“He refuses to explain himself. He claims that the matter is of the utmost sensitivity to the royal family and he will only discuss the matter further with his majesty.”

“You may show him in.” Gedeon sighed, annoyed with the burdens of being king.

“Are you certain that this is a good idea, Gedeon? Reve will absolutely lose his mind if he knows that you have entertained an audience with Daegal.” Hadeon cautioned.

“Reve has already lost his mind.” Gedeon answered, dismissively.

“Exactly. Should we really be testing the waters any further?”

“Stop worrying so much. I am the king of this realm, not Reve. We will hear what this demon has to say. He will be on his way before Reve ever notices his presence.”

“I hope that you are right about this.” Hadeon was not so sure.

Moments later, the miserable, mangy-looking demon that they recognized as Daegal entered the throne room carrying a small child in his arms. The child squirmed uncomfortably under his tight grip and pushed against him as if she was desperate to escape his grasp.

“What is the meaning of this?” Gedeon demanded, wanting the explanation for why a child was in his throne room.

“Remove that youngling, immediately!” Hadeon ordered, sensing that something was off.

“But, your majesties, the youngling is why I am here.” Daegal offered.

Just then, the child turned and looked directly into Gedeon’s eyes. His blood ran cold as he studied her face; her shocks of white hair looking all too familiar.

“Everyone out! Hadeon and Daegal, may stay. Everyone else must leave this room immediately! Close the doors behind you!”

Panic began to rise in Gedeon’s throat, as his heart threatened to beat out of his chest. He watched, carefully, to ensure that all others present had evacuated the immediate area.

“Daegal, please step forward.” Gedeon bid.

Daegal did as he was instructed. Though, as he approached, the child began to squirm even harder against him. She turned in his grip, so that she could face Gedeon and Hadeon. She began reaching out for them; no doubt sensing the same thing that they were, she was a member of their immediate family. Gedeon recoiled from her touch, he could not let this half-breed lay her filthy hands on him; he was the king after all.

“Where did you get this...thing?” Gedeon commanded.

“I followed Princess Umay to the Human Realm. This is where I found that she had visited with Lord Dalair and his wife that nasty, human from long ago. I discovered that they were harboring Azlyn and this disgusting half-breed. I brought her here because I wanted to show her to Prince Reve. I thought he might be inclined to forgive my past infractions if I proved to him what a whore his slave really was.” Daegal explained.

“He does not realize that she is one of us.” Hadeon whispered, careful that Gedeon was the only one who could hear him.

“Why do you accuse Azlyn of being a whore because you have found a half-breed child? What proof is this?” Gedeon entreated.

“I know for certain that this child belongs to Azlyn and whilst she may have some similarities to your clan, I know that she could never be a youngling of the House of Reidar. It is widely known that your family lineage has never produced a female heir. I would be hard-pressed to believe that this has changed so suddenly without cause.”

“To be fair…” Gedeon answered, calmly. “Our line has never reproduced with a human……”

With that revelation, Daegal began to grow uncomfortable, fidgeting awkwardly with his clothes. Gedeon’s face had changed and he held a strange glint in his eye. Daegal quickly became aware that he was alone in the room with two of the most vicious and hateful demons in the realm. They tortured and killed for fun on a daily basis, refusing to answer to anyone, even the Council. This could be an unfortunate turn of events if he was not careful.

“Hadeon please take the youngling from our guest. We shall decide what to do with this half-breed at a later time.” Gedeon ordered.

Hadeon walked forward and reached out for Hunter whom lunged towards his arms, under the false impression that she would be safe with a member of her own family. She had never experienced the sensation that came with recognizing a member of her demonic lineage before, but the reaction had been completely instinctual. She assumed that she would not be harmed based on the sole fact that he was related to her, as would be true under normal circumstances.

Hadeon took Hunter into his arms and walked out of the throne room. Leaving Gedeon to handle Daegal without interruption.

“She certainly seems to react as though she, innately, recognizes you as family.” Daegal observed, cautiously.

He was hopeful that he could use the information that he now had to his advantage. Maybe they would give him a reward for his silence on such a delicate a matter.

Gedeon sneered down at Daegal.

“Yes, it would appear as though she is of our relation.”

“How is that possible?”

“I do not know, but that is not the most pressing matter at hand.”

Daegal gulped hard, knowing that Gedeon referred to him.

“Look I don’t have any desire to ruin your reputation. I will not tell anyone about this. If you let me come work back in the palace, then I will ensure that this information goes to my grave.”

“Oh, I intend to ensure that.”

Daegal allowed himself to relax and take in a breath. He was going to get what he desired most, a reprieve from Prince Reve’s wrath that would allow him to take back his coveted post in the castle as a royal guard. Everything that he had worked for during the past two years had been worth it.

“Thank you, sire. I appreciate your benevolence.” Daegal sighed.

Daegal looked up at Gedeon just in time to see the king lunge off his throne and towards his direction. Gedeon had drawn a knife out of his clothes and was on top of him in a split second. Gedeon drove the blade deep into Daegal’s chest. He pressed into him and twisted the steel until he felt the life drain completely from Daegal’s body.

“I am sorry, but we cannot have anyone knowing about this.” Gedeon explained. “Especially not someone who could spill this information to Reve. We have him where we want him, and we will not allow anyone to screw that up for us.”

Gedeon stood up and stared down at Daegal’s lifeless body for a few moments; the black blood began to pool around him causing Gedeon to step backwards to avoid it. He then walked to the doors and swung them open calling for his guards to return to dispose of the body. After which slaves were brought in to clean up the dark blood from the marble floor before it stained.

Gedeon had worked far too hard for too long. He needed Hadeon and Reve by his side. The kingdom was already struggling since his takeover and it was bad enough that their mother had all but disappeared since their father’s passing. Not to mention, Kane’s betrayal when he chose his wife’s family of “slave-lovers” over their own clan. Reve could never find out about the existence of the half-breed child that he had fathered with Azlyn. It would ruin everything that Gedeon had worked for since forcing Xun to push Azlyn through the portal. Azlyn was supposed to be dead! Rotten half-breed had already proven to be a nuisance long before Gedeon was aware of her existence.

“Someone bring me Cuinn!” Gedeon commanded to no one in particular, causing a guard; several slaves; and two demoness servants to jump up and start running out of the room.

Gedeon chuckled to himself, amused by the fact that they were so frightened by his outbursts.

Several minutes later, Cuinn arrived in the throne room, eager to assist Gedeon with whatever task he needed completed.

“Your highness…” Cuinn began with a low bow. “How may I be of assistance?”

“I need a slave. A, particularly, desirable one with advanced training in sexual pleasures.” Gedeon explained.

“Yes, sire. Of course. I have the perfect slave in mind, I shall have her sent to your quarters right away.”

“No, it is not for me. I would like her sent to Prince Reve’s quarters.”

“Prince Reve’s quarters, your majesty?” Cuinn asked, hesitantly.

“Yes…is there a problem?”

No, your highness, not exactly. It is just that…” Cuinn was unsure if he should continue speaking further or just do as he was told without questioning.

“It is just…what?” Gedeon demanded.

“Well…it is just that…Prince Reve refuses to receive anyone since the death of his last personal slave. I do not believe that he would take to kindly to a female in his bed without his prior knowledge and permission.”

Cuinn worried about how the Prince would react in that situation. Prince Reve had made it abundantly clear that he did not wish for the touch of another female after the loss of his mate. The slave may meet an unfortunate and violent end at Prince Reve’s hands. Cuinn was not eager to begin the search for a replacement...again.

“I am the KING here!” Gedeon raged. “If I order you to send my brother a harlot then it would do you well to oblige my request, without question, as quickly as possible.”

Gedeon was growing increasingly irritated with everyone choosing to consider Reve over his commands. He was the king here and they all needed to remember such.

“Yes, sire, of course. I apologize. It is not my place to question your instructions.” Cuinn quickly babbled with a low bow.

“Now, be on your way!” Gedeon commanded.

Cuinn immediately jumped backwards and turned to hurry out the door. He wanted to put distance between himself and Gedeon as quickly as possible. He needed to find the slave called Emilie, and he had to find her right away.

Meanwhile, Gedeon headed to Hadeon’s chambers to discuss what was to be done with their niece, the half-breed. Gedeon was torn on the proper course of action in this situation. Half-breeds were considered an abomination and it was thought best to have them destroyed. On the other hand, it was considered a great transgression to kill a member of one’s own clan. Not to mention, she carried royal blood which guaranteed her certain protections.

“What do you suggest that we do with her?” Gedeon inquired of Hadeon, who was his chief advisor and primary council.

“I am uncertain. This situation is of a different sort. She is a half-breed, but she is a royal half-breed.” Hadeon shrugged. “The law is unclear in this particular circumstance.”

“No one knows of her existence. Could we not just dispose of her without anyone being the wiser?”

“Possibly. But what if the information were to ever get out. We would be responsible for the murder of a royal without any involvement or approval from the Council. I am not certain how well the kingdom would take to this, even if she is a half-breed. There are certain laws that we are still expected to abide by.”

Gedeon could feel his frustrating growing. He just wanted the situation resolved and he wanted it done quickly.

“Lock her in the west tower for the time. See that she is tended to there by only the most trusted of slaves. Do not allow the nature of her identity to be revealed to anyone, especially Reve. We will figure out what to do from there.”

Hadeon nodded in agreement, unsure of any more appropriate solution to their predicament.

“Take care of this situation. I am headed back to the throne room so that no one suspects that there is an issue.”

“Good idea. I will see to it that this THING is placed up in the tower.” Hadeon confirmed.

Gedeon gave a quick nod of approval before exiting the room and heading back to the throne. His courtesans had become accustom to a certain atmosphere around the castle since he had taken the crown and he was not eager to disappoint. The party had started at his coronation and he had managed to keep riding that wave since.

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