My Cruel Blind Alpha

Chapter 9


"Leah. Wake up." I was awakened by Alec.


It was early in the morning. "I order flight tickets to Nepal." He said.

My eyes widened. "For real." He blankly stared at me.

"No, I order tickets to fucking unicorn land." He sarcastically said. I chuckled. "Our flight leaves in eight hours. So pack your stuff, and it's just me and you. We are in first class." He said. I was so happy that I jumped up and hugged him. His hands slightly wrapped around my back for a split second, but then he pushed me down to my bed and left.

I just brushed it off and went downstairs to make breakfast. I saw Alice in the kitchen, "Hey do you have any suitcases?" I asked. "Yeah, but why do you need them?" She asked.

"Leah and I are going on a trip." Alec injected.

"Oh, I hope you two have fun." Alice smiled at me while winking. I started making food when there was a knock on the door and Alice answered it.

"What up my people." He was already blitzed. "Leah and I are leaving. Rem you will be in charge of the pack. And make sure the new pack doesn't get out of line when they transition." Alec told Rem.

"Gotcha. Where are you going?" He asked. "On a trip." He blankly stated.

"Oh." Rem looked at me puzzled.

Alice brought over the suitcases, and I began to pack my stuff. Alec was handling some pack stuff, he mentioned about someone fighting in the library. Alice and Rem came to my room and shut the door.

"All done!" I exclaimed and zipped up the suitcase. I packed clothes for a colder climate. Since I am a shifter I keep in a lot of my body heat, so there was no need to bring heavy coats.

"Okay, where are you going?" Rem crosses his arms over his chest. He looked upset or mad, I couldn't really tell. "On a trip?" I said confused. They were giving me parent looks, well at least Alice was.

"Bullshit. Bull-fucking-shit." Rem said. "Don't lie to me. What is are you two planning to do, alone." He continued.

"I mean Alec ordered the plane tickets, and that's what he said." I could be a very good liar at times. Rem groaned, "Fine. I'm just worried he'll hurt." Rem explained. "He wouldn't hurt me," I said. They stared at me and Rem raised his eyebrows. "Okay, maybe he would hurt me. But! That's not going to happen." I had confidence in that. If he did try to killed me this time, then he wouldn't get his eyesight back.

Rem looked to be having an internal battle. Then he finally sighed. "Okay well just keep contact with us. Keep the volume and vibration off. And don't let Alec find out." She said and handed me my phone.

"I already programmed our numbers in there," Alice said and gave me a hug. "I haven't known you that long, but you're like a sister to me," Alice said when she let go.

"Thank you, I really appreciate it." I sincerely said.

Rem then hugged me, "I'll miss you. Just be safe okay." He seemed more concerned than Alice. I noticed the way that Alice weirdly stared at Rem

"I promise I will." I said and we continued to talk to each other.


The doorbell was heard. I went downstairs to see who it was. I opened the door and quickly slammed it shut. A huge six-foot guy with bulging muscles, that I've never seen before, was on the porch. I heard a light chuckle. "Leah, I'm here under Alpha Knine's orders." The one guy said.

"Leah, that's Axe he is apart if the pack." Rem confirmed.

I opened the door, "Alpha sent me to drive you to the airport. You two were moved to an earlier flight." He said. I went to get my luggage, I also made sure I had my phone. I hugged Alice and Rem one last time, then I left.

"Hey." I greeted Alec who was accompanied by another athletic guy. He acknowledged me by lifting his chin up.

"You guys can leave now," Alec ordered, and soon it was me and him in a small airport with people that spoke a different language. There was a woman who took our luggage before we got on the plane. We handed our tickets to the lady at the desk, then Alec grabbed my hand and for the first time, our hands were interlocked. My breathing hitched, "It's only because I can't see. Don't get your hopes." He whispered so only I could hear. Sparks, that felt amazing, were flying up my arm, and I knew it was happening to him.

"Still, this isn't that bad, is it?" I whispered back. I guided him up the stairs to our seats, which were very comfortable. I was fully prepared for him to let go of my hand once we sat down, but he didn't. Honestly, I didn't want him too.

A flight attendant came around and asked if anyone wanted beverages and snacks. Once she found out we spoke English, she had to get a different person to attend us. I had been on many planes, but never in first class. It was more comfortable, more relaxing, and the food was better. I was absorbing everything in when I noticed two blondes were whispering to each other. The one next to the blonde, on the other side. They were all the way on the other side. Wow, he is hot. And look at those arms. It didn't bother me by what they said because Alec wasn't going to take interest in them. He didn't even take interest in me.

Just imagine all the things he does to her with those arm- She was interrupted by her friend who nudged her to be quiet. Alec smirked, "Pathetic." He said talking about the blondes, and he actually lightly squeezed my hand. "Agreed." For the first time, we laughed together.

"No, I mean. They actually think I would do stuff with you." He ruined the moment that I thought we had.

"You ruin everything," I said and got up to find the bathroom. I didn't even walk that far away from him when a random guy slapped my ass. I gasped in shock. I've never seen Alec move that fast, but he grabbed the man's hand and started growling. I could tell his wolf's eyes were out, and it was a good thing Alec had sunglass. I grabbed Alec's arm hoping to calm him because everyone was now looking at us.

"Don't ever touch my wife like that again!" He growled out, and the man cried out in pain because Alec gripped him harder. Thankfully a flight attendant came to help the situation.

"Is there a problem- Sir! Please let go of the man's arm." She said sternly. He didn't listen, so I hug him from the back. "Alec let's just go sit down," I begged. He slightly loosened up then completely let go. Alec stalked back to his seat, the two blonde women giggled and pointed at him. After I used the bathroom I went to sit down.

I realized he had called me his wife, and that slightly made me smile. A couple of minutes passed and I slightly opened my mouth in shock. Alec reached out and lightly grabbed my hand. The sparks felt amazing, and I felt peace.

"When we get off the plane we are going to a five-star hotel," Alec said. "That's great," I said making small talk.

"There's a festival in town, would you like to go?" He said. "I would love too. Have you been here before?" I asked. He nodded in response. "So, now that it is actually a possibility. What are you going to do if you get your eyesight back." I asked making sure no one heard.

"I would carry on as normal." He answered.

"Would you give us a chance?" I asked.

"There is no us." He spits the word out in disgust. My heart clenched but I tried not to let his words affect me too much. After hours of being on the plane I eventually fell asleep.


When I woke up it was darker outside. It took a couple more hours for the plane ride to be over, and I was thankful because we had been on the plane for a long time.

Alec checked into the hotel and we carried our bags up. Alec was trailing closely behind me. The hotel room was breathtaking as well as the view, but I noticed how the room only had one bed.

"Looks like we're sharing a bed tonight." Alec's wolf eyes came out and they looked hungrily at me. It made my heart flutter, but I realized only his wolf wanted me. He sat on the bed and I sat beside him. "Are we in another's pack territory?" I asked.

"Yes, but they know me very well. No one would dare question me." He did have that reputation so I wasn't surprised.

"I'm ordering takeout from a restaurant. I just need you to go and get it." He said. "Leah, please be careful. If any wolf stops you just say, you are Alec Knine's mate. Every wolf knows and fears that name."

I nodded my head, and Alec gave me the address. I walked out the hotel and on to the streets. I watched the foreign people dance all around. Since it was the festival, everyone was in red and I felt out of place. However, no one seemed to care because everyone was too busy having fun. The more I continued down the road the less light I got. Lamps were starting to flicker, and I wondered if I took a wrong turn. I had an uneasy feeling about this place. No one was around, and this side of town seemed to be abandoned.

Suddenly, I was pulled into an alley, and held by a muscular frame. One hand grabbed my arms and one hand was covered my mouth so I couldn't scream. Unexpectedly, sharp teeth sank quickly into my neck, then he pulled out and bite my shoulder. I let out a painful cry but it was muffled. It happened so fast that I couldn't stop it. "Well, what do we have here." I heard him say as he pulled me back into the alley. I was starting to become weak and semi-paralyzed because vampire venom was now in my body.

"Did you bring home a mutt?" I heard more vampires come out the alley. They lowly chuckled. The one uncovered my mouth, knowing that I couldn't put up a fight no longer. "My mate- my mate is-" My weak voice was cut off by a slap to the check. I was always told vampires were very dangerous creatures.

"Watch and learn boys. This is how you break a bitch." I another vampire say. I heard an unbuckling noise followed by a zipper. The vampire that pulled me into the alley threw me to the ground. "Maybe this isn't a good idea any normal wolf would have been completely knocked out by the first bite." One said. The one chuckled and it made my gut wrench. "Alec." I faintly called out. I forced myself to be awake, but my eyes were starting to close. I stared at my hands, hoping that my special abilities would kick in, but nothing happened.

Another vampire bites my neck again, releasing more venom in my veins. I forced my claws to extract and I swiped at his face. He hissed in pain, "Your going to pay for that bitch!" I was bitten again by a different vampire, then I saw a shiny piece in the air. A pure silver knife was driven into my thigh. I would have screamed, but since there was more venom in my blood- I couldn't. I laid there motionless. You could tell they've done this before, not everyone knew that a werewolves weakness was pure silver. There was a burning painful sensation in my leg due to the silver knife.

One guy crashed his lips to me and squeezed my breast. "Well, then it looks like she would just be awake for this." He laughed and looked into my eyes. He seemed surprised that I was still awake. I was disgusted by them, but I got a good look at their face. There was seven of them, but one stood in the corner. He seemed to not want to take part. One vampire unbuckled my jeans and I gulped hard. A single tear flew down my face and suddenly I wanted Alec's presence more than anything. The vampire pulled the knife out of my leg, and now my pants were completely off. When they were off, he thrusted the knife into my other leg.


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